A generator, which generates an Elm functions from json language files
Elm i18n Gen (JSON language file to Elm Functions Generator)
This tool lets you generate elm functions from JSON translation files.
This tool is for you if ...
- you store your translations in the JSON format
- you want to be able to switch languages during runtime
- you want to use your translations in your Elm app
(if you need other formats than JSON go to the end of this README to find a link to a different tool)
Why was this tool created?
The company I work for stores all their translation files in JSON and also depends on this format, for collaboration with a third party translation service. So storing the translations in Elm directly was not an option for us. We still didn't want to miss out on the Elm goodness. Thus, this i18n module generator was born.
How to use?
Warning: This module currently only supports placeholders in
translations that are surrounded by {{ ... }}
For every translation string one elm function will be generated. Translations without placeholders will be transformed to a function with this signature.
Lang -> String
With Placeholders the signature will look more like this: (for one placeholder):
Lang -> String -> String
Generating the Translation elm module
Install via npm.
npm install -g elm-i18n-gen
Then run it from the command line.
elm-i18n-gen path/to/localeFolder path/to/output/Translations.elm
This currently assumes that you have a single folder that contains all your
JSON translation files that are name *.<lang>.json
one the same level like
|- mytranslation.en.json
|- mytranslation.de.json
Imagine the translation files look like this:
"hello": "Hello",
"gooddaySalute": "Good Day {{name}} {{assi}}",
"tigers": {
"roar": "Roar!"
in english and in german
"hello": "Hallo",
"gooddaySalute": "Guten Tag {{name}} {{assi}}",
"tigers": {
"roar": "Brüll!"
This will generate a Translations.elm
file with the follwing content.
module Translations exposing (..)
type Lang
= De
| En
getLnFromCode: String -> Lang
getLnFromCode code =
case code of
"de" -> De
"en" -> En
_ -> En
hello: Lang -> String
hello lang =
case lang of
De -> "Hallo"
En -> "Hello"
gooddaySalute: Lang -> String -> String -> String
gooddaySalute lang str0 str1 =
case lang of
De -> "Guten Tag " ++ str0 ++ " " ++ str1 ++ ""
En -> "Good Day " ++ str0 ++ " " ++ str1 ++ ""
tigersRoar: Lang -> String
tigersRoar lang =
case lang of
De -> "Brüll!"
En -> "Roar!"
Using the Translations module
Import the generated module in your elm code like this.
import Translations
Initialize your Model with a language, it is a union type generated from your language files:
initialModel: Model
initialModel =
{ tigers: List Tiger
, lang: Translations.En -- <---- add language type
Then in your view function do this:
view: Model -> Html Msg
view model = div [] [text (Translations.hello model.lang)]
Future Features
This is a list of TODOs that I plan to implement. Pull Requests are also welcome. Just contact me if you want to contribute.
- Clean up
- Use command line arguments to configure different placeholder separator (__xxx__, {{{xxx}}}, etc)
- Port the generating logic to elm in an elm worker and only use node for file IO.
If you find bugs are need additional features please open an issue or contact
me to discuss ideas. If you want to write code check out the repo
and add your code. Make sure to run the test with npm test
before and
add tests wherever it makes sense. Submit a PR against the master branch.
This project was inspired by
IOSphere/elm-i18n, namely the idea of
representing translation strings as constants or functions. But it is adapted to
fit other needs. It differs in the fact that elm-i18n-gen
generates a single
elm module from multiple JSON files vs iosphere/elm-i18n
, which stores its
translations in elm directly and generates other formats from it.