createBot(pathToConfigJson) - creates the initial bot, only works if you have the following inside config.json (token, clientId, guildId), please ensure you also input the correct path otherwise this will not work.
# For the following functions these also work without using createBot so long as your initialisation of your bot using Client from discord.js is named client. i.e const client = new Client({ whatever })
setActivity(activityName, activityType) - sets the activity of your bot, 5 options for activity type - playing, streaming, listening, watching and custom (custom means nothing before and will only display your name). The activityName cannot be longer than 30 characters.
createSimpleCommand(commandName, commandDescription, response, privateResponse) - name and description are self explanitory alongside response these must all be valid strings. privateResponse must be true or false and this will make it so that if true only the user running the command gets to see the text inside response
createMessageListener(message, response, specificChannel, channelId) - message and response must be valid strings (message is the message you want to listen for and response is what will be replied). specificChannel must be true or false and if true it will only look for messages inside channelId (channelId must be a valid string).