Collect logs from docker containers stdout and forward to various destinations according to your configuration.
Collect logs from docker containers stdout and forward to various destinations according to your configuration.
- Filter which services or stacks you want to include in the processing
- Build simple or complex processing paths for various types of log entries
- Automatic conversion to JSON entries
- Forwards logs to many destinations
- Mongo Collection
- Redis Pub/Sub Channel
- E-mail (SMTP Server)
- New GitLab Issue
- GitLab Alert
- Webhook
- we are still adding more transports...
- Monitor container and swarm nodes health using Redis
Get Started
- Create an entry on the [requestcatcher.com] website so we can test a webhook transport.
- Create a simple test configuration file
- webhook:
url: yoururl.requestcatcher.com
X-Foo: bar
- Run the following command
docker run -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" -v "config.yml:/config.yml" gcsboss/eavesdocker -c /config.yml`
- Run any container that dumps something to stdout:
docker run hello
Install on Swarm
- Create a configuration file with YAML.
- Add the configuration file to your swarm.
file: ./eavesdocker.yml
- Add Eavesdocker service globally to your swarm
image: gcsboss/eavesdocker:0.0.12
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
configs: [ eavesdocker.yml ]
command: -c /eavesdocker.yml
mode: global
condition: any
- Generate some logs and verify your destinations
In this section you can see the available transports and their settings.
Mongo Collection
- mongo: url: 'mongodb://myDb' # Required. Your MongoDB connection URL. db: 'MyDB' # Optional. Defaults to `'Eavesdocker'`. Which database to connect to. collection: 'MyCollection' # Optional. Defaults to `'Log_Entries'`. Which collection to send log entries to.
Redis Pub/Sub
- redispub: host: 'my-redis-host' # Optional. Defualts to `'localhost'`. The Domain/IP of you Redis server. port: 1111 # Optional. Defaults to `6379`. Redis connection port. password: 'mypass' # Optional. Defaults to `null`. The redis password in case auth is setup on the server. channel: 'redis:__channel' # Required. Redis channel where to publish messages.
- webhook: url: 'http://example.com/somePath' # Required. The URL to call. headers: # Optional. A set of HTTP headers in key-value format. x-my-header: someValue
New GitLab Issue
- gitlab: url: 'https://my-gitlab.com' # Optional. Defaults to GitLab.com. The URL of your GitLab instance. project: 232342 # Required. Your Project ID or path string. token: 'glpat-aaaaaaaa' # Optional. Defaults to `null`. A token to authenticate in GitLab. labels: # Optional. Defaults to `[]`. A list of labels to be added to the new issue. Strings are templated. - label-a - something-{key}-cool title: 'some {key} title' # Optional. Defaults to `'{level} - {message}'`. A template string to generate the new issue title.
GitLab Alert
- gitlabAlert: url: 'https://my-gitlab.com/endpoint/etc...' # Required. The Alert integration endpoint from your GitLab project. key: 'something' # Required. The GitLab Alert integration Authorization Key. title: 'some {key} title' # Optional. Defaults to `'env - {message}'`. A template string to generate the alert title. service: 'some {key} service' # Optional. Defaults to `null`. A template string to generate the alert service. env: 'my-env' # Optional. A GitLab environment name. fingerprintFields: # Optional. Defaults to `[]`. An array of log entry fields to be considered for fingerprinting. - keyA - keyB
- email: subject: 'some {key} subject' # Optional. Defaults to `'{level} - {message}'`. A template string to generate the subject line. to: '[email protected]' # Required. A mail recipient. from: '[email protected]' # Required. A mail sender address. host: 'smtp.example.com' # Required. Your SMTP host. port: 465 # Required. Your SMTP port. secure: true # Optional. Defaults to `false`. Whether to use TLS.
In order to contribute you can:
- Open issues to request features or report bugs.
- Help building the project by:
- forking the repo
- coding in a branch
- filing a merge request
- working with me through the review process