Logger class for logging to elastic search without any driver dependencies
Dependency-less http methods for pure nodejs. The motive for this project was for have a simple logger with elastic search without depending on any driver o special software.
How to install
npm install --save elastic-search-rest-log
Logger class
- host: Url where the elastic search server is hosted. Default: localhost.
- port: port throught which the elastic search server is exposed. Default: 9200.
- logType: Used to create the index name. It's objective is to identify the project using the logger.
- logIndexTemplate: The template object used to create the Elastic Search template.
- logIndexTemplateName: Name for the template to be created on Elastic Search.
- consoleLogger: Enables a console logger that prints on the console in parallel to the Elastic Search logging. Default: True.
init(): Verifies that the index and the template for the logs exist
getIndexName(): Obtains the log index name. By default, it follows the following format
, if it does not satisfy your requirements, this method should be overriden.verifyTemplateExists(): Verifies if the template exists. If not, it calls the createTemplate() method.
createTemplate(): Creates the elastic Search template.
verifyIndexExists(): Verifies if the index exists. If not, it calls the createIndex() method.
createIndex(): Creates the elastic Search index.
log(level, data): Makes a post call to create the log in elastic search. If data is a simple string, it will be included in the message property of the log. If not, it will merge data with the default logger object.
info(data): Alias for the log method with info as the log level.
warn(data): Alias for the log method with warn as the log level.
error(data): Alias for the log method with error as the log level.
const ElasticSearchRestLogger = require('elastic-search-rest-log');
const logger = new ElasticSearchRestLogger(loggerOptions);
logger.init().then(() => {
server.on('error', onError);
server.on('listening', () => {
var addr = server.address();
var bind = typeof addr === 'string' ?
'pipe ' + addr :
'port ' + addr.port;
logger.info(`Listening on ${bind}`);
If the passed to the log method was a string:
"message": "Listening on port 3000",
"level": "info",
"timestamp": "2018-10-11T07:54:50.906Z"
If the passed to the log method was { "foo": "fighter", "bohemian": "rhapsody" } :
"foo": "fighter",
"bohemian": "rhapsody",
"level": "info",
"timestamp": "2018-10-11T07:54:50.906Z"