**eazze** is a powerful command-line tool designed to streamline the setup of a Next.js project with Tailwind CSS. It offers seamless integration of popular UI libraries such as Shadcn, Chakra UI, and PrimeReact, allowing you to kickstart your project eff
eazze is a powerful command-line tool designed to streamline the setup of a Next.js project with Tailwind CSS. It offers seamless integration of popular UI libraries such as Shadcn, Chakra UI, and PrimeReact, allowing you to kickstart your project effortlessly.
- 🚀 Quick Next.js + Tailwind CSS Setup: Instantly scaffold a Next.js project pre-configured with Tailwind CSS for a modern, efficient development environment.
- 🎨 UI Library Options: Easily choose from popular UI libraries like Shadcn, Chakra UI, and PrimeReact.
- ⚙️ Simple CLI: User-friendly command-line interface that lets you generate projects in just a few steps.
To install eazze, use the following commands:
npm install eazze
npx next-tailwind-kit
## Example
step 1) Navigate to your desired directory:
step-2) cd my-project-directory
## commands
npm install eazze
npx next-tailwind-kit
Step-4) Select the UI library you want to install (Shadcn, Chakra UI, PrimeReact).
Once the setup is complete, navigate into the project folder and start developing:
cd my-new-project
npm run dev
Your Next.js project with Tailwind CSS and the selected UI library is now ready! Contributions
Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues and submitting pull requests.