ECS Commander
ECSC (ECS Commander)
ECSC is a package of command-line tools for Edge Container Stack of ACOINFO. You may use it to:
- Create a container bundle.
- Package a container bundle into an OCI container image tarball.
Get started
# install the package globally
npm install -g ecsc
# verify if the package has been installed
ecsc version
# print help document
ecsc help
To create an container image, there are 3 steps to do:
- create an bundle (directory).
- prepare and copy your files into the bundle (directory).
- pack the bundle directory into an OCI image tar.
1. Create Container Bundle
Invoke create
sub command without any option will start an interactive wizard:
$ ecsc create
_____________ _____ __
/ __/ ___/ __// ___/__ __ _ __ _ ___ ____ ___/ /__ ____
/ _// /___\ \ / /__/ _ \/ ' \/ ' \/ _ `/ _ \/ _ / -_) __/
/___/\___/___/ \___/\___/_/_/_/_/_/_/\_,_/_//_/\_,_/\__/_/
? What is name for the bundle (directory)? demo
? What is the architecture of the bundle? x86-64
? Would you mount and reuse JSRE from the container host? Yes
? What is the start parameter (process.args) of the image? javascript /apps/hello.js
After that bundle will be created in working directory, a default shell file
will also be created with 'shstack 200000'.
The create
sub command also support CLI options (for automation scripting):
ecs create [options] create bundle with options or start an interactive wizard.
-h | --help print this help document
-d directory path to local OCI bundle directory to be created.
-a arch CPU architect to use, defaults to 'noarch' if not set, check
CPU Architect section for more information.
-p args container process (entrypoint) and its arguments.
-j if set, mount and use host JSRE files.
-o if set, overwrite exsiting bundle directory if exist.
CPU Architect
noarch, x86-64, arm64, arm, riscv64, mips64, ppc, loongarch
ecs create -d ./demo -p '/bin/javascript /apps/demo.js'
2. Copy application files
This step requires manual file coping or editing. Application developer may
layout the application files into <bundle>/rootfs
- the archtecture of binary files must be covered by those set in step 1.
- application entrypoint should be the same as
set in step 1.
3. Package bundle into OCI image
$ ecsc pack <bundle> [-t name[:tag]] [tarball_path]
is the container bundle directory to pack[:tag]
container image name and tag, defaults to 'bundle:latest'.tarball_path
optional tarball file name, defaults to 'bundle.arch.tar'.
For example, to package the 'demo' bundle created in step 1:
# below command will pack the 'demo' bundle directory and create a 'demo.tar'
# with 'demo:latest' as it name and tag, in current working directory
ecsc pack ./demo
In addition to the above ecsc interactions, you can also use the Ecsfile tool to package images. For details, see Ecsfile User Guide 。