A easier HTML element's dom operation libary.
A easier HTML element operation libary. This library uses TypeScript as the source code language
npm i edo-htqw
yarn add edo-htqw
contact us
海豚青蛙(HaitunQingwa) [email protected]
Use "script" element import can summon a "edo" function.
<script src="umd module's file route"></script>
console.log(Object.prototype.toString.call(edo));// output "[object Function]"
When use other modular specification import,nam should is "edo".
const edo = require("edo-htqw or umd module file");// CommonJS
paths: {
edo: "edo-htqw or umd module file"
});// AMD
import edo from "edo-htqw or umd module file";// esm
edo function
edo("CSS selector" or HTML Element);// Obtain elements through CSS selector or directly accept HTML elements from parameters and convert them into edo elements
The thing returned by using the edo function is an edo element
const edoEl=edo ("h1");
console.log(edoEl.toString())// Output [object edoElement]
There is an el attribute in the edo element, which represents the original element
Basic operations
Basic operations
You can use the HTML methods in the edo element to perform operations
The parameter is the HTML to be changed, if not, read it
EdoElement.html ("Hello</b>")// Set HTML to<b>Hello</b>
Edoelement.html()// Output Hello</b>
Operation Text Content
You can use the text content method in the edo element to perform operations
The parameter is the text content to be changed, if not, read it
Operation href
You can use the href method in the edo element to perform operations
The parameter is the href to be changed, if not, read it
CSS operation
Change the style of edo elements
You can use the edo element. css method
This method has two parameters, the first one is mandatory and the second one is optional
Method 1: Directly change the style
Edoelement.css("color: red; backgroundcolor: green");
Method 2: Use object to change element CSS
Edo element. css ({
color: "red",
backgroundColor: "green"
Method 3: Single Change
Edoelement. css ("color", "red");
Edoelement. css ("background color", "green");
Get the value of a certain style of the edo element
EdoElement.getCss("color")// Red
Dynamically adding CSS
edo.css ({
color: "blue"
backgroundColor: "orange"
He will add the following CSS:
- body{
- color: blue;
- }
- #test{
- background color: orange;
- } It can also be the following code:
edo.css("body", {
color: "blue"
edo.css("#test", {
backgroundColor: "orange"
edo.css("body", "color: blue;");
edo.css("test", "backgroundColor: orange;");
Console. log (e);
If the parameter is null, delete the item If the parameter is not an arrow function, then this points to that edo element After clicking here, {0: The original event object, prevent: function()} will be output Prevent is used to block default event
Start the listener
Edoelement.onEventL(name, function);
If the parameter is not an arrow function, then this points to the original element
Turn off the listener
Edoelement.offEventL(name, function);
If the parameter is not an arrow function, then this points to the original element
Update logs
Edo 0. x
0.1. x
- New addition
- Edo
- edo.proto
- edoHTMLElementIsNotFoundError
- Basic operations
- Edo Element.text
- Edo Elements.HTML
- Edo Element.href
- Edo Elements.el
- Style operation
- edo.css
- Edo Element.css
- edo element. getCss
- Event monitoring
- Edo Element.click
- edo element. onEventL
- edo element. offEventL
- UMD module
- New addition
- Repair
- Error in using CommonJS and AMD to introduce UMD for library modification +New addition
- ESM module
- Repair
- New addition
- Error
- edoCssSelectorError
- edoTypeError
- edoUnknown Exception
- New addition
- Improvement
- Change update logs and tutorials to readme
- edo.css function
- Improvement