Easy elasicsearch index migrations
Easy elasticsearch index migrations.
npm install elastic-migrate
Most commands rely on ELASTICSEARCH_HOST being set as an environment variable. You can do this in many ways, but typically locally it'll be similar to one of the following:
ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=localhost:9200 elastic-migrate list
export ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=localhost:9200
elastic-migrate list
One-time setup
elastic-migrate setup
List migrations locally and on elasticsearch cluster
elastic-migrate list
[ ] 20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[ ] 20181013140201 create_baz
[ ] 20181013140207 remove_bar
[ ] 20181013140224 remove_foo
Migrate up
Migrate up can take an option in VERSION to migrate up to a specific version.
$ VERSION=20181013140148 elastic-migrate up
Migrating version=20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[ElasticMigration] creating index=bar
[ElasticMigration] adding alias index=bar alias=foo
elastic-migrate list
[*] 20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[ ] 20181013140201 create_baz
[ ] 20181013140207 remove_bar
[ ] 20181013140224 remove_foo
Migrate up will by default run all the migrations to the latest version.
elastic-migrate up
Migrating version=20181013140201 create_baz
[ElasticMigration] creating index=baz
[ElasticMigration] adding alias index=baz alias=foo
Migrating version=20181013140207 remove_bar
[ElasticMigration] removing index=bar
Migrating version=20181013140224 remove_foo
[ElasticMigration] removing alias index=baz alias=foo
elastic-migrate list
[*] 20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[*] 20181013140201 create_baz
[*] 20181013140207 remove_bar
[*] 20181013140224 remove_foo
Migrate down
Migrate down will by default migrate down one version.
elastic-migrate list
[*] 20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[*] 20181013140201 create_baz
[*] 20181013140207 remove_bar
[*] 20181013140224 remove_foo
elastic-migrate down
Migrating version=20181013140224 remove_foo
[ElasticMigration] adding alias index=baz alias=foo
elastic-migrate list
[*] 20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[*] 20181013140201 create_baz
[*] 20181013140207 remove_bar
[ ] 20181013140224 remove_foo
Migrate can also take a version to migrate down to a specifc version.
$ VERSION=20181013140148 elastic-migrate list
[*] 20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[*] 20181013140201 create_baz
[*] 20181013140207 remove_bar
[ ] 20181013140224 remove_foo
$ VERSION=20181013140148 elastic-migrate down
Migrating version=20181013140207 remove_bar
[ElasticMigration] creating index=bar
[ElasticMigration] adding alias index=bar alias=foo
Migrating version=20181013140201 create_baz
[ElasticMigration] removing alias index=baz alias=foo
[ElasticMigration] removing index=baz
Migrating version=20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[ElasticMigration] removing alias index=bar alias=foo
[ElasticMigration] removing index=bar
elastic-migrate list
[ ] 20181013140148 create_foo_bar
[ ] 20181013140201 create_baz
[ ] 20181013140207 remove_bar
[ ] 20181013140224 remove_foo
Generate a migration
$ elastic-migrate generate <DESCRIPTION_OF_MIGRATION>
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.