Simple, friendly and poweful engine to manage your personal finances easily
Easy Personal Finance
Simple, friendy and powerful engine to manage personal finances easily. Great tool to be used by web apps or cli apps.
Use npm package manager to install Easy Personal Finance
npm install easy-personal-finance
npm install easy-personal-finance@latest
In this moment this library offers two components (transactions & reports "new in version 3.1.0") To instance library
import { EasyFinance } from 'easy-personal-finance'
Transactions component usage
If we want to use the library to get the transactions from a FormData object used in to upload files in an http request then we could use the library as follows.
const transactionsDraft = new EasyFinance()
body: req.body,
contentTypeHeader: req.headers['content-type']!,
.find({ text: searchParam })
- req: Request object using Nextjs Api as a library client.
- form-data: Indicates the type of source from which the financial data comes from.
- searchParam: Search string entered by the user to search for specific transactions. More examples watching test
Format valid files
Json format file
"date": "01/01/2022",
"concept": "Transferencia bancaria",
"movement": "Alquiler",
"amount": "-1500",
"notes": "ALQUILER ENERO o no"
"date": "02/01/2022",
"concept": "Pago con tarjeta",
"movement": "Supermercado",
"amount": "-100",
"date": "05/01/2022",
"concept": "Ingreso",
"movement": "Nómina",
"amount": "3000",
"notes": "SALARIO ENERO"
Csv format file
;Fecha;F.Valor;Concepto;Movimiento;Importe;Divisa;Disponible;Divisa;Observaciones;;;;Total ingresos;Total Gastos;Resultado
;31/01/2023;29/01/2023;ventas.com;Pago con tarjeta;-16.41;EUR;24800.46;EUR;4940197132993006 ventas.xom*1O3Y69XQ4;;;;2471.43;-2762.98;-291.55
;31/01/2023;31/01/2023;Cargo por amortizacion de prestamo/credito; ;-700.83;EUR;4816.87;EUR;9132-1528-57-0230106506;;;;;;
;30/01/2023;30/01/2023;Abono de nómina;"MyEmpresa; S.L";2380.43;EUR;25153.7;EUR;"MyEmpresa; S.L";;;;;;
Reports component usage
If you want to get a balance sheet report calculated from a set of transactions then you have to do the following.
async getBalance() {
const financeEntities = await this.service.getTransactions()
const reportService = new EasyFinance().reports
.build() as BalanceSheetService
return reportService.calculateReport()
- financeEntities: represents the set of transactions to be usd to calculate report.
- .reports.: path to use reports component
- 'balance' type: indicates that the report to be generated should be a balance report.
- calculateReport: method responsable to calculate report.