EaSy Polymer is a set of ES7/TS decorators for Polymer to save on boilerplate
EaSy Polymer
This project aims to provide unified decorators for Polymer v1 and v2. The dist
folder contains sources for ES6,
CommonJS and HTML Imports for the best availability. HTML module exposes decorators in the ESP
namespace to prevent
the global namespace pollution.
Decorators (the ones usable without Reflect.metadata
) are fully compatible
with ES7, so can be transpiled with either tsc or babel.
Core decorator, registers a component withing the browser. Has to be the first decorator if any other class level decorator is used. By default it takes the name for the class name (changes UpperCamelCase to dash-case), but a custom name can be provided.
// Create an empty component with the name `my-class`
@define class MyClass {} // Polymer v1
@define class MyClass extends Polymer.Element {} // Polymer v2
// Create an empty component with the name `custom-name`
@define("custom-name") class MyClass {} // Polymer v1
@define("custom-name") class MyClass extends Polymer.Element {} // Polymer v2
Depending on the workflow, templates will either be placed in dom-module
, or in TypeScript/JavaScript using
// Polymer v1
@template(`<div>Hello [[name]]</div>`)
class MyClass {}
// Polymer v2
@template(`<div>Hello [[name]]</div>`)
class MyClass extends Polymer.Element {}
@prop, @string, @number, @boolean, @date, @object, @array
To define a property, by prepending a @prop
decorator to it, or specifying specific type decorator (like @number
For @prop
to be used, three dependencies have to be met:
has to be installedemitDecoratorMetadata
has to be set totrue
- class properties have to have implicit types defined
// Polymer v1 does not need to extend Polymer.Element, while v2 does, in this case as well
@define class MyClass {
@prop myProp: string;
@string myString;
@number myNumber;
@boolean myBoolean;
@date myDate;
@object myObject;
@array myArray;
@array myArrayBetterWay: Array<string> // providing full typing for arrays
@set, @readOnly
One of few things that are rather hard to make it work with both Polymer versions, are default values. With Polymer v2,
it's very easy, as it is just assigning the value to property (@prop name: string = "Bob";
). With Polymer v1 it's
a bit more complicated, as the value needs to end up in the property config object. Because of that, to set the default
value in Polymer v1, you need to use the @set
If the value has to be read only and not be changed, use @readOnly
decorator. In Polymer v1 it can replace the @set
// Polymer v1
@define class MyClass {
@prop @set("Bob") name: string;
@prop @readOnly("1.0.0") version: string;
// Polymer v2
@define class MyClass extends Polymer.Element {
@prop name: string = "Bob";
@prop @readOnly("1.0.0") version: string;
Decorator to set polymer notify
// Polymer v1
@define class MyClass {
@prop @notify name: string;
// Polymer v2
@define class MyClass extends Polymer.Element {
@prop @notify name: string;
@computed, @observe
Finally, some Polymer magic stuff. Both @computed
and @observe
decorators have the same API and the only difference
is that @computed
method will save a return value into a property (name taken from the method name), while @observe
will not.
You can provide properties/paths to listen, but it's not necessary. If you use the plain decorator API, it will use parameters names.
@define class MyClass {
@prop name: string;
@prop age: number;
@prop profile: {avatar: string};
@observe // listen to properties as defined in parameters (name)
nameChanged(name: string): void { /* ... */ }
@observe("name, age") // listen to properties `name` and `age`
nameAgeChanged(name: string, age: number): void { /* ... */ }
@observe("profile.avatar") // listen to path `profile.avatar`
profileAvatarChanged(avatar: string): void { /* ... */ }
@computed // listen to properties as defined in parameters (name) - type fetched from Reflect metadata
nameComputed(name: string): string { return `Hello ${name}`; }
@computed("name, age") // listen to properties `name` and `age` - type fetched from Reflect metadata
nameAgeComputed(name: string, age: number): string { return `${name} is ${age} years old`; }
@computed("profile.avatar") // listen to path `profile.avatar` - type fetched from Reflect metadata
profileAvatarComputed(avatar: string): string { return `My avatar: ${avatar}`; }
@computed(String) // listen to properties as defined in parameters (name) - type provided in decorator
nameComputedTypeType(name: string): string { return `Hello ${name}`; }
@computed(String, "name, age") // listen to properties `name` and `age` - type provided in decorator
nameAgeComputedType(name: string, age: number): string { return `${name} is ${age} years old`; }
@computed(String, "profile.avatar") // listen to path `profile.avatar` - type provided in decorator
profileAvatarComputedType(avatar: string): string { return `My avatar: ${avatar}`; }