Eleventy plugin for optimizing and making responsive local images
Eleventy Plugin Local Responsive Images
Eleventy plugin for resizing and optimizing local images, and rewriting img
tags to make use of the resized and optimized images (collectively, "responsive images"). Works by finding local images in img
tags that aren't already wrapped in a picture
tag and, where applicable, resizing, optimizing, and converting to webp
. Can take a glob of additional images to watch and optimize as well. Additional images will not be resized or have a WebP version made.
Supported image types:
- png - optimize/resize/webp
- jpg - optimize/resize/webp
- gif - optimize/resize/webp/mp4
- svg - optimize
const pluginLocalRespimg = require('eleventy-plugin-local-respimg');
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginLocalRespimg, {
folders: {
source: 'src', // Folder images are stored in
output: 'public', // Folder images should be output to
images: {
resize: {
min: 250, // Minimum width to resize an image to
max: 1500, // Maximum width to resize an image to
step: 150, // Width difference between each resized image
hoistClasses: false, // Adds the image tag's classes to the output picture tag
gifToVideo: false, // Convert GIFs to MP4 videos
sizes: '100vw', // Default image `sizes` attribute
lazy: true, // Include `loading="lazy"` attribute for images
additional: [
// Globs of additional images to optimize (won't be resized)
watch: {
src: 'images/**/*', // Glob of images that Eleventy should watch for changes to
pngquant: {
/* ... */
}, // imagemin-pngquant options
mozjpeg: {
/* ... */
}, // imagemin-mozjpeg options
svgo: {
/* ... */
}, // imagemin-svgo options
gifresize: {
/* ... */
}, // @gumlet/gif-resize options
webp: {
/* ... */
}, // imagemin-webp options
gifwebp: {
/* ... */
}, // imagemin-gif2webp options
SVGs are required to have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
at the top of the file in order to have their MIME type properly read and for SVGs to work.