A tool based on D3.js for analyzing/visualizing webpack bundle/stats or electrode.io project
What is Electrify?
Electrify is an webpack visualizer tool for visualizing and analyzing Webpack bundles, it is a UI tool based on D3.js for visualizing the module tree of electrode + webpack project bundles. It's especially handy for catching large and/or duplicate modules which might be either bloating up your bundle or slowing down the build process.
Checkout a live working DEMO.
Electrify lives on npm, so if you haven't installed npm already make sure you have node installed on your machine first.
Installing should then be as easy as:
sudo npm install -g electrode-electrify
Command-Line Interface
electrify [stats-bundle(s)...] {options}
-h, --help Displays these instructions.
-O, --open Opens viewer in a new browser window automatically
-m, --mode the default file scale mode to display: should be
either "count" or "size". Default: size
When you install electrify globally, electrify
command-line tool is made
available as the quickest means of checking out your bundle. As of [email protected]
the tool takes any webpack-stats object example as input and spits out a
standalone HTML page as output.
You can easily chain the stats file into another command, or use the --open
flag to open electrify in your browser automatically:
For example:
electrify build/stats.json --open
You can switch between multiple color palettes, most of which serve to highlight specific features of your bundle:
Structure Highlights
Highlights node_modules
directories as green and lib
directories as orange.
This makes it easier to scan for "kitchen sink" modules or modules with lots of
File Types
Highlights each file type (e.g. .js
, .css
, etc.) a different color. Helpful
for tracking down code generated from a transform that's bloating up your bundle
more than expected.
Nothing particularly special about these palettes – colored for legibility and aesthetics respectively.
Search By Filename
Search by filename to get to the exact location of the file along with size that file is contributing to the Javascript bundle. Props to @jherr for implementing the Search functionality.
Apache-2.0 © WalmartLabs Built with :heart: by Team Electrode @WalmartLabs.
Other useful bundle/stats viewers
- disc-browserify (Helpful for analyzing browserify projects and a huge inspiration for electrify, used disc extensively in my past browserify based projects)
- webpack-bundle-size-analyzer
- webpack-visualizer
- webpack-chart
- stats-webpack-plugin