A Proxy handler maker that drastically simplifies making and using Harmony Proxies by combining traps and normalizing their arguments.
Easy Proxy
Shims in Direct-Proxies and then builds a simplified handler on top of that. The traps are abstracted down into a smaller set of traps with normalized parameters and simple to use forwarding.
npm install easy-proxy
var EasyProxy = require('easy-proxy');
var proxied = EasyProxy(target, {
list: function(reflect, target, type, own, hidden) { return reflect() },
has: function(reflect, target, name, own) { return reflect() },
get: function(reflect, target, name, own, receiver, normalize) { return reflect() },
set: function(reflect, target, name, val, receiver, normalize) { return reflect() },
unset: function(reflect, target, name) { return reflect() },
fix: function(reflect, target, type) { return reflect() },
invoke: function(reflect, target, type, args, receiver) { return reflect() },
Any traps not provided in the handler will default to reflecting normally onto the target.
The first parameter is always a function that when called with no arguments will execute the default forwarding action. This allows for easy interception and modification. It also accepts a single object passed that specified overrides on the default action.
- trap: Direct Proxies traps name name to execute instead of the default
- target: Redirect the action to another target
- name: Change the name that actual is executed again for traps that are for specific properties
- value: Change the value for set
- receiver: Change the receiver for get, set, and invoke
// redirect all set operations to global instead;
var redirected = EasyProxy({}, {
set: function(reflect){
return reflect({ target: global });
For get and set, normalize is a function provided as the last parameter. Its pupose is normalize the difference between a descriptor and normal value since these traps are set+defineProperty and get+getOwnPropertyDescriptor.
var typeofWrap = EasyProxy(global, {
get: function(reflect, target, name, own, receiver, normalize){
return normalize(typeof target[name]);