Add the analytics script tag with a shortcode and remove some of the worry
Plausible Analytics Snippet
Add the analytics script tag with a shortcode and remove some of the worry :)
Using this plugin
const pluginPlausible = require('eleventy-plugin-plausible');
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginPlausible, {
domain: 'mywebsite.com'
This is a pet project of Ginger (ME) and is in no way related to the team at Plausible Analytics. I am lazy and wanted a shortcode to manage the snippet for my different sites, rather than finding where the head is, copy and pasting. This let me put in the shortcode {% plausible %}
and then add the plugin with my website and be done with it.
There's an issue with...
Since this is not maintained by Plausible Analytics, I cannot help you with anything related to their product.
This plugin does 1 thing and 1 thing only, put HTML onto a page. Give it the right domain, and there shouldn't be a problem.
If the snippet that Plausible Analytics uses to track users changes, I will update the template string here when notified. Other than that, there is nothing I can do.
- Plausible Analytics (seriously check them out)
- 11ty
- Stephanie Eckles a.k.a. 5t3ph for the eleventy-plugin-template that this plugin is built on.