An electron app using johnny-five to read a sensor, plot the results and control an led if a threshold is crossed
#7-sensor-led This app plots the values a potentiometer and turns on an LED if a voltage threshold is crossed
##Setting up the hardware
I used an arduino mega for this example, but any of the boards supported by johnny-five should work.
Connect an LED directly to pin 12 and a potentiometer to A0
##Setting up the code
To run, first clone the repo and npm install the example directory
git clone https://github.com/sofroniewn/electron-johnny-five-examples
cd electron-johnny-five-examples/7-sensor-led
npm install
Unfortunately the serial port may not work right away and might need to be rebuilt
At this point if you try to starting the app with
npm start
You may get an error if the path to serialport.node is wrong
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module '/Users/sofroniewn/github/electron-johnny-five-examples/1-led/node_modules/johnny-five/node_modules/serialport/build/Release/node-v47-darwin-x64/serialport.node'
This can easily be fixed by
mv ./node_modules/johnny-five/node_modules/serialport/build/Release/electron-v0.36-darwin-x64/ ./node_modules/johnny-five/node_modules/serialport/build/Release/node-v47-darwin-x64/
You're now ready to run the app!
For more information about that error and using electron with johnny-five and node-serialport in general, check out this super helpful blog post by @noopkat
##Running the app After setting up the hardware and the code you are now ready to run the app with
npm start
Once the board has been found and the green status light in the top right has turned on, you should be able to click the start button in the top left corner. Sensor values will then start being acquired and plotted to the screen using a lightning vizualization. If these values exceed a threshold the LED will turn on.
Congrats! Check out the next example 8-sensor-strobe