Tool for fusing data between the main and renderer processes
Electron Fusion
A laconic solution for synchronizing data between the main and renderer processes of Electron
Powered by JS Proxy. Designed for TypeScript developers
This package was inspired by the reactivity of vue. Objects stored in memory are not proxies, but become proxies only when they are accessed
The package sends to the ipcRenderer
only those data that have been changed, trying to minimize the information
Also, all sync commands are not sent immediately to ipcMain
, but are collected in batching and sent to nextTick
yarn add electron-fusion
Code splited on 3 parts: Main, Renderer and Preload. Let's see how to use them
containts methods for main process. Here you can declare the sync data that will be synchronized with the renderer
How to use
import { syncMain } from "electron-fusion/main"
class CounterData {
value = 1
const counterData = syncMain(new CounterData(), [ "counter" ])
export { counterData, CounterData }
Also in main you should declare objects whose methods can be used from renderer
How to use
import { proxyMethods } from 'electron-fusion/main'
import { counterData } from '../data/counter'
class CounterService {
constructor() {
proxyMethods(this, "counter")
increment() {
export const counterService = new CounterService()
For synchronization to be available, you must define the necessary fields in the preloader
Note: If you are not using a package builder like vite or webpack, you will not be able to import into preload. In this case, instead of importing, just copy the code from dist/preload.js
into your preload.js
How to use
import { bridge, proxy } from 'electron-fusion/preload'
const electronBridge = {
counter: counter: proxy("counter", {} as typeof counterService, [ "increment" ], [], []))
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electron', electronBridge)
P.S. Sorry about the dummy second argument hack. It is necessary because typescript does not allow to make partial generic types
The beauty is that you can also use the electronBridge
type from here, and drop the necessary types into renderer
export type electronAPI = typeof electronBridge
import type { electronAPI } from '../../../main/preload'
declare global {
interface Window { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
electron: electronAPI
export {}
As you noticed in the previous step, you now have a window.electron
object with defined methods. You can use them as normal methods and not worry.
Now let's deal with the data. You need to get the synchronized data from the main. It doesn't matter how many windows are open - the data is synchronized in each window.
How to use
import { syncRenderer } from 'electron-fusion/renderer'
import { reactive } from 'vue'
const counterData = syncRenderer('counter', (obj: CounterData) => reactive(obj))
Now you have a reactive counterData object, which immediately changes following the changes in main
React + Mobx
If you use React and Mobx, you know that all observable mutations must take place in action. Here this is provided: to do this you need to call setActionWrapper
import { syncRenderer, setActionWrapper } from 'electron-fusion/renderer'
import { observable, action } from 'mobx'
const counterData = syncRenderer('counter', (obj: CounterData) => observable(obj))
This package has only one goal - to get rid of a lot of unnecessary routine that developers have to write. Using this package, you will most likely forget the lines of code with ipcMain
and ipcRenderer
like a bad dream