Trying to think about new user, contact or customer data can be tricky, so here's a simple library to make some of the job a little easier. This library offers random first and last names, and currently a random date of birth from 1/1/1970 onwards.
ECT Random Data
This library was generated with Angular CLI version 18.0.0.
Trying to think about new user, contact or customer data can be tricky, so here's a simple library to make some of the job a little easier.
First add the EctRandomDataService service and the EctNgLinqService to your Modules' or AppComponent's Providers list.
As an example, if we want to create a UserRecordFetchService service class to create a random list of User records, this is what we do.
First, let's define a User interface under a models folder, calling the file users.models.ts:
export interface IUser {
id: number;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
age: number;
dob: Date;
connected: Date,
assets: number;
Then to get a create a service class to mock between 100 and 250 records, we use the following:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { EctNgLinqService } from 'ect-ng-linq';
import { EctRandomDataService } from 'ect-random-data';
import { IUser, User } from './../models/users.models';
export class UserRecordFetchService {
private usersList = this.ngLinqService.createNgLinq<IUser>();
constructor(private randomDataService: EctRandomDataService, private ngLinqService: EctNgLinqService) { }
populateUserRecords(): void {
const recordCount = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(100, 250);
for(let ii = 1; ii <= recordCount; ii++) {
const userRecord = new User(); = ii;
userRecord.firstName = this.randomDataService.getAnyFirstName();
userRecord.lastName = this.randomDataService.getLastName();
userRecord.dob = this.randomDataService.getDateOfBirth();
userRecord.age = this.randomDataService.getAgeFromDate(userRecord.dob);
const hours = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(8, 21);
const minutes = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(0, 59);
const seconds = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(0, 59);
const day = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(1, 28);
const month = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(1, 12);
const year = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(2010, 2022);
userRecord.connected = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds);
userRecord.assets = this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(100, 1000000) / this.randomDataService.getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues(11, 29);
getUserRecords(): NgLinqArray<IUser> {
return this.usersList;
In the above class we have to import the NgLinqService service dependency and then the EctRandomData service, before we do anything else.
The populateUserRecords sets a recordCount variable to hold a random number between 100 and 250.
The loop then iterates between 1 and recordCount creating a new User record, setting it's properties to use random data, before adding the user record to the userList array.
The following functions are available from the IEctRandomDataService interface:
getRandomNumberBetweenTwoValues: Get a random number between 2 whole numbers.
getGirlFirstNames: Get a list of girl names.
getBoyFirstNames: Get a list of boy names.
getAllFirstNames: Get a list of first names, regardless of gender.
getLastNames: Get a list of last names.
getAnyFirstName: Get a random first name, regardless of gender.
getGirlFirstName: Get a random first name for a girl.
getBoyFirstName: Get a random first name for a boy.
getLastName: Get a random last name.
isBoyName: Determine whether a name is for a boy. If false, then it's a girl's name.
getDateOfBirth: Get a date of birth from 1970-01-01 onwards.
getAgeFromDate: Get the age from a date. Assumes a date from 1970-01-01 onwards.
This library does use, and therefore depends on the ECT NgLinq library. More details can be found here: (
If you find some benefit from using this package, please consider the time it took to put this together, and why not buy me a coffee? Goodness only knows that most of us would not function without coffee. All donations very much welcomed: (
Further help
To get more help on the this ECT Random Data, please visit (