A easy 、general and cool web component to ring/beep.(for js 、Vue、React)
语言 / Language
- 支持多种开发环境。可在Vue、React、纯js(ES6+)中使用
- 支持多种调用风格。有Vue组件、React组件、以及js函数调用三种风格
- 可自定义音频源
- 支持使用简谱来自定义乐曲音效
- 内置默认音效
- 循环播放/单播放
| 参数名 | 类型 | 必须 | 默认值 | 说明 | | ------ | ------- | ------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | open | Boolean | √ | false | 开启组件。将其设为true是使用本组件的前提 | | ring | Boolean | √ |false | 是否开始播放音效。当设置为false时,则为关闭音效 | | src | String | × | '' | 铃声音频文件的地址,可以是网络资源或者项目内资源。项目内资源需传入绝对路径。如果不清楚如何获取绝对路径,可参见下文《关于音效.自定义音频源》一节,这其实非常简单 | | loop | Boolean | × | true | 是否循环播放 | | defaultMusic | String | × |'EZIOS_FAMILY' | 默认铃声曲目。目前可选值:'LITTLE_STAR' | 'TWO_TIGERS' | 'EZIOS_FAMILY' | 'CASTLE_IN_THE_SKY' | | musicText | String | × | '' | 以简谱来自定义音效。详见下文《关于音效.自定义简谱音效》一节 | | log | Boolean | × |true | 是否打印日志 | | ended | Function | × |function() {} | 音频(一次)播放结束事件回调 | | setRing | Function | √ (React) | - | 对于React组件为必传。传入的值为使用useState Hook后,ring所对应的状态更新函数。具体可参考《使用.React组件形式》里的例子 |
npm i easy-ring
- ① 开启组件。
- ② 播放音效。可以让组件开始响起。
- ③ 暂停音效。可以让组件安静下来。
- ① 开启组件:将open参数设置为true。 PS:这一步需要放到一个交互(比如:按钮点击)里进行触发,这是为了规避目前浏览器的限制。详细可参见下文 《关于open参数以及浏览器限制的解释》一章
- ② 播放音效:将ring参数设置为true
- ③ 暂停音效:将ring参数设置为false
:ring.sync="ring" // 注意:这里需要使用双向绑定
import { EasyRingVueComponent as EasyRing } from 'easy-ring'
import yourAudio from '@/assets/yourAudio.wav'
import msg from 'msg'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
open: false,
ring: false
methods: {
openComponent() {
if (confirm('我们需要您同意开启声音')) {
this.open = true // ① 开启组件
mounted() {
msg.onReceived(() => {
this.ring = true // ② 播放音效
msg.onRead(() => {
this.ring = false // ③ 暂停音效
v-model:ring="ring" // 注意:这里需要使用双向绑定
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { EasyRingVueComponent as EasyRing } from 'easy-ring'
import yourAudio from '@/assets/yourAudio.wav'
import msg from 'msg'
const open = ref(false)
const ring = ref(false)
const openComponent = () => {
if (confirm('我们需要您同意开启声音')) {
open.value = true // ① 开启组件
msg.onReceived(() => {
ring.value = true // ② 播放音效
msg.onRead(() => {
ring.value = false // ③ 暂停音效
- ① 开启组件:将open参数设置为true。 PS:这一步需要放到一个交互(比如:按钮点击)里进行触发,这是为了规避目前浏览器的限制。详细可参见下文 《关于open参数以及浏览器限制的解释》一章
- ② 播放音效:将ring参数设置为true
- ③ 暂停音效:将ring参数设置为false
PS: 另外,不要忘记传入一个setRing参数,它实际就是ring参数所对应的状态更新函数,easy-ring将用它来做一些状态自动更新的操作。这将让easy-ring使用起来更傻瓜、更自动化。
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { EasyRingReactComponent as EasyRing } from 'easy-ring'
import msg from 'msg'
export default Demo = () => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
const [ring, setRing] = useState(false)
const getMsg = () => {
msg.onReceived(() => {
setRing(true) // ② 播放音效
msg.onRead(() => {
setRing(false) // ③ 暂停音效
const openComponent = () => {
if (confirm('我们需要您同意开启声音')) {
setOpen(true) // ① 开启组件
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return (
setRing={setRing} // 注意:请记得传入这个参数
easy-ring提供了一个CommonEasyRing类,该类的实例有三个方法:open( )、ring( )、stop( )、close( ),分别用于开启组件、播放音效、暂停音效、关闭组件。
- ① 开启组件:open( ) PS:这一步需要放到一个交互(比如:按钮点击)里进行触发,这是为了规避目前浏览器的限制。详细可参见下文 《关于open参数以及浏览器限制的解释》一章
- ② 播放音效:ring( )
- ③ 暂停音效:stop( )
- ④ 关闭组件:close( )
const myEasyring = new CommonEasyRing()
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (confirm('我们需要您同意开启声音 | We need your consent to turn on sound')) {
myEasyring.open() // ① 开启组件
msg.onReceived(() => {
myEasyring.ring() // ② 播放音效
msg.onRead(() => {
myEasyring.stop() // ③ 暂停音效
msg.onUnmount(() => {
myEasyring.close() // ④ 关闭组件
这三种音效的播放优先级为: 自定义音频源 > 自定义简谱音效 > 内置默认音效
import yourAudio from '@/assets/yourAudio.wav'
/* in Vue */
musicText="1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -"
/* in React */
musicText="1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -"
/* in JS */
const myEasyring = new CommonEasyRing({
musicText: '1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -'
musicText参数的值需要是一串字符串,里面主要由数字、"-"组成,并以一个空格进行间隔区分。 | 字符 | 对应| 说明 | | ------ | ------- | ------ | | .1 ~ .7 | 低音 | 注意前面的符号是"." | | 1 ~ 7 | 中音 | | | 1. ~ 7. | 高音 | 注意前面的符号是"." | | - | 一个停顿单位 | 停顿单位连续得越多,代表停顿时间越长。比如: "- - -"代表停顿三个单位 |
下面是目前本组件内置的几首简谱乐曲,可用于参考: | 曲名 | musicText值 | | ------ | ------- | | 小星星(LITTLE_STAR) | '1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -' | | 两只老虎(TWO_TIGERS) | '1 2 3 1 - 1 2 3 1 - 3 4 5 - 3 4 5 - - 5 6 5 4 3 - 1 - 5 6 5 4 3 - 1 - 2 - .5 - 1 - - 2 - .5 - 1 - - - -' | | 艾吉奥之家(EZIOS_FAMILY) | '.6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 1 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 1 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 1. - 2. - 3. - - - - - -' | | 天空之城(CASTLE_IN_THE_SKY) | '.6 .7 1 - - .7 1 - 3 - .7 - - - - .3 .3 .6 - - .5 .6 - 1 - .5 - - - - .3 .3 .4 - - .3 .4 - 1 - .3 - - - - 1 1 1 .7 - - .4 .4 - .7 - .7 - - - - -' |
这实际上使用了Web Audio API的前端技术。这块要感谢张鑫旭大佬(https://www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/2017/06/html5-web-audio-api-js-ux-voice/) 的启发 、以及前端王睿 大佬(https://www.jianshu.com/p/4f4c8bbd9775、https://www.zhanhu56.com/h5/music_box/、https://github.com/chchlsh/MusicBox) MusicBox组件的功能支持👍,他们的灵感和帮助让这个组件有了更多拓展性和乐趣。
如果没有给src参数、musicText参数传递值的时候,组件会使用默认音效。目前的默认音效为《Ezio's Family》,这是游戏《刺客信条》的一首主题曲。
这实际上跟自定义简谱音效功能的实现使用了同一种技术(Web Audio API)。如果你有更好、更动听的旋律简谱,也欢迎在我的github或者博客里进行分享,后续会考虑将更多内置音效放到组件里。😊
- 在用户点击“登录”按钮时,在click回调里设置open参数为true
- 设置一个音效开关,在change回调里设置open参数为true
- 点击导航菜单的时候,在click回调里设置open参数为true
- 在点击打开消息弹窗时,在click回调里设置open参数为true
- 弹出一个询问“是否允许开启音效”的弹窗
自定义简谱音效功能的实现,要感谢张鑫旭大佬【https://www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/2017/06/html5-web-audio-api-js-ux-voice/ 】的启发 、以及王睿 大佬【https://www.jianshu.com/p/4f4c8bbd9775、https://www.zhanhu56.com/h5/music_box/、https://github.com/chchlsh/MusicBox 】MusicBox组件的功能支持👍,他们的灵感和帮助让这个组件有了更多拓展性和乐趣。
如果你觉得本组件给你带来了帮助,欢迎来给个Star~ 😊 也欢迎提供宝贵意见
- Document in English
This is a simple, versatile and cool front-end sound 🔔 component~
It can be used in many scenarios such as ringtones, message sounds, interactive sounds, and so on.
- Multiple development environments. Available in Vue, React, VanillaJS/Native JS (ES6+).
- Multiple calling styles. You can use this component as a Vue Component , React Component, and even a JS Object.
- Customizable audio source
- Support for using NMN(Numbered musical notation) to customize song sounds
- Built-in default sound effects
- Loop play/single play
| name | type | required | default | remark | | ------ | ------- | ------ | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | open | Boolean | √ | false | Open the component. Setting it to true is a prerequisite for using this component. | | ring | Boolean | √ |false | Whether to start playing the sound effect. When set to false, the sound effect is turned off. | | src | String | × | '' | The address of the ringtone audio file, which needs to be passed into the absolute path. If you are not sure how to obtain the absolute path, see About Sound Effects below. Custom Audio Sources" section, which is actually very simple. | | loop | Boolean | × | true | Whether to loop or not. | | defaultMusic | String | × |'EZIOS_FAMILY' | The default ringtone track. Currently an optional value:'LITTLE_STAR' | 'TWO_TIGERS' | 'EZIOS_FAMILY' | 'CASTLE_IN_THE_SKY' | | musicText | String | × | '' | Customize the sound effects with a simple score. See "About Sound Effects" below. Customize the Notation Sound Effects section | | log | Boolean | × |true | Whether to print the log. | | ended | Function | × |function() {} | Audio playback (once) end-of-event callback. | | setRing | Function | √(React) | - | Required for React components. The value passed in is the status update function corresponding to the ring after using the useState Hook. For details, please refer to the chapter "Use as a React Component" |
npm i easy-ring
Using easy-ring requires only three simple operations,
- ① Open the component.
- ② Play the sound effect. Lets the component start ringing.
- ③ Pause the sound effect. Quiets the component.
Different styles of use basically follow these three operations, but there are some differences in the details of use.
1)Use as an Vue Component
It can be imported and used as a general Vue component. It is mainly controlled by the 'open' and 'ring' parameters.
① Open component: Set the 'open' to true. PS: This step needs to be triggered in an interaction (e.g. button click), which is to circumvent the limitations of the current browser. See the chapter "Explanation of the open parameter and browser limitations" below for details.
② Play Sound Effect: Set the 'ring' to true
③ Pause Sound Effect: Set the 'ring' to false
According to your own needs or effects, decide when to play and pause the sound effect, and control the update of the ring parameter value under the corresponding logic code
Here are examples of Vue2 and Vue3 for reference:
:ring.sync="ring" // Note: Bidirectional binding is required here
import { EasyRingVueComponent as EasyRing } from 'easy-ring'
import yourAudio from '@/assets/yourAudio.wav'
import msg from 'msg'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
open: false,
ring: false
methods: {
openComponent() {
if (confirm('We need your consent to turn on sound')) {
this.open = true // ① Open the component.
mounted() {
msg.onReceived(() => {
this.ring = true // ② Play Sound Effect.
msg.onRead(() => {
this.ring = false // ③ Pause Sound Effect.
v-model:ring="ring" // Note: Bidirectional binding is required here
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { EasyRingVueComponent as EasyRing } from 'easy-ring'
import yourAudio from '@/assets/yourAudio.wav'
import msg from 'msg'
const open = ref(false)
const ring = ref(false)
const openComponent = () => {
if (confirm('We need your consent to turn on sound')) {
open.value = true // ① Open the component.
msg.onReceived(() => {
ring.value = true // ② Play Sound Effect.
msg.onRead(() => {
ring.value = false // ③ Pause Sound Effect.
2)Use as a React Component
It can be imported and used as a general React component. It is mainly controlled by the 'open' and 'ring' parameters.
① Open component: Set the 'open' to true. PS: This step needs to be triggered in an interaction (e.g. button click), which is to circumvent the limitations of the current browser. See the chapter "Explanation of the open parameter and browser limitations" below for details.
② Play Sound Effect: Set the 'ring' to true
③ Pause Sound Effect: Set the 'ring' to false
According to your own needs or effects, decide when to play and pause the sound effect, and control the update of the ring parameter value under the corresponding logic code
PS: Don't forget to pass in a setRing parameter, which is actually the status update function corresponding to the ring parameter, and easy-ring will use it to do some automatic status update operations. This will make easy-ring more foolish and automated.
Refer to the following example:
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { EasyRingReactComponent as EasyRing } from 'easy-ring'
import msg from 'msg'
export default Demo = () => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
const [ring, setRing] = useState(false)
const getMsg = () => {
msg.onReceived(() => {
setRing(true) // ② Play Sound Effect.
msg.onRead(() => {
setRing(false) // ③ Pause Sound Effect.
const openComponent = () => {
if (confirm('We need your consent to turn on sound')) {
setOpen(true) // ① Open the component.
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
return (
setRing={setRing} // NOTE: Remember provide this prop.
3)Use with Javascript Function
easy-ring provides a CommonEasyRing class with three methods: open( ), ring( ), ,stop ( ) and close( ), which are used to open the component, play the sound effect, pause the sound effect and close the component.
① Open component: open( ) PS: This step needs to be triggered in an interaction (e.g. button click), which is to circumvent the limitations of the current browser. See the chapter "Explanation of the open parameter and browser limitations" below for details.
② Play Sound Effect: ring( )
③ Pause Sound Effect: stop ( )
④ Close the component: close( )
Refer to the following example:
const myEasyring = new CommonEasyRing()
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (confirm('We need your consent to turn on sound')) {
myEasyring.open() // ① Open the component.
msg.onReceived(() => {
myEasyring.ring() // ② Play Sound Effect.
msg.onRead(() => {
myEasyring.stop() // ③ Pause Sound Effect.
msg.onUnmount(() => {
myEasyring.close() // ④ Close the component.
About sound effects
This component has three ways to use sound effects: Custom Audio Source, Custom NMN(Numbered musical notation) Sound Effects, and Built-in default sounds. You can choose your favorite way according to your needs.
The playback priorities for these three sound effects are: Custom Audio Source > Custom NMN(Numbered musical notation) Sound Effects > Built-in default sounds
1)Custom Audio Source
Pass your audio file address to the component's src parameter to use a custom audio source.
Absolute paths are used because using relative paths is prone to problems during local builds or packaging, and easy-ring, as a third-party component, cannot find audio files from relative paths in your project.
Getting the absolute path is actually quite straightforward, using the following methods in a Vue or React environment (and possibly other build environments):
import yourAudio from '@/assets/yourAudio.wav'
At this point, the yourAudio variable is the absolute path to your audio file, and you can pass this variable to the src parameter.
2)Custom NMN(Numbered musical notation) Sound Effects
Pass a string of NMN(Numbered musical notation) to the musicText parameter to use a custom notation sound effect.
For example, the following example shows how to use the sound effects of Little Star:
/* in Vue */
musicText="1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -"
/* in React */
musicText="1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -"
/* in JS */
const myEasyring = new CommonEasyRing({
musicText: '1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -'
The value of the musicText parameter needs to be a string consisting mainly of numbers, "-", and spaced by a space. | character | interpretation | remark | | ------ | ------- | ------ | | .1 ~ .7 | bass | Note that the preceding symbol is "." | | 1 ~ 7 | mediant | | | 1. ~ 7. | treble | Note that the preceding symbol is "." | | - | A paused unit | The more consecutive pause units there are, the longer the pause time. For example: "---" represents a pause of three units. |
Here are a few of the notation songs currently built into this component for reference: | name | musicText | | ------ | ------- | | 小星星(LITTLE_STAR) | '1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 - 1 1 5 5 6 6 5 - 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - -' | | 两只老虎(TWO_TIGERS) | '1 2 3 1 - 1 2 3 1 - 3 4 5 - 3 4 5 - - 5 6 5 4 3 - 1 - 5 6 5 4 3 - 1 - 2 - .5 - 1 - - 2 - .5 - 1 - - - -' | | 艾吉奥之家(EZIOS_FAMILY) | '.6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 1 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 1 - .6 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 1. - 2. - 3. - - - - - -' | | 天空之城(CASTLE_IN_THE_SKY) | '.6 .7 1 - - .7 1 - 3 - .7 - - - - .3 .3 .6 - - .5 .6 - 1 - .5 - - - - .3 .3 .4 - - .3 .4 - 1 - .3 - - - - 1 1 1 .7 - - .4 .4 - .7 - .7 - - - - -' |
This actually uses the front-end technology of the Web Audio API. This piece is thanks to the inspiration of Zhang Xinxu (https://www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/2017/06/html5-web-audio-api-js-ux-voice/) and the front-end Wang Rui The MusicBox component is supported 👍 by the https://www.jianshu.com/p/4f4c8bbd9775, https://www.zhanhu56.com/h5/music_box/, https://github.com/chchlsh/MusicBox, and their inspiration and help make this component more expansive and fun.
3)Built-in default sound effects
If no value is passed to the src parameter or the musicText parameter, the component will use the default sound effect. The current default sound effect is Ezio's Family, a theme song for the game Assassin's Creed.
You can also change the default sound track by setting the default Music value, the currently supported optional values are: 'LITTLE_STAR', 'TWO_TIGERS', 'EZIOS_FAMILY', 'CASTLE_IN_THE_SKY'.
This is actually the same technology used in the implementation of the custom notation sound function (the Web Audio API). If you have a better, more beautiful melodic notation, please feel free to share it on my github or blog, and consider putting more built-in sound effects into the component in the future. 😊
Explanation of the open parameter and browser limitations
Most browsers do not currently support autoplay audio, which requires the user to actively trigger the interaction before it can be played. Therefore, the component adds an open parameter to (remind the developer) to do this.
We need to put the control logic of "setting the open parameter to true" in the event callback that triggers the user's interaction behavior, such as the click event of the button, the change event of the switch switch, and so on.
However, you can play down this process with some interaction design to improve the user experience. Like what:
- When the user clicks the "Login" button, set the open parameter to true in the click callback
- Set a sound switch and set the open parameter to true in the change callback
- When clicking on the navigation menu, set the open parameter to true in the click callback
- When clicking to open the message pop-up, set the open parameter to true in the click callback.
The above example is not very suitable for the situation after refreshing the page, in the case of refreshing the page, I personally think that the better way may be:
- Show a dialog asking for "Allow me to turn on sound effects?"
The implementation of the custom sheet music effect is thanks to the inspiration of Zhang Xinxu 【https://www.zhangxinxu.com/wordpress/2017/06/html5-web-audio-api-js-ux-voice/ 】and Wang Rui who supports the MusicBox component 👍 【 https://www.jianshu.com/p/4f4c8bbd9775, https://www.zhanhu56.com/h5/music_box/, https://github.com/chchlsh/MusicBox 】, and their inspiration and help make this component more expansive and fun.
If you think this component has brought you help, welcome to give a Star and provide valuable advice ~ 😊