Basic geometry and linear algebra library
A dependency-free Geometry and linear algebra library that provides basic vector and matrix calculus operations, written in TypeScript.
- vector addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, dot product, cross product
- calculate vector length
- normalize vector
- matrix multiplication, determinant, inverse implementations for mat2, mat3, mat4
- translation and projection matrices (perspective and orthogonal projection)
- matrix vector multiplication
- basic geometry shapes
Install and usage
You can either import ella via NPM or directly use it via script tag.
First, run: npm i ella-math
import { Vec, Mat, Mat4 } from 'ella-math';
const a = new Vec(1, 2, 3);
const b = new Vec(2, 3, 4);
console.log('a + b = ', a.add(b));
console.log('a dot b = ', a.dot(b));
console.log('a cross b = ', a.cross(b));
// Define a matrix
// heads up: it's the other way round as you would write it down on paper
// prettier-ignore
const m = new Mat([
1, 2, 3, // column 1
4, 5, 6, // column 2
7, 8, 9, // column 3
const mDet = m.determinant(); // 0
const mInv = m.inverse();
mInv.isFinite() === false,
'As the determinant of m is 0, there is no inverse of m.'
const mA = Mat4.identity();
// create a 4x4 translation matrix
const mB = Mat4.translation(-1, -2, -3);
// create a 4x4 scaling matrix
const mC = Mat4.scaling(2, 4, 6);
// matrix multiplication
const mD = mA.mul(mB);
console.assert(mD.equals(mB), 'mA * mB should equal mB');
const mE = mD.mul(mC);
// matrix division is like multiplication with its inverse
const mF = mE.div(mC);
console.assert(mF.isFinite(), 'mF should be finite.');
console.assert(mF.equals(mD), 'mF should be equal to mD');
// the equality check may sometimes fail in JS due
// to floating point arithmetics (.1+.2 !== .3 issue)
// roughlyEquals checks with a tolerance of 1e-14
console.assert(mF.roughlyEquals(mD), 'mF should be roughly equal to mD');
Directly in the browser
Add this script tag: <script src="https://unpkg.com/ella-math@latest/dist/ella.umd.js"></script>
const { Vec, Mat } = Ella;