Pluginto write your Eleventy content using JSX as a template language
This plugin allows you to write your Eleventy content using JSX as a template language, and render it using React server-side render.
yarn add --dev eleventy-plugin-jsx
Enabling the plugin
The first step is to enable the plugin in your Eleventy config
// .eleventy.js
const eleventyReactSSRPlugin = require('eleventy-plugin-react-ssr');
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
Plugin configuration
This plugin uses Babel to transpile JSX files. It is possible to pass any Bable config as plugin configuration using the
property babelConfig
. For example, you can provide your own Babel plugins:
const eleventyReactSSRPlugin = require('eleventy-plugin-react-ssr');
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(eleventyReactSSRPlugin, {
babelConfig: {
plugins: [['inline-react-svg', { svgo: false }]],
Writing pages
Just use the extension .jsx
for your page, and write it using JSX.
Pages are expected to have a default export with the main component (either Function Component or Class Component, both will work):
function MyPage() {
return <h1>Hello world</h1>;
export default MyPage;
Defining page data
If you need to define page data (similar to a front matter in a Markdown page), use the static property data
function MyPage() {
return <h1>Hello world</h1>;
MyPage.data = {
title: 'Hello world',
layout: 'main',
permalink: 'hello.html',
customData: {
foo: 'bar',
export default MyPage;
Using page data
You may want to use the data provided by Eleventy in your page. This can be done using React Context and a hook:
import EleventyContext from 'eleventy-plugin-react-ssr/context';
import { useContext } from 'react';
function MyPage() {
// Access to anything from the data cascade, including page data
// and Eleventy supplied data from https://www.11ty.dev/docs/data-eleventy-supplied/
const { title, customData, page } = useContext(EleventyContext);
return (
<h1 className={customData.foo}>{title}</h1>
<p>URL: {page.ur}</p>
MyPage.data = {
title: 'Hello world',
customData: {
foo: 'bar',
export default MyPage;
Writing layouts
It is possible to write layouts using JSX too. However, I'll recommend to only use layouts if the content comes from a diffrent template language (eg: you have content in Markdown that you'd like to render inside a JSX layout). If you want to do "JSX in JSX" (content in JSX, layout in JSX as well), check the next section.
// page.md
layout: layout/main.jsx
title: My page
My page is aweseome
// _includes/layout/main.jsx
import EleventyContext from 'eleventy-plugin-react-ssr/context';
import { useContext } from 'react';
function MainLayout() {
const { content, title } = useContext(EleventyContext);
return (
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: content }} />
export default MainLayout;
Page components
If you don't have content in other template languages (ie: all your pages are JSX), then I'd recommend to not use layouts, and use components instead.
// ./_includes/components/html-page.jsx
export function HTMLPage({ lang, children }) {
return (
<html lang={lang}>
<head>{/* Link to styles, scripts, etc. */}</head>
// page.jsx
import { HTMLPage } from './_includes/components/html-page';
function MyPage() {
return (
<HTMLPage lang="en">
<h1>Hello world</h1>
export default MyPage;
This way, the page will be JSX all the way to the end, and you can pass props to the page component.
If you really want to, you can use a JSX layout for a JSX page. It will work, but it will be a bit hacky as you need to
use dangerouslySetInnerHTML
to render it, and use page data to simulate passing props.