Electron incremental update tools with Vite plugin, support bytecode protection
Electron Incremental Update
This project is built on top of vite-plugin-electron, offers a lightweight update solution for Electron applications without using native executables.
Key Features
The solution includes a Vite plugin, a startup entry function, an Updater
class, and a set of utilities for Electron.
It use 2 asar file structure for updates:
: The application entry, loads the${electron.app.name}.asar
and initializes the updater on startup${electron.app.name}.asar
: The package that contains main / preload / renderer process code
Update Steps
- Check update from remote server
- If update available, download the update asar, verify by presigned RSA + Signature and write to disk
- Quit and restart the app
- Replace the old
on startup and load the new one
Other Features
- Update size reduction: All native modules should be packaged into
to reduce${electron.app.name}.asar
file size, see usage - Bytecode protection: Use V8 cache to protect source code, see details
Getting Started
npm install -D electron-incremental-update
yarn add -D electron-incremental-update
pnpm add -D electron-incremental-update
Project Structure
Base on electron-vite-vue
├── entry.ts // <- entry file
├── main
│ └── index.ts
├── preload
│ └── index.ts
└── native // <- possible native modules
└── index.ts
└── ...
Setup Entry
The entry is used to load the application and initialize the Updater
use the provider
to check and download the update. The built-in GithubProvider
is based on BaseProvider
, which implements the IProvider
interface (see types). And the provider
is optional, you can setup later
in electron/entry.ts
import { createElectronApp } from 'electron-incremental-update'
import { GitHubProvider } from 'electron-incremental-update/provider'
updater: {
// optinal, you can setup later
provider: new GitHubProvider({
username: 'yourname',
repo: 'electron',
beforeStart(mainFilePath, logger) {
Setup vite.config.ts
The plugin config, main
and preload
parts are reference from electron-vite-vue
- certificate will read from
first, if absend, read config - privatekey will read from
first, if absend, read config
See all config in types
in vite.config.mts
import { debugStartup, electronWithUpdater } from 'electron-incremental-update/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
export default defineConfig(async ({ command }) => {
const isBuild = command === 'build'
return {
plugins: [
logParsedOptions: true,
main: {
files: ['./electron/main/index.ts', './electron/main/worker.ts'],
// see https://github.com/electron-vite/electron-vite-vue/blob/85ed267c4851bf59f32888d766c0071661d4b94c/vite.config.ts#L22-L28
onstart: debugStartup,
preload: {
files: './electron/preload/index.ts',
updater: {
// options
server: process.env.VSCODE_DEBUG && (() => {
const url = new URL(pkg.debug.env.VITE_DEV_SERVER_URL)
return {
host: url.hostname,
port: +url.port,
Modify package.json
"main": "dist-entry/entry.js" // <- entry file path
Config electron-builder
const { name } = require('./package.json')
const targetFile = `${name}.asar`
* @type {import('electron-builder').Configuration}
module.exports = {
appId: 'YourAppID',
productName: name,
files: [
// entry files
npmRebuild: false,
asarUnpack: [
directories: {
output: 'release',
extraResources: [
{ from: `release/${targetFile}`, to: targetFile }, // <- asar file
// disable publish
publish: null,
Use In Main Process
In most cases, you should also setup the UpdateProvider
before updating, unless you setup params when calling checkUpdate
or downloadUpdate
The update steps are similar to electron-updater and have same methods and events on Updater
NOTE: There should only one function and should be default export in the main index file
in electron/main/index.ts
import { app } from 'electron'
import { startupWithUpdater, UpdaterError } from 'electron-incremental-update'
import { getPathFromAppNameAsar, getVersions } from 'electron-incremental-update/utils'
export default startupWithUpdater((updater) => {
await app.whenReady()
[`${app.name}.asar path:`]: getPathFromAppNameAsar(),
'app version:': getAppVersion(),
'entry (installer) version:': getEntryVersion(),
'electron version:': process.versions.electron,
updater.onDownloading = ({ percent }) => {
updater.on('update-available', async ({ version }) => {
const { response } = await dialog.showMessageBox({
type: 'info',
buttons: ['Download', 'Later'],
message: `v${version} update available!`,
if (response !== 0) {
await updater.downloadUpdate()
updater.on('update-not-available', (code, reason, info) => console.log(code, reason, info))
updater.on('download-progress', (data) => {
main.send(BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0], 'msg', data)
updater.on('update-downloaded', () => {
Dynamicly setup UpdateProvider
updater.provider = new GitHubProvider({
user: 'yourname',
repo: 'electron',
// setup url handler
urlHandler: (url) => {
url.hostname = 'mirror.ghproxy.com'
url.pathname = `https://github.com${url.pathname}`
return url
Custom logger
updater.logger = console
Setup Beta Channel
updater.receiveBeta = true
Use Native Modules
To reduce production size, it is recommended that all the native modules should be set as dependency
in package.json
and other packages should be set as devDependencies
. Also, electron-rebuild
only check dependencies inside dependency
If you are using electron-builder
to build distributions, all the native modules with its large relavent node_modiles
will be packaged into app.asar
by default.
Luckily, vite
can bundle all the dependencies. Just follow the steps:
- setup
option - Manually copy the native binaries in
callback - Exclude all the dependencies in
's config - call the native functions with
in your code
in vite.config.ts
const plugin = electronWithUpdater({
// options...
updater: {
entry: {
nativeModuleEntryMap: {
db: './electron/native/db.ts',
img: './electron/native/img.ts',
postBuild: async ({ copyToEntryOutputDir, copyModules }) => {
// for better-sqlite3
from: './node_modules/better-sqlite3/build/Release/better_sqlite3.node',
skipIfExist: false,
// for @napi-rs/image
const startStr = '@napi-rs+image-'
const fileName = (await readdir('./node_modules/.pnpm')).filter(p => p.startsWith(startStr))[0]
const archName = fileName.substring(startStr.length).split('@')[0]
from: `./node_modules/.pnpm/${fileName}/node_modules/@napi-rs/image-${archName}/image.${archName}.node`,
// or just copy specific dependency
copyModules({ modules: ['better-sqlite3'] })
in electron/native/db.ts
import Database from 'better-sqlite3'
import { getPathFromEntryAsar } from 'electron-incremental-update/utils'
const db = new Database(':memory:', { nativeBinding: getPathFromEntryAsar('./better_sqlite3.node') })
export function test(): void {
'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employees; '
+ 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees (name TEXT, salary INTEGER)',
db.prepare('INSERT INTO employees VALUES (:n, :s)').run({
n: 'James',
s: 5000,
const r = db.prepare('SELECT * from employees').all()
// [ { name: 'James', salary: 50000 } ]
in electron/main/service.ts
import { importNative, requireNative } from 'electron-incremental-update/utils'
// commonjs
requireNative<typeof import('../native/db')>('db').test()
// esm
importNative<typeof import('../native/db')>('db').test()
in electron-builder.config.js
module.exports = {
files: [
// exclude all dependencies in electron-builder config
Bytecode Protection
Use V8 cache to protect the source code
// ...
bytecode: true, // or options
- Improve the string protection (see original issue)
- Protect all strings by default
- Minification is allowed
- Only support commonjs
- Only for main process by default, if you want to use in preload script, please use
electronWithUpdater({ bytecode: { enablePreload: true } })
and setsandbox: false
when creating window
* Compile time dev check
const isDev: boolean
const isWin: boolean
const isMac: boolean
const isLinux: boolean
* Get joined path of `${electron.app.name}.asar` (not `app.asar`)
* If is in dev, **always** return `'DEV.asar'`
function getPathFromAppNameAsar(...paths: string[]): string
* Get app version, if is in dev, return `getEntryVersion()`
function getAppVersion(): string
* Get entry version
function getEntryVersion(): string
* Use `require` to load native module from entry asar
* @param moduleName file name in entry
* @example
* requireNative<typeof import('../native/db')>('db')
function requireNative<T = any>(moduleName: string): T
* Use `import` to load native module from entry asar
* @param moduleName file name in entry
* @example
* await importNative<typeof import('../native/db')>('db')
function importNative<T = any>(moduleName: string): Promise<T>
* Restarts the Electron app.
function restartApp(): void
* Fix app use model id, only for Windows
* @param id app id, default is `org.${electron.app.name}`
function setAppUserModelId(id?: string): void
* Disable hardware acceleration for Windows 7
* Only support CommonJS
function disableHWAccForWin7(): void
* Keep single electron instance and auto restore window on `second-instance` event
* @param window brwoser window to show
function singleInstance(window?: BrowserWindow): void
* Set `AppData` dir to the dir of .exe file
* Useful for portable Windows app
* @param dirName dir name, default to `data`
function setPortableAppDataPath(dirName?: string): void
* Load `process.env.VITE_DEV_SERVER_URL` when dev, else load html file
* @param win window
* @param htmlFilePath html file path, default is `index.html`
function loadPage(win: BrowserWindow, htmlFilePath?: string): void
interface BeautifyDevToolsOptions {
* Sans-serif font family
sans: string
* Monospace font family
mono: string
* Whether to round scrollbar
scrollbar?: boolean
* Beautify devtools' font and scrollbar
* @param win target window
* @param options sans font family, mono font family and scrollbar
function beautifyDevTools(win: BrowserWindow, options: BeautifyDevToolsOptions): void
* Get joined path from main dir
* @param paths rest paths
function getPathFromMain(...paths: string[]): string
* Get joined path from preload dir
* @param paths rest paths
function getPathFromPreload(...paths: string[]): string
* Get joined path from publich dir
* @param paths rest paths
function getPathFromPublic(...paths: string[]): string
* Get joined path from entry asar
* @param paths rest paths
function getPathFromEntryAsar(...paths: string[]): string
* Handle all unhandled error
* @param callback callback function
function handleUnexpectedErrors(callback: (err: unknown) => void): void
* Safe get value from header
* @param headers response header
* @param key target header key
function getHeader(headers: Record<string, Arrayable<string>>, key: any): any
function downloadUtil<T>(
url: string,
headers: Record<string, any>,
signal: AbortSignal,
onResponse: (
resp: IncomingMessage,
resolve: (data: T) => void,
reject: (e: any) => void
) => void
): Promise<T>
* Default function to download json and parse to UpdateJson
* @param url target url
* @param headers extra headers
* @param signal abort signal
* @param resolveData on resolve
function defaultDownloadJSON<T>(
url: string,
headers: Record<string, any>,
signal: AbortSignal,
resolveData?: ResolveDataFn
): Promise<T>
* Default function to download json and parse to UpdateJson
* @param url target url
* @param headers extra headers
* @param signal abort signal
function defaultDownloadUpdateJSON(
url: string,
headers: Record<string, any>,
signal: AbortSignal
): Promise<UpdateJSON>
* Default function to download asar buffer,
* get total size from `Content-Length` header
* @param url target url
* @param headers extra headers
* @param signal abort signal
* @param onDownloading on downloading callback
function defaultDownloadAsar(
url: string,
headers: Record<string, any>,
signal: AbortSignal,
onDownloading?: (progress: DownloadingInfo) => void
): Promise<Buffer>
export interface AppOption {
* Path to index file that make {@link startupWithUpdater} as default export
* Generate from plugin configuration by default
mainPath?: string
* Updater options
updater?: (() => Promisable<Updater>) | UpdaterOption
* Hooks on rename temp asar path to `${app.name}.asar`
onInstall?: OnInstallFunction
* Hooks before app startup
* @param mainFilePath main file path of `${app.name}.asar`
* @param logger logger
beforeStart?: (mainFilePath: string, logger?: Logger) => Promisable<void>
* Hooks on app startup error
* @param err installing or startup error
* @param logger logger
onStartError?: (err: unknown, logger?: Logger) => void
* Hooks on rename temp asar path to `${app.name}.asar`
* @param install `() => renameSync(tempAsarPath, appNameAsarPath)`
* @param tempAsarPath temp(updated) asar path
* @param appNameAsarPath `${app.name}.asar` path
* @param logger logger
* @default install(); logger.info('update success!')
type OnInstallFunction = (
install: VoidFunction,
tempAsarPath: string,
appNameAsarPath: string,
logger?: Logger
) => Promisable<void>
export interface UpdaterOption {
* Update provider
* If you will not setup `UpdateJSON` or `Buffer` in params when checking update or download, this option is **required**
provider?: IProvider
* Certifaction key of signature, which will be auto generated by plugin,
* generate by `selfsigned` if not set
* Whether to receive beta update
receiveBeta?: boolean
* Updater logger
logger?: Logger
export type Logger = {
info: (msg: string) => void
debug: (msg: string) => void
warn: (msg: string) => void
error: (msg: string, e?: Error) => void
export type OnDownloading = (progress: DownloadingInfo) => void
export interface DownloadingInfo {
* Download buffer delta
delta: number
* Downloaded percent, 0 ~ 100
* If no `Content-Length` header, will be -1
percent: number
* Total size
* If not `Content-Length` header, will be -1
total: number
* Downloaded size
transferred: number
* Download speed, bytes per second
bps: number
export interface IProvider {
* Provider name
name: string
* Download update json
* @param versionPath parsed version path in project
* @param signal abort signal
downloadJSON: (versionPath: string, signal: AbortSignal) => Promise<UpdateJSON>
* Download update asar
* @param name app name
* @param updateInfo existing update info
* @param signal abort signal
* @param onDownloading hook for on downloading
downloadAsar: (
name: string,
updateInfo: UpdateInfo,
signal: AbortSignal,
onDownloading?: (info: DownloadingInfo) => void
) => Promise<Buffer>
* Check the old version is less than new version
* @param oldVer old version string
* @param newVer new version string
isLowerVersion: (oldVer: string, newVer: string) => boolean
* Function to decompress file using brotli
* @param buffer compressed file buffer
unzipFile: (buffer: Buffer) => Promise<Buffer>
* Verify asar signature,
* if signature is valid, returns the version, otherwise returns `undefined`
* @param buffer file buffer
* @param version target version
* @param signature signature
* @param cert certificate
verifySignaure: (buffer: Buffer, version: string, signature: string, cert: string) => Promisable<boolean>
export interface ElectronWithUpdaterOptions {
* Whether is in build mode
* ```ts
* export default defineConfig(({ command }) => {
* const isBuild = command === 'build'
* })
* ```
isBuild: boolean
* Manually setup package.json, read name, version and main,
* use `local-pkg` of `loadPackageJSON()` to load package.json by default
* ```ts
* import pkg from './package.json'
* ```
pkg?: PKG
* Whether to generate sourcemap
* @default !isBuild
sourcemap?: boolean
* Whether to minify the code
* @default isBuild
minify?: boolean
* Whether to generate bytecode
* **Only support CommonJS**
* Only main process by default, if you want to use in preload script, please use `electronWithUpdater({ bytecode: { enablePreload: true } })` and set `sandbox: false` when creating window
bytecode?: boolean | BytecodeOptions
* Use `NotBundle()` plugin in main
* @default true
useNotBundle?: boolean
* Whether to generate version json
* @default isCI
buildVersionJson?: boolean
* Whether to log parsed options
* To show certificate and private keys, set `logParsedOptions: { showKeys: true }`
logParsedOptions?: boolean | { showKeys: boolean }
* Main process options
* To change output directories, use `options.updater.paths.electronDistPath` instead
main: MakeRequiredAndReplaceKey<ElectronSimpleOptions['main'], 'entry', 'files'> & ExcludeOutputDirOptions
* Preload process options
* To change output directories, use `options.updater.paths.electronDistPath` instead
preload: MakeRequiredAndReplaceKey<Exclude<ElectronSimpleOptions['preload'], undefined>, 'input', 'files'> & ExcludeOutputDirOptions
* Updater options
updater?: ElectronUpdaterOptions
export interface ElectronUpdaterOptions {
* Minimum version of entry
* @default '0.0.0'
minimumVersion?: string
* Options for entry (app.asar)
entry?: BuildEntryOption
* Options for paths
paths?: {
* Path to asar file
* @default `release/${app.name}.asar`
asarOutputPath?: string
* Path to version info output, content is {@link UpdateJSON}
* @default `version.json`
versionPath?: string
* Path to gzipped asar file
* @default `release/${app.name}-${version}.asar.gz`
gzipPath?: string
* Path to electron build output
* @default `dist-electron`
electronDistPath?: string
* Path to renderer build output
* @default `dist`
rendererDistPath?: string
* signature config
keys?: {
* Path to the pem file that contains private key
* If not ended with .pem, it will be appended
* **If `UPDATER_PK` is set, will read it instead of read from `privateKeyPath`**
* @default 'keys/private.pem'
privateKeyPath?: string
* Path to the pem file that contains public key
* If not ended with .pem, it will be appended
* **If `UPDATER_CERT` is set, will read it instead of read from `certPath`**
* @default 'keys/cert.pem'
certPath?: string
* Length of the key
* @default 2048
keyLength?: number
* X509 certificate info
* only generate simple **self-signed** certificate **without extensions**
certInfo?: {
* The subject of the certificate
* @default { commonName: `${app.name}`, organizationName: `org.${app.name}` }
subject?: DistinguishedName
* Expire days of the certificate
* @default 3650
days?: number
overrideGenerator?: GeneratorOverrideFunctions
export interface BytecodeOptions {
enable: boolean
* Enable in preload script. Remember to set `sandbox: false` when creating window
preload?: boolean
* Custom electron binary path
electronPath?: string
* Before transformed code compile function. If return `Falsy` value, it will be ignored
* @param code transformed code
* @param id file path
beforeCompile?: (code: string, id: string) => Promisable<string | null | undefined | void>
export interface BuildEntryOption {
* Override to minify on entry
* @default isBuild
minify?: boolean
* Override to generate sourcemap on entry
sourcemap?: boolean
* Path to app entry output file
* @default 'dist-entry'
entryOutputDirPath?: string
* Path to app entry file
* @default 'electron/entry.ts'
appEntryPath?: string
* Esbuild path map of native modules in entry directory
* @default {}
* @example
* { db: './electron/native/db.ts' }
nativeModuleEntryMap?: Record<string, string>
* Skip process dynamic require
* Useful for `better-sqlite3` and other old packages
ignoreDynamicRequires?: boolean
* `external` option in `build.rollupOptions`, external `.node` by default
external?: string | string[] | ((source: string, importer: string | undefined, isResolved: boolean) => boolean | null | undefined | void)
* Custom options for `vite` build
* ```ts
* const options = {
* plugins: [esm(), bytecodePlugin()], // load on needed
* build: {
* sourcemap,
* minify,
* outDir: entryOutputDirPath,
* commonjsOptions: { ignoreDynamicRequires },
* rollupOptions: { external },
* },
* define,
* }
* ```
overrideViteOptions?: InlineConfig
* Resolve extra files on startup, such as `.node`
* @remark won't trigger will reload
postBuild?: (args: {
* Get path from `entryOutputDirPath`
getPathFromEntryOutputDir: (...paths: string[]) => string
* Check exist and copy file to `entryOutputDirPath`
* If `to` absent, set to `basename(from)`
* If `skipIfExist` absent, skip copy if `to` exist
copyToEntryOutputDir: (options: {
from: string
to?: string
* Skip copy if `to` exist
* @default true
skipIfExist?: boolean
}) => void
* Copy specified modules to entry output dir, just like `external` option in rollup
copyModules: (options: {
* External Modules
modules: string[]
* Skip copy if `to` exist
* @default true
skipIfExist?: boolean
}) => void
}) => Promisable<void>
export interface GeneratorOverrideFunctions {
* Custom signature generate function
* @param buffer file buffer
* @param privateKey private key
* @param cert certificate string, **EOL must be '\n'**
* @param version current version
generateSignature?: (
buffer: Buffer,
privateKey: string,
cert: string,
version: string
) => Promisable<string>
* Custom generate update json function
* @param existingJson The existing JSON object.
* @param buffer file buffer
* @param signature generated signature
* @param version current version
* @param minVersion The minimum version
generateUpdateJson?: (
existingJson: UpdateJSON,
signature: string,
version: string,
minVersion: string
) => Promisable<UpdateJSON>
* Custom generate zip file buffer
* @param buffer source buffer
generateGzipFile?: (buffer: Buffer) => Promisable<Buffer>
- Obsidian for upgrade strategy
- vite-plugin-electron for vite plugin
- electron-builder for update api
- electron-vite for bytecode plugin inspiration