Cross browser Speech Synthesis
⭐️ Why EasySpeech?
This project was created, because it's always a struggle to get the synthesis
part of Web Speech API
running on most major browsers.
✨ Features
- 🪄 Single API for using
across multiple browsers - 🌈 Async API (Promises, async/await)
- 🚀 Hooks for all events; global and/or voice-instance-specific
- 🌱 Easy to set up and integrate: auto-detects and loads available voices
- 🔧 Includes fixes or workarounds for many browser-specific quirks
- 📝 Internal logging via
hook - 📦 Multiple build targets
- 🎮 Live demo to test your browser
Note: this is not a polyfill package, if your target browser does not support speech synthesis or the Web Speech API, this package is not usable.
🚀 Live Demo
The live demo is available at https://leaonline.github.io/easy-speech/
You can use it to test your browser for speechSynthesis
support and functionality.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
📦 Installation
Install from npm via
$ npm install easy-speech
You can also use the various builds for different targets, see the dist
- ESM/dist/EasySpeech.cjs.js
- CommonJs/dist/EasySpeech.es5.js
- Legacy node compatible/dist/EasySpeech.iife.js
- Legacy compatible build, works even with older or exotic browsers, as long as they support Promises (PRs welcome to transform to callbacks!)/dist/index.d.ts
- TypeScript type definitions
You can use them via CDN:
<!-- esm -->
<script type="module">
import easySpeech from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/easy-speech/+esm'
<!-- classic -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/easy-speech/dist/EasySpeech.iife.js"></script>
👨💻 Usage
Import EasySpeech
and first, detect, if your browser is capable of tts (text
to speech):
import EasySpeech from 'easy-speech'
it returns an Object with the following information:
speechSynthesis: SpeechSynthesis|undefined,
speechSynthesisUtterance: SpeechSynthesisUtterance|undefined,
speechSynthesisVoice: SpeechSynthesisVoice|undefined,
speechSynthesisEvent: SpeechSynthesisEvent|undefined,
speechSynthesisErrorEvent: SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent|undefined,
onvoiceschanged: Boolean,
onboundary: Boolean,
onend: Boolean,
onerror: Boolean,
onmark: Boolean,
onpause: Boolean,
onresume: Boolean,
onstart: Boolean
If at least SpeechSynthesis
and SpeechSynthesisUtterance
are defined you
are good to go.
🚀 Initialize
Preparing everything to work is not as clear as it should, especially when targeting cross-browser functionality. The asynchronous init function will help you with this situation:
EasySpeech.init({ maxTimeout: 5000, interval: 250 })
.then(() => console.debug('load complete'))
.catch(e => console.error(e))
💽 Loading voices
The init-routine will go through several stages to setup the environment:
- detect and that SpeechSynthesis is basically supported, if not -> fail
- load voices directly
- if not loaded but
is available: useonvoiceschanged
- if
is not available: fallback to timeout - if
is fired but no voices available: fallback to timeout - timeout reloads voices in a given
until amaxTimeout
is reached - if voices are loaded until then -> complete
- if no voices found -> fail
If your init routing has still not detected / loaded any voices, allthough speechSynth is supported please leave an issue!
Placing a fallback voice
If voices are found it will place a fallback voice by the following rules:
- If there is a voice among all voices with the
property set to true use this as fallback voice - Otherwise find the first matching voice by current
- Otherwise use the first voice in the Array
Note: This fallback voice is not overridden by EasySpeech.defaults()
, your
default voice will be used in favor but the fallback voice will always be there
in case no voice is found when calling EasySpeech.speak()
📢 Speak a voice
This is as easy as it gets:
await EasySpeech.speak({
text: 'Hello, world!',
voice: myLangVoice, // optional, will use a default or fallback
pitch: 1,
rate: 1,
volume: 1,
// there are more events, see the API for supported events
boundary: e => console.debug('boundary reached')
The Promise will automatically resolve when the speaking ends or rejects when
an error occurred. You can additionally attach these event listeners if you like
or use EasySpeech.on
to attach default listeners to every time you call
😵💫 Troubleshooting / FAQ
There is an own FAQ section available that aims to help with common issues.
There is a full API documentation available: api docs
⌨️ Contribution and development
Every contribution is welcomed, please open issues if anything is not working as expected.
If you intend to contribute code, please read the guidelines on contributing.
📖 Resources
This project used several resources to gain insights about how to get the best cross-browser SpeechSynthesis running:
- https://wicg.github.io/speech-api/#tts-section
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SpeechSynthesis
- https://gist.github.com/alrra/6741915
- https://github.com/ubershmekel/audio-language-tests
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33889107/speech-synthesis-in-chrome-for-android-not-loading-voices
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49506716/speechsynthesis-getvoices-returns-empty-array-on-windows
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21947730/chrome-speech-synthesis-with-longer-texts
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/34130734
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/68060634
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/48056986
- https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=582455
- https://stackoverflow.com/a/65883556
⚖️ License
MIT, see license file