SOLIDserver API lib based on the OpenAPI 3.0.2 definition from EfficientIP.
SoliDserverApi - JavaScript client for eip-solidserver-apiv2 OpenAPI 3.0.2 API definition for SOLIDserver service from EfficientIP.All product specifications and information provided in this document are subject to change or update without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by EfficientIP. EfficientIP assumes no responsibility or liability for any mistakes, inaccuracies or omissions that may appear in this document. All statements and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate at the time they are drafted but are presented without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, regarding their accuracy, completeness, performance, up-to-dateness or suitability for any particular use or purpose, or with respect to the infringement of any right. In particular, EfficientIP makes no representation or warranty that the results that may be obtained from your use of our products will be effective, accurate or reliable or that the quality of the products will meet your expectations. Users must take full responsibility for their application of any product. This document aims at detailing EfficientIP proprietary solutions. As our solutions rely on several third-party products, created by other companies or organizations, it may redirect readers to third-party websites and documentation for further information. EfficientIP cannot be liable for or expected to provide said information regarding products maintained or created by third parties.In no event shall EfficientIP be liable for any special, punitive, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind including, but not limited to, loss of present or prospective profits or business, loss of data, business interruption, damages to reputation or image, whether in an action of contract, negligence, or other action, arising out of or in connection with the use, reliance upon or performance of the products provided by EfficientIP or any information contained herein.All EfficientIP products and documentation are subject to separate licensing terms which users must agree to and comply with in order to use such products and documentation. This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 2.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://www.efficientip.com/services/support/
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install eip-solidserver-apiv2 --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your eip-solidserver-apiv2 from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g.https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var SoliDserverApi = require('eip-solidserver-apiv2');
// no TLS verification of certificate -- only if needed
let defaultClient = new SoliDserverApi.ApiClient(basePath = 'https://{you-sds}/api/v2.0');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
let BasicAuth = defaultClient.authentications['BasicAuth'];
BasicAuth.username = 'apiuser';
BasicAuth.password = 'apipasswd';
let apiInstance = new SoliDserverApi.IpamApi(defaultClient);
let opts = {
// 'where': "where_example",
// 'tags': "tags_example"
_r = apiInstance.ipamSpaceCount(opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://sds-ip-or-name:443/api/v2.0
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appApplicationAdd | POST /app/application/add | Add an application SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appApplicationCount | GET /app/application/count | Count the number of applications SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appApplicationDelete | DELETE /app/application/delete | Delete an application SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appApplicationEdit | PUT /app/application/edit | Edit an application SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appApplicationInfo | GET /app/application/info | Display the properties of an application SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appApplicationList | GET /app/application/list | List the applications SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appNodeAdd | POST /app/node/add | Add a node SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appNodeCount | GET /app/node/count | Count the number of nodes SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appNodeDelete | DELETE /app/node/delete | Delete a node SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appNodeEdit | PUT /app/node/edit | Edit a node SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appNodeInfo | GET /app/node/info | Display the properties of a node SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appNodeList | GET /app/node/list | List the nodes SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appPoolAdd | POST /app/pool/add | Add a pool SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appPoolCount | GET /app/pool/count | Count the number of pools SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appPoolDelete | DELETE /app/pool/delete | Delete a pool SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appPoolEdit | PUT /app/pool/edit | Edit a pool SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appPoolInfo | GET /app/pool/info | Display the properties of a pool SoliDserverApi.AppApi | appPoolList | GET /app/pool/list | List the pools SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceDeviceAdd | POST /device/device/add | Add a Device Manager device SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceDeviceCount | GET /device/device/count | Count the number of Device Manager devices SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceDeviceDelete | DELETE /device/device/delete | Delete a Device Manager device SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceDeviceEdit | PUT /device/device/edit | Add a Device Manager device SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceDeviceInfo | GET /device/device/info | Display the properties of a Device Manager device SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceDeviceList | GET /device/device/list | List the Device Manager devices SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceInterfaceAdd | POST /device/interface/add | Add a Device Manager port or interface SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceInterfaceCount | GET /device/interface/count | Count the number Device Manager ports & interfaces SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceInterfaceDelete | DELETE /device/interface/delete | Delete a Device Manager port or interface SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceInterfaceEdit | PUT /device/interface/edit | Add a Device Manager port or interface SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceInterfaceInfo | GET /device/interface/info | Display the properties of a Device Manager port or interface SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceInterfaceList | GET /device/interface/list | List the Device Manager ports & interfaces SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceLinkAdd | POST /device/link/add | Link two Device Manager devices using their ports and/or interfaces SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceLinkCount | GET /device/link/count | Count the number of links between Device Manager devices SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceLinkDelete | DELETE /device/link/delete | Delete a link between two Device Manager devices SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceLinkEdit | PUT /device/link/edit | Link two Device Manager devices using their ports and/or interfaces SoliDserverApi.DeviceApi | deviceLinkList | GET /device/link/list | List Device Manager ports & interfaces SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAcl6Count | GET /dhcp/acl6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 ACLs SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAcl6Info | GET /dhcp/acl6/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv6 ACL SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAcl6List | GET /dhcp/acl6/list | List the DHCPv6 ACLs SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclCount | GET /dhcp/acl/count | Count the number of DHCP ACLs SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclInfo | GET /dhcp/acl/info | Display the properties of a DHCP ACL SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclList | GET /dhcp/acl/list | List the DHCP ACLs SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclentry6Count | GET /dhcp/aclentry6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 ACL entries SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclentry6Info | GET /dhcp/aclentry6/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv6 ACL entry SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclentry6List | GET /dhcp/aclentry6/list | List the DHCPv6 ACL entries SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclentryCount | GET /dhcp/aclentry/count | Count the number of DHCP ACL entries SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclentryInfo | GET /dhcp/aclentry/info | Display the properties of a DHCP ACL entry SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpAclentryList | GET /dhcp/aclentry/list | List the DHCP ACL entries SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpFailoverCount | GET /dhcp/failover/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 failover channels SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpFailoverInfo | GET /dhcp/failover/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 failover channel SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpFailoverList | GET /dhcp/failover/list | List the DHCPv4 failover channels SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpGroup6List | GET /dhcp/group6/list | List the DHCPv6 groups SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpGroupAdd | POST /dhcp/group/add | Add a DHCPv4 group SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpGroupCount | GET /dhcp/group/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 groups SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpGroupDelete | DELETE /dhcp/group/delete | Delete a DHCPv4 group SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpGroupEdit | PUT /dhcp/group/edit | Add a DHCPv4 group SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpGroupInfo | GET /dhcp/group/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 group SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpGroupList | GET /dhcp/group/list | List the DHCPv4 groups SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpLease6Count | GET /dhcp/lease6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 leases SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpLease6List | GET /dhcp/lease6/list | List the DHCPv6 leases SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpLeaseCount | GET /dhcp/lease/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 leases SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpLeaseInfo | GET /dhcp/lease/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 lease SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpLeaseList | GET /dhcp/lease/list | List the DHCPv4 leases SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRange6Add | POST /dhcp/range6/add | Add a DHCPv6 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRange6Count | GET /dhcp/range6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 ranges SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRange6Delete | DELETE /dhcp/range6/delete | Delete a DHCPv6 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRange6Edit | PUT /dhcp/range6/edit | Edit a DHCPv6 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRange6Info | GET /dhcp/range6/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv6 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRange6List | GET /dhcp/range6/list | List the DHCPv6 ranges SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRangeAdd | POST /dhcp/range/add | Add a DHCPv4 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRangeCount | GET /dhcp/range/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 ranges SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRangeDelete | DELETE /dhcp/range/delete | Delete a DHCPv4 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRangeEdit | PUT /dhcp/range/edit | Edit a DHCPv4 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRangeInfo | GET /dhcp/range/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 range SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpRangeList | GET /dhcp/range/list | List the DHCPv4 ranges SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScope6Add | POST /dhcp/scope6/add | Add a DHCPv6 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScope6Count | GET /dhcp/scope6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 scopes SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScope6Delete | DELETE /dhcp/scope6/delete | Delete a DHCPv6 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScope6Edit | PUT /dhcp/scope6/edit | Edit a DHCPv6 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScope6Info | GET /dhcp/scope6/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv6 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScope6List | GET /dhcp/scope6/list | List the DHCPv6 scopes SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScopeAdd | POST /dhcp/scope/add | Add a DHCPv4 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScopeCount | GET /dhcp/scope/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 scopes SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScopeDelete | DELETE /dhcp/scope/delete | Delete a DHCPv4 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScopeEdit | PUT /dhcp/scope/edit | Edit a DHCPv4 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScopeInfo | GET /dhcp/scope/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 scope SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpScopeList | GET /dhcp/scope/list | List the DHCPv4 scopes SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpServer6Count | GET /dhcp/server6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 servers SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpServer6Info | GET /dhcp/server6/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv6 server SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpServer6List | GET /dhcp/server6/list | List the DHCPv6 servers SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpServerCount | GET /dhcp/server/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 servers SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpServerInfo | GET /dhcp/server/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 server SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpServerList | GET /dhcp/server/list | List the DHCPv4 servers SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetwork6Add | POST /dhcp/sharednetwork6/add | Add a DHCPv6 shared network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetwork6Count | GET /dhcp/sharednetwork6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 shared networks SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetwork6Delete | DELETE /dhcp/sharednetwork6/delete | Delete a DHCPv6 Shared Network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetwork6Edit | PUT /dhcp/sharednetwork6/edit | Edit a DHCPv6 shared network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetwork6Info | GET /dhcp/sharednetwork6/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv6 shared network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetwork6List | GET /dhcp/sharednetwork6/list | List the DHCPv6 shared networks SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetworkAdd | POST /dhcp/sharednetwork/add | Add a DHCPv4 shared network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetworkCount | GET /dhcp/sharednetwork/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 shared networks SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetworkDelete | DELETE /dhcp/sharednetwork/delete | Delete a DHCPv4 Shared Network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetworkEdit | PUT /dhcp/sharednetwork/edit | Edit a DHCPv4 shared network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetworkInfo | GET /dhcp/sharednetwork/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 shared network SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpSharednetworkList | GET /dhcp/sharednetwork/list | List the DHCPv4 shared networks SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStatic6Add | POST /dhcp/static6/add | Add a DHCPv6 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStatic6Count | GET /dhcp/static6/count | Count the number of DHCPv6 statics SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStatic6Delete | DELETE /dhcp/static6/delete | Delete a DHCPv6 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStatic6Edit | PUT /dhcp/static6/edit | Edit a DHCPv6 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStatic6Info | GET /dhcp/static6/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv6 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStatic6List | GET /dhcp/static6/list | List the DHCPv6 statics SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStaticAdd | POST /dhcp/static/add | Add a DHCPv4 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStaticCount | GET /dhcp/static/count | Count the number of DHCPv4 statics SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStaticDelete | DELETE /dhcp/static/delete | Delete a DHCPv4 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStaticEdit | PUT /dhcp/static/edit | Edit a DHCPv4 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStaticInfo | GET /dhcp/static/info | Display the properties of a DHCPv4 static SoliDserverApi.DhcpApi | dhcpStaticList | GET /dhcp/static/list | List the DHCPv4 statics SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsAclAdd | POST /dns/acl/add | Add a DNS ACL SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsAclCount | GET /dns/acl/count | Count the number of DNS ACLs SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsAclDelete | DELETE /dns/acl/delete | Delete a DNS ACL SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsAclEdit | PUT /dns/acl/edit | Edit a DNS ACL SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsAclInfo | GET /dns/acl/info | Display the properties of a DNS ACL SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsAclList | GET /dns/acl/list | List the DNS ACLs SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsRrAdd | POST /dns/rr/add | Add a resource record SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsRrCount | GET /dns/rr/count | Count the number of resource records SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsRrDelete | DELETE /dns/rr/delete | Delete a resource record SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsRrEdit | PUT /dns/rr/edit | Edit a resource record SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsRrInfo | GET /dns/rr/info | Display the properties of a resource record SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsRrList | GET /dns/rr/list | List the resource records SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsServerCount | GET /dns/server/count | Count the number of DNS servers SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsServerInfo | GET /dns/server/info | Display the properties of a DNS server SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsServerList | GET /dns/server/list | List the DNS servers SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewAdd | POST /dns/view/add | Add a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewCount | GET /dns/view/count | Count the number of views SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewDelete | DELETE /dns/view/delete | Delete a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewEdit | PUT /dns/view/edit | Edit a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewInfo | GET /dns/view/info | Display the properties of a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewList | GET /dns/view/list | List the views SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewparamAdd | POST /dns/viewparam/add | Add a DNS option on a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewparamCount | GET /dns/viewparam/count | Count the number of DNS options of a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewparamDelete | DELETE /dns/viewparam/delete | Delete a DNS option from a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewparamEdit | PUT /dns/viewparam/edit | Edit a DNS option on a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewparamInfo | GET /dns/viewparam/info | Display the properties of a DNS option set on a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsViewparamList | GET /dns/viewparam/list | List the DNS options of a view SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneAdd | POST /dns/zone/add | Add a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneCount | GET /dns/zone/count | Count the number of zones SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneDelete | DELETE /dns/zone/delete | Delete a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneEdit | PUT /dns/zone/edit | Edit a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneInfo | GET /dns/zone/info | Display the properties of a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneList | GET /dns/zone/list | List the DNS options of a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneparamAdd | POST /dns/zoneparam/add | Add a DNS option on a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneparamCount | GET /dns/zoneparam/count | Count the number of DNS options of a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneparamDelete | DELETE /dns/zoneparam/delete | Delete a DNS option from a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneparamEdit | PUT /dns/zoneparam/edit | Edit a DNS option on a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneparamInfo | GET /dns/zoneparam/info | Display the properties of a DNS option set on a zone SoliDserverApi.DnsApi | dnsZoneparamList | GET /dns/zoneparam/list | List the DNS options of a zone SoliDserverApi.GuardianApi | guardianPolicyAdd | POST /guardian/policy/add | Add a policy SoliDserverApi.GuardianApi | guardianPolicyCount | GET /guardian/policy/count | Count the number of policies SoliDserverApi.GuardianApi | guardianPolicyDelete | DELETE /guardian/policy/delete | Delete a policy SoliDserverApi.GuardianApi | guardianPolicyEdit | PUT /guardian/policy/edit | Edit a policy SoliDserverApi.GuardianApi | guardianPolicyInfo | GET /guardian/policy/info | Display the properties of a policy SoliDserverApi.GuardianApi | guardianPolicyList | GET /guardian/policy/list | List the policies SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddress6Add | POST /ipam/address6/add | Add an IPv6 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddress6Count | GET /ipam/address6/count | Count the number of IPv6 addresses SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddress6Delete | DELETE /ipam/address6/delete | Delete an IPv6 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddress6Edit | PUT /ipam/address6/edit | Edit an IPv6 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddress6Info | GET /ipam/address6/info | Display the properties of an IPv6 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddress6List | GET /ipam/address6/list | List the IPv6 addresses SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddressAdd | POST /ipam/address/add | Add an IPv4 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddressCount | GET /ipam/address/count | Count the number of IPv4 addresses SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddressDelete | DELETE /ipam/address/delete | Delete an IPv4 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddressEdit | PUT /ipam/address/edit | Edit an IPv4 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddressInfo | GET /ipam/address/info | Display the properties of an IPv4 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAddressList | GET /ipam/address/list | List the IPv4 addresses SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAlias6Add | POST /ipam/alias6/add | Add an IPv6 address alias SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAlias6Count | GET /ipam/alias6/count | Count the number of aliases of an IPv6 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAlias6Delete | DELETE /ipam/alias6/delete | Delete an IPv6 address alias SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAlias6Edit | PUT /ipam/alias6/edit | Edit an IPv6 address alias SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAlias6List | GET /ipam/alias6/list | List the aliases of an IPv6 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAliasAdd | POST /ipam/alias/add | Add an IPv4 address alias SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAliasCount | GET /ipam/alias/count | Count the number of aliases of an IPv4 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAliasDelete | DELETE /ipam/alias/delete | Delete an IPv4 address alias SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAliasEdit | PUT /ipam/alias/edit | Edit an IPv4 address alias SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamAliasList | GET /ipam/alias/list | List the aliases of an IPv4 address SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetwork6Add | POST /ipam/network6/add | Add an IPv6 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetwork6Count | GET /ipam/network6/count | Count the number of IPv6 block/subnet-type networks SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetwork6Delete | DELETE /ipam/network6/delete | Delete an IPv6 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetwork6Edit | PUT /ipam/network6/edit | Edit an IPv6 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetwork6Info | GET /ipam/network6/info | Display the properties of an IPv6 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetwork6List | GET /ipam/network6/list | List the IPv6 block/subnet-type networks SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetworkAdd | POST /ipam/network/add | Add an IPv4 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetworkCount | GET /ipam/network/count | Count the number of IPv4 block/subnet-type networks SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetworkDelete | DELETE /ipam/network/delete | Delete an IPv4 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetworkEdit | PUT /ipam/network/edit | Edit an IPv4 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetworkInfo | GET /ipam/network/info | Display the properties of an IPv4 block/subnet-type network SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamNetworkList | GET /ipam/network/list | List the IPv4 block/subnet-type networks SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPool6Add | POST /ipam/pool6/add | Add an IPv6 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPool6Count | GET /ipam/pool6/count | Count the number of IPv6 pools SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPool6Delete | DELETE /ipam/pool6/delete | Delete an IPv6 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPool6Edit | PUT /ipam/pool6/edit | Edit an IPv6 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPool6Info | GET /ipam/pool6/info | Display the properties of an IPv6 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPool6List | GET /ipam/pool6/list | List the IPv6 pools SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPoolAdd | POST /ipam/pool/add | Add an IPv4 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPoolCount | GET /ipam/pool/count | Count the number of IPv4 pools SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPoolDelete | DELETE /ipam/pool/delete | Delete an IPv4 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPoolEdit | PUT /ipam/pool/edit | Edit an IPv4 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPoolInfo | GET /ipam/pool/info | Display the properties of an IPv4 pool SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamPoolList | GET /ipam/pool/list | List the IPv4 pools SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamSpaceAdd | POST /ipam/space/add | Add a space SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamSpaceCount | GET /ipam/space/count | Count the number of spaces SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamSpaceDelete | DELETE /ipam/space/delete | Delete a space SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamSpaceEdit | PUT /ipam/space/edit | Edit a space SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamSpaceInfo | GET /ipam/space/info | Display the properties of a space SoliDserverApi.IpamApi | ipamSpaceList | GET /ipam/space/list | List the spaces SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanDomainAdd | POST /vlan/domain/add | Add a VLAN domain SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanDomainCount | GET /vlan/domain/count | Count the number of VLAN domains SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanDomainDelete | DELETE /vlan/domain/delete | Delete a VLAN domain SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanDomainEdit | PUT /vlan/domain/edit | Edit a VLAN domain SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanDomainInfo | GET /vlan/domain/info | Display the properties of a VLAN domain SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanDomainList | GET /vlan/domain/list | List the VLAN domains SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanRangeAdd | POST /vlan/range/add | Add a VLAN range SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanRangeCount | GET /vlan/range/count | Count the number of VLAN ranges SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanRangeDelete | DELETE /vlan/range/delete | Delete a VLAN range SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanRangeEdit | PUT /vlan/range/edit | Edit a VLAN range SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanRangeInfo | GET /vlan/range/info | Display the properties of a VLAN range SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanRangeList | GET /vlan/range/list | List the VLAN ranges SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanVlanAdd | POST /vlan/vlan/add | Add a VLAN SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanVlanCount | GET /vlan/vlan/count | Count the number of VLANs SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanVlanDelete | DELETE /vlan/vlan/delete | Delete a VLAN SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanVlanEdit | PUT /vlan/vlan/edit | Edit a VLAN SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanVlanInfo | GET /vlan/vlan/info | Display the properties of a VLAN SoliDserverApi.VlanApi | vlanVlanList | GET /vlan/vlan/list | List the VLANs
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-IPM-Username
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-IPM-Password
- Location: HTTP header