Easily convert json data from editorjs to html elements
EditorJs Data Parser
Easily convert json data from editorjs to html elements
npm i editorjs-data-parser
yarn add editorjs-data-parser
Suppoted tools
- :white_check_mark: checklist
- :white_check_mark: embed
- :white_check_mark: head
- :white_check_mark: link
- :white_check_mark: list
- :white_check_mark: marker
- :white_check_mark: image
- :white_check_mark: paragraph
- :white_check_mark: quote
- :white_check_mark: raw
- :white_check_mark: table
- :white_check_mark: code
- :white_check_mark: warning
- :white_check_mark: delimeter
Usage example
import EditorJS from "@editorjs/editorjs";
import CheckList from "@editorjs/checklist";
import Code from "@editorjs/code";
import Header from "@editorjs/header";
import List from "@editorjs/list";
import Embed from "@editorjs/embed";
import Delimiter from "@editorjs/delimiter";
import Marker from "@editorjs/marker";
import Image from "@editorjs/image";
import Raw from "@editorjs/raw";
import Table from "@editorjs/table";
import Warning from "@editorjs/warning";
import { editorJsParser } from "editorjs-data-parser";
const editor = new EditorJS({
tools: {
header: {
class: Header,
inlineToolbar: true
list: {
class: List,
inlineToolbar: true
checklist: CheckList,
delimiter: Delimiter,
marker: Marker,
embed: {
class: Embed,
inlineToolbar: false,
config: {
services: {
youtube: true,
coub: true
image: {
class: Image,
config: {
endpoints: {
byFile: "http://localhost:8008/uploadFile", // Your backend file uploader endpoint
byUrl: "http://localhost:8008/fetchUrl" // Your endpoint that provides uploading by Url
checkList: CheckList,
code: Code,
raw: Raw,
table: Table,
warning: Warning,
let btnConvert = document.getElementById("btnConvert");
btnConvert.addEventListener("click", () => {
editor.save().then((outputData) => {
let result = editorJsParser(outputData.blocks);
Install supported tools
npm i --save @editorjs/checklist
npm i --save @editorjs/code
npm i --save @editorjs/header
npm i --save @editorjs/list
npm i --save @editorjs/embed
npm i --save @editorjs/delimiter
npm i --save @editorjs/marker
npm i --save @editorjs/marker
npm i --save @editorjs/image
npm i --save @editorjs/raw
npm i --save @editorjs/table
npm i --save @editorjs/warning