Block tune for Editor.js
EditorJS Indent Tune
Indent feature for Editor.js.
Install via NPM
npm i editorjs-indent-tune
Load from CDN
Require this script on a page with Editor.js.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/editorjs-indent-tune/dist/bundle.js"><script>
import EditorJS from '@editorjs/editorjs'
import IndentTune from 'editorjs-indent-tune'
* Editor.js configuration
const editor = new EditorJS({
* Connect tool
tools: {
indentTune: IndentTune,
* Apply to all the blocks
tunes: ['indentTune'],
// ...
You can disable this tune for a specific block by not adding it in the tunes array
const editor = new EditorJS({
tools: {
someOtherTool: {
tunes: [
/* all other tunes except those you dont want*/
Apply a indent highlight
.indentHighlight {
transition: background-color 0.4s;
[data-block-indent-wrapper][data-focused] .indentHighlight {
background-color: red;
const editor = new EditorJS({
tools: {
indentTune: {
class: IndentTune,
config: {
highlightIndent: {
className: 'indentHighlight',
Complete example:
import IndentTune, { type IndentTuneConfig } from 'editorjs-indent-tune'
const editor = new EditorJS({
tools: {
someOtherBlock: {
indentTune: {
class: IndentTune,
config: {
customBlockIndentLimits: {
someOtherBlock: { max: 5 },
maxIndent: 10,
indentSize: 30,
multiblock: true,
tuneName: 'indentTune',
// If you use typescript
} as IndentTuneConfig,
What if my editor also has a text alignment tune?
You can use the directionChangeHandler
config field for that.
Here is one solution:
class MyAlignmentTuneClass /* extends maybe other class */ {
private block
constructor({ block }) {
this.block = block
// ...
private static listeners = new Set()
public static addChangeListener(listener: (blockId: string, direction: 'ltr' | 'rtl') => void) {
private onChange(alignment) {
MyAlignmentTuneClass.listeners.forEach((l) => l(this.block.id, alignment == 'left' ? 'ltr' : 'rtl'))
public wrap(blockContent) {
AlignmentBlockTune.listeners.forEach((l) => l(this.block.id, this.data.alignment == 'left' ? 'ltr' : 'rtl'))
const editor = new EditorJS({
tools: {
alignmentTune: {
class: MyAlignmentTuneClass,
indentTune: {
class: IndentTune,
config: {
directionChangeHandler: MyAlignmentTuneClass.addChangeListener,
You're free to use whatever implementation you wish.
Select elements
Selection of the IndentTuneWrapper can be done (in JS) using [${IndentTune.DATA_WRAPPER_NAME}]
Selection of the Focused state for the IndentTuneWrapper can be achieved (in JS) using [${IndentTune.DATA_FOCUSED}]
Selection of the IndentLevel can be accesed from the IndentTune.DATA_INDENT_LEVEL
Config Params (optional)
| Field | Type | Description | Default |
| ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| indentSize | number
| Size of one indent level (in pixels) | 24
| maxIndent | number
| The upper indent limit of any block | 8
| minIndent | number
| The lower indent limit of any block | 0
| orientation | 'horizontal' \| 'vertical'
| The UI design for how you want the toolbox to be displayed | horizontal
| customBlockIndentLimits | Record<string, Partial<Record<'min' \| 'max', number>>>
| A set of overrides of the indent limit for each type of block | {}
| multiblock | boolean
| Marks if you can indent multiple blocks at a time | false
| tuneName | string \| null
| This is required for multiblock to work | null
| handleShortcut | ((e:KeyboardEvent, blockId:string) => 'unindent' \| 'indent' \| 'default' \| void) \| undefined \| false
| Custom shortcut function that allows overriding the default indenting using keyboard. If set as false
no shortcut will be applied. | undefined
| direction | 'ltr' \| 'rtl'
| Specify the global direction of the indents | ltr
| directionChangeHandler | null \| (listener: (blockId: string, direction: TextDirection) => void): void
| If provided will be used to apply visual changes (indent direction) based on the provided change value. | null
| highlightIndent | null \| { className?: string; tuneNames?: string[]; }
| If provided will display a highlight for the indent. Provide a list of tuneNames
for which it should be applied, applies to all by default. Can be customized with custom class using [data-focused] .myClass {}
| null
| autoIndent | null \| boolean \| { tuneNames?: string[]; }
| If provided with a config object or true
will automatically indent new blocks to same level as the previous block, if there are no indentation limit restrictions. Provide a list of tuneNames
for which block types it should be applied, applies to all by default. | false