This is for processing 'data' prop of Element Tree component
element-tree-js v3.7.11
The element-tree-js library support esm and cjs module
npm install element-tree-js
yarn add element-tree-js
let tree = [
id: 32,
name: 'level-1',
key: '2',
children: [
id: 79,
name: 'level-1-1',
key: '1',
id: 77,
name: 'level-1-2',
key: '2',
children: [
id: 179,
name: 'level-1-2-1',
key: '2',
let tree1 = [
id: 32,
name: 'level-1',
key: '2',
children: [
id: 79,
name: 'level-1-1',
key: '1',
id: 77,
name: 'level-1-2',
key: '2',
children: [
id: 32,
name: 'level-1-2-1',
key: '2',
import treeJs from 'element-tree-js';
//设置默认的 子节点 字段名,因为有的人在element中定义成了chidren,有的人定义成了son
//Set the default child node field name,like 'chidren' or 'son'.
//let tree = [
// {
// id: 32,
// name: "level-1",
// key: "2",
// son: []
// }
//In your function or method
// 获取 树 的 最大深度.
// Gets the maximum depth of the tree,
treeJs.getTreeMaxDeep(tree); // 3
// 获取 树中节点 的 深度.
// Gets the depth of the node in the tree,
treeJs.getNodeLevel(tree, 'id', 3); // 3
// 查找 树 中id等于179的节点。
// Find the node in the tree when id is '179'. return the node.
treejs.getTreeNodeByField(tree, 'id', 179);
//{id: 179, name: "level-1-2-1", key: "2"}
//将树中id为179的节点的 name 修改为 hello world, 返回修改后的整棵 树
//Change the name of the node in the tree when id is '179' to 'hello world', return the new tree.
treejs.modifyTreeNodeByField(tree, 'id', 179, 'name', 'hello world');
//将树中id为["179",'77'] 的节点的 设置为禁用, 返回修改后的整棵 树
//Set the node in the tree when id belong to ["179", "77"] to disabled, return the new tree
treejs.modifyTreeNodeDisabled(tree, 'id', ['179', '77'], true); //最后一位为是否禁用,如果为false,则表示取消禁用
//禁用整颗树, 最后一位如果为false, 则表示启用整颗树. 返回修改后的整颗树。
// Disable the whole tree, enable the whole tree when last param is "false", return the new tree.
treejs.modifyAllTreeDisabled(tree, true);
// 查找 树中id为179所对应的节点的 父节点
// Find the parent node when id is '179' in the tree. return the parent node.
treejs.getTreeParentNode(tree, 'id', 179);
// id: 77,
// name: 'level-1-2,
// key: "2",
// children: [
// {
// id: 179,
// name: "level-1-2-1",
// key: "2"
// }
// ]
// 查找 树中id为[79,32]时,分别对应的 name 的列表. 默认只查叶子节点
// Find the list of names in the tree when the id belong to [79,32]. default the node is leaf.
treejs.getTreeDestList(tree1, 'id', [79, 32], 'name');
//["level-1-1", "level-1-2-1"]
// search all node of the tree.
treejs.getTreeDestList(tree1, 'id', [79, 32], 'name', false);
//["level-1", "level-1-1", "level-1-2-1"]
// 向 树中 id为179的节点,添加一个 子节点(添加的子节点在所有子节点的最后一位) ,返回整颗树
// add a child node when id is '179' in the tree. return the new tree.
treejs.addNodeToTree(tree, 'id', 179, {
id: 120,
name: 'hello world',
key: 'd1',
// 向 树中 id为179的节点,添加一个兄弟节点(添加的节点在目标节点的相邻位置) ,返回整颗树
treejs.addNodeToTargetAfter(tree, 'id', 179, {
id: 120,
name: 'hello world',
key: 'd1',
// 将 树中 id为179的节点,替换为另一个节点 {id: 120,name: "hello world",key: "d1",},并返回整颗树
// replace a child node that id is '179' in the tree. return the new tree.
treejs.replaceNodeFromTree(tree, 'id', 179, {
id: 120,
name: 'hello world',
key: 'd1',
// 获取节点id为179的下一级节点,返回下一级的节点数组。类似于文件夹中的子文件夹或者文件
treejs.getChildLevel(tree, 'id', 179);
// 获取当id为179的上一级节点,返回上一级的节点数组。类似于从子文件夹返回上一层文件夹
treejs.getParentLevel(tree, 'id', 179);
//删除 树 中id为77的 子节点(子节点的后代也会被全部删除), 返回修改后的树
// Delete the child node in the tree when id is '77', the offspring of child node will be deleted. return the new tree.
treejs.removeNodeFromTree(tree, 'id', 77);
//获取 叶子节点的isWho属性值为0的树
treeJs.getFiltersTreeLeaf(tree, 'isWho', 0);