Easemob IM websdk
v1.8.0 @ 2018-5-21
- [sdk] 解决无法申请入群
- [sdk] 解决无法邀请好友
v1.5.0 @ 2017-11-16
- [sdk] Modify the form of delivery ack and read ack
- [sdk] When a user sends a message offline, it automatically reconnects and sends out messages that have not been successfully sent
- [sdk] WEBIM supports multiple devices, adding chat room events
- [sdk] Give the delivered and ack plus the from field
- [sdk] Debug.js integrates into the SDK and optimizes the log content output
- [sdk] Block groups by Rest
- [sdk] Send a group application through Rest
- [sdk] Get the group list through Rest
- [sdk] Gets group details from Rest based on groupid
- [sdk] Lists all groups that a user has added through Rest
- [sdk] Lists all members of the group through Rest
- [sdk] Group users are not allowed to speak through Rest
- [sdk] Cancels the ban on user bans through Rest
- [sdk] Get all the administrators from the group through Rest
- [sdk] Get all the banned members of the group through Rest
- [sdk] Set up group administrators through Rest
- [sdk] Ungroup administrators through Rest
- [sdk] Users are allowed to join groups through Rest
- [sdk] Reject users to join groups through Rest
- [sdk] Add users to the group blacklist through Rest ( single )
- [sdk] Add users to the group blacklist through Rest ( batch )
- [sdk] Remove users from the group blacklist through Rest ( single )
- [sdk] Remove users from the group blacklist through Rest ( batch )
- [sdk] Improve ie8 compatibility
- [sdk] The message sent by itself is read ack and no longer sent to itself
- [sdk] Adding a friend produces additional subscription messages
- [sdk] Frequently sending messages causes the message id to repeat the problem
- [sdk] The appropriate SDK sends files and images to size
v1.4.11 @ 2017-06-07
- [sdk] debug.js fused to sdk logs output optimized
- [sdk] Block groups through rest api
- [sdk] Apply for appending groups through rest api
- [sdk] Get groups list through rest api
- [sdk] Get a group detail through rest api
- [sdk] List all groups a user in through rest api
- [sdk] List all of a group's members through rest api
- [sdk] Block member in group through rest api
- [sdk] Unblock member in group through rest api
- [sdk] List all of administrators in a group through rest api
- [sdk] List blocked members in a group through rest api
- [sdk] Set members as administrator in a group through rest api
- [sdk] Delete an administrator in a group through rest api
- [sdk] Agree a user's application filings of join in the group through rest api
- [sdk] Reject a user's application filings of join in the group through rest api
- [sdk] Add a single user in a group to the blacklist of this group through rest api
- [sdk] Add multi of users in a group to the blacklist of this group through rest api
- [sdk] Delete a single user in a group from the blacklist of this group through rest api
- [sdk] Delete multi of users in a group from the blacklist of this group through rest api
- [demo] Chat record can be deleted
- [demo] Show status of chat records(Undelivered, delivered, read)
- [demo] List members in a chat room
- [demo] Open a dialog window with friends just through a link
- [demo] Add the board apply for join in a group
- [demo] In the apply for join in a group board get pages of public groups while scroll to the bottom
- [demo] Click a group's name will show detail information of this group on the apply for join in a group board
- [demo] Search a group by the group's id will show detail information of this group on the apply for join in a group board
- [demo] Users are be able to apply for join in a group on the apply for join in a group board
- [demo] Group owners are able to agree or reject a user's filings of join in the group
- [demo] Add the add/delete administrator and block/unblock members buttons in the group members list
- [sdk] Add a new friend will create spare subscription information
- [sdk] Send messages continually will cause the problem of message id repetition
- [sdk] Adapt size of pictures whild sdk and webim sending pictures to each other
- [demo] Optimize sdk/demo.html, fix the problem that some of dependent files can't be found
- [demo] Fix the problem that off-line messages count not right
v1.4.10 @ 2017-02-16
- [sdk] webrtc add voice call
- [sdk] webrtc:Firefox error while close call
- [sdk] webrtc:logical error after multitimes connection and close
- [sdk] webrtc:shoud not warning offline after normal close
- [sdk] webrtc:can't handle IQ message after reconnect
v1.4.9 @ 2017-01-20
- [sdk] fix a bug in success/error callback
v1.4.8 @ 2016-12-27
- [demo] Add a mute button to the video chat window
- [demo] Create a chat window automaticly
- [demo] Hide the chat window when switch a cate in leftbar
- [demo] Not back to the login page when refresh the webpage if login succeed
- [sdk] Remove all of the log methods
- [sdk] Send an unavailable presence stanza when leave a group
v1.4.7 @ 2016-12-21
- [demo] Add video chat and send video file functions into the demo.html
- [sdk] Fix the bug when the browser runs in back end that WebIM can't reconnect on phones
- [demo] Refresh the group list on the front end after create a group succeed on back end
- [demo] The master of a group and the members will be added will receive a notification when add members to group
- [demo] A member will leave group when the master of the group remove this member from group black list
- add demo.html
- to decoupling from Demo namespaces, delete codes using Demo
- delete connection.prototype.createRoom, which is not supported by server
- GNU version number:
- support webrtc
- while http access,use ip directly instead of ServerName,avoid DNS hijacking.
- does not update catact list UI after destory group
- does not call the callback function after send out the cmd message
- add browser version support umd
- remove strophe from sdk because it't too big for webpack or other compiler
How to install
npm install easemob-webim --save
Demo.conn = new WebIM.connection({
isMultiLoginSessions: WebIM.config.isMultiLoginSessions,
https: typeof WebIM.config.https === 'boolean' ? WebIM.config.https : location.protocol === 'https:',
url: WebIM.config.xmppURL,
isAutoLogin: false,
heartBeatWait: WebIM.config.heartBeatWait,
autoReconnectNumMax: WebIM.config.autoReconnectNumMax,
autoReconnectInterval: WebIM.config.autoReconnectInterval
How to release
npm install
npm run build