EdgeKV helper library
EdgeKV Helper Library - npm package
This helper class can be used to simplify the interaction with EdgeKV in EdgeWorker code. It abstracts away the complexity into a few lines of code.
Original code is https://github.com/akamai/edgeworkers-examples/tree/master/edgekv/lib
Your EdgeKV tokens can be passed to the constructor.
npm install edgekv --save
Then, put edgekv_tokens.js file along with main.js. edgekv_tokens.js can be created by Akamai CLI.
How to use in EdgeWorkers code
JavaScript module bundler would help you to embed this module into main.js.
rollup.js for example, with following rollup.config.js
will generate code bundle efficiently. Then create tgz file at dist
import resolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
import commonjs from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs";
export default {
input: ["src/main.js", "src/bundle.json", "src/edgekv_tokens.js"],
external: [
preserveModules: false,
output: {
dir: "dist",
format: "es"
plugins: [
EdgeKV Class
Constructor to allow setting default namespace, group and token. These defaults can be overriden when making individual GET, PUT, and DELETE operations
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace="default"]
- the default namespace to use for all GET, PUT, and DELETE operations
- Namespace must be 32 characters or less, consisting of A-Z a-z 0-9 _ or -
- @param {string} [$0.group="default"]
- the default group to use for all GET, PUT, and DELETE operations
- Group must be 128 characters or less, consisting of A-Z a-z 0-9 _ or -
- @param {object} [$0.edgekv_access_tokens={}]
- the token name and token value for each namespace
- The structure of this argument assumes the same as the token creation command by Akamai CLI.
- @param {number} [$0.num_retries_on_timeout=0]
- the number of times to retry a GET requests when the sub request times out
- @param {object} [$0.ew_request=null]
- passes the request object from the EdgeWorkers event handler to enable access to EdgeKV data in sandbox environments
- @param {boolean} [$0.sandbox_fallback=false]
- whether to fallback to retrieving staging data if the sandbox data does not exist, instead of returning null or the specified default value
import { edgekv_access_tokens } from './edgekv_tokens.js';
const ekv = new EdgeKV("namespace", "group", edgekv_access_tokens);
async GET text from an item in the EdgeKV.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace]
- specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group]
- specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.item]
- item key to get from the EdgeKV
- @param {string} [$0.default_value=null]
- the default value to return if a 404 response is returned from EdgeKV
- @param {number} [$0.timeout=null]
- the maximum time, between 1 and 1000 milliseconds, to wait for the response
- @param {number} [$0.num_retries_on_timeout=null]
- the number of times to retry a requests when the sub request times out
- @returns {Promise}
- if the operation was successful, the text response from the EdgeKV or the default_value on 404
- @throws {object}
- if the operation was not successful, an object describing the non-200 and non-404 response from the EdgeKV: {failed, status, body}
let text = await ekv.getText({item: 'key'});
async GET json from an item in the EdgeKV.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace]
- specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group]
- specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.item]
- item key to get from the EdgeKV
- @param {object} [$0.default_value=null]
- the default value to return if a 404 response is returned from EdgeKV
- @param {number} [$0.timeout=null]
- the maximum time, between 1 and 1000 milliseconds, to wait for the response
- @param {number} [$0.num_retries_on_timeout=null]
- the number of times to retry a requests when the sub request times out
- @returns {Promise}
- if the operation was successful, the json response from the EdgeKV or the default_value on 404
- @throws {object}
- if the operation was not successful, an object describing the non-200 and non-404 response from the EdgeKV: {failed, status, body}
let object = await ekv.getJson({item: 'key'});
async PUT text into an item in the EdgeKV.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace]
- specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group]
- specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.item]
- item key to put into the EdgeKV
- @param {string} [$0.value]
- text value to put into the EdgeKV
- @param {number} [$0.timeout=null]
- the maximum time, between 1 and 1000 milliseconds, to wait for the response
- @returns {string}
- if the operation was successful, the response from the EdgeKV
- @throws {object}
- if the operation was not successful, an object describing the non-200 response from the EdgeKV: {failed, status, body}
await ekv.putText({item: 'key', value: 'foo'});
PUT text into an item in the EdgeKV while only waiting for the request to send and not for the response.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace]
- specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group]
- specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.item]
- item key to put into the EdgeKV
- @param {string} [$0.value]
- text value to put into the EdgeKV
- @throws {object}
- if the operation was not successful at sending the request, an object describing the error: {failed, status, body}
await ekv.putTextNoWait({item: 'key', value: 'foo'});
async PUT json into an item in the EdgeKV.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace]
- specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group]
- specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.item]
- item key to put into the EdgeKV
- @param {object} [$0.value]
- json value to put into the EdgeKV
- @param {number} [$0.timeout=null]
- the maximum time, between 1 and 1000 milliseconds, to wait for the response
- @returns {string}
- if the operation was successful, the response from the EdgeKV
- @throws {object}
- if the operation was not successful, an object describing the non-200 response from the EdgeKV: {failed, status, body}
await ekv.putJson({ item: 'key', value: {name: 'foo', description: 'bar'} });
PUT json into an item in the EdgeKV while only waiting for the request to send and not for the response.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace]
- specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group]
- specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.item]
- item key to put into the EdgeKV
- @param {object} [$0.value]
- json value to put into the EdgeKV
- @throws {object}
- if the operation was not successful at sending the request, an object describing the error: {failed, status, body}
await ekv.putJsonNoWait({ item: 'key', value: {name: 'foo', description: 'bar'} });
async DELETE an item in the EdgeKV.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace]
- specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group]
- specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.item]
- item key to delete from the EdgeKV
- @param {number} [$0.timeout=null]
- the maximum time, between 1 and 1000 milliseconds, to wait for the response
- @returns {string}
- if the operation was successful, the text response from the EdgeKV
- @throws {object}
- if the operation was not successful, an object describing the non-200 response from the EdgeKV: {failed, status, body}
await ekv.delete({item: 'key'});
DELETE an item in the EdgeKV while only waiting for the request to send and not for the response.
- @param {string} [$0.namepsace=this.#namespace] specify a namespace other than the default
- @param {string} [$0.group=this.#group] specify a group other than the default
- @param {string} $0.item item key to delete from the EdgeKV
- @throws {object} if the operation was not successful at sending the request, an object describing the error: {failed, status, body}
await ekv.deleteNoWait({item: 'key'});
All errors coming from the use of the EdgeKV class will be in the following format:
"failed": "whatFailed",
"status": responseStatusCode,
"body": "descriptionOfFailure"
Usage Examples
Get Product Sale Price
try {
const edgeKv = new EdgeKV({ group: "ProductSalePrice" }); // the namespace will be "default" if it is not provided
let salePrice = await edgeKv.getText({ item: productId, default_value: "N/A" });
// use the salePrice in the page
} catch (error) {
// do something in case of an error
Write the Product Modification Time
try {
const edgeKv = new EdgeKV({ group: "LastUpdated" });
let date = new Date().toString();
await edgeKv.putText({ item: productId, value: date });
// this information can then be used to see when a product was last updated
} catch (error) {
// do something in case of an error
Write the Product Modification Time Without Wait For Response
try {
const edgeKv = new EdgeKV({ group: "LastUpdated" });
let date = new Date().toString();
edgeKv.putTextNoWait({ item: productId, value: date });
// this information can then be used to see when a product was last updated
} catch (error) {
// do something in case of an error
Please see the examples tagged "EKV" here for example usage of this helper library.
For information on using EdgeWorkers and EdgeKV, please review Akamai's product policy