easy on Board is a react native package that helps you to make an on Board Screen without efforts.
:iphone: Easy On board :fist:
:blue_book: Description
:star: What is new ?
:boom: ShowCase
:zap: Installation
:key: Usage
:page_facing_up: Examples
:ok_hand: Why easy-on-board ?
easy on Board is a react native package that helps you to make an onBoard Screen without efforts.
What is new ?
version 0.0.5 :
- Adding current component indicator
- Changing text on the Next button to appear as Finish when reaching the last component
- Changing some props naming convention
version 0.0.6 :
- Adding navigation between the components through the indicators
version 1.1.0 :
- Removing indicator keys warning
- Implementing swipe gesture
version 2.2.0 :
- Adding useOnBoard hook :tada:
- Applying some performance improvements
version 2.2.1 :
- adding finish text prop
version 2.2.2 :
- adding onBoard component title prop
- adding onBoard component text style prop
version 2.2.3 :
- default styles improvements
version 2.3.0 :
- adding start button text and styling props
- adding finish button text and styling props
version 2.3.1 :
- Wrapper style improvements
version 2.3.2 :
- supporting RTL in swipe gestures "when LTR 'swipe right' === back and when RTL 'swipe right' === next"
version 2.4.0 :
- adding custom render functions for back,start,next and finish buttons
version 2.5.0 :
- adding EasyOnBoard component titleStyle and imageStyle props
- some style props improvements
npm install easy-on-board
yarn add easy-on-board
we have two components
EasyOnBoard.Screen which is the wrapper of the on-board components and it has 12 props :
children which are wrapped components (Required)
onFinish the function to be called on last component which could be navigation to another screen (Required)
nextButtonText the text to be shown on next button (Optional)
nextTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)
nextButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)
renderNextComponent render function that called to render custom next button component, Note: it overrides nextButtonText (Optional)
startButtonText the text to be shown on start button "same as next button but showed as at first component" (Optional)
startTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)
startButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)
renderStartComponent render function that called to render custom start button component, Note: it overrides startButtonText (Optional)
finishButtonText the text to be shown on finish button "same as next button but showed as at last component"(Optional)
finishTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)
finishButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)
renderFinishtComponent render function that called to render custom finish button component, Note: it overrides finishButtonText (Optional)
backButtonText the text to be shown on back button (Optional)
backTextStyle the styling props of the text (Optional)
backButtonStyle the button styling props (Optional)
renderBackComponent render function that called to render custom back button component, Note: it overrides backButtonText (Optional)
indicator boolean value to determine showing indicator or not " default value = false " (Optional)
indicatorColor color of the non-current indicators (Optional)
selectedIndicatorColor color of the current indicator (Optional)
swipeable boolean value to determine allowing swipe gesture to change the current component or not " default value = false " (Optional)
EasyOnBoard.Component which is the wrapped component as we will see and it has 3 props:
text (Required)
title (Required)
imageSource (Required) and this takes the source of the image , like "require('./myimage.png')" or "{uri: 'https://reactjs.org/logo-og.png'}"
style component styling props (Optional)
textStyle text styling props (Optional)
titleStyle title styling props (Optional)
imageStyle image styling props (Optional)
:fire:or you can just use The Hook:fire:
useOnBoard and it takes 4 props and finish the whole work for you :
children which is an array of objects where each object has 2 properties {text,imageSource,title} (Required)
onFinish the function to be called on last component which could be navigation to another screen (Required)
swipeable boolean value to determine allowing swipe gesture to change the current component or not " default value = false " (Optional)
indicator boolean value to determine showing indicator or not " default value = false " (Optional)
Package Import :
import EasyOnBoard, { useOnBoard } from "easy-on-board";
onFinish={() => {
alert("this is last component");
text="First Component"
text="Second Component"
text="Third Component"
Or use the hook
const children = [
title: "First",
text: "First component",
imageSource: require("./src/assets/first.png"),
title: "Second",
text: "Second component",
imageSource: require("./src/assets/second.png"),
title: "Third",
text: "Third component",
imageSource: require("./src/assets/third.png"),
const onFinish = () => {
alert("tada enjoy the hook");
const onBoardScreen = useOnBoard({
onFinish: onFinish,
swipeable: true,
indicator: true,
children: children,
Why easy-on-board ?
:heavy_check_mark: Highly customizable :muscle:
:heavy_check_mark: Fixed wrapped component "EasyOnBoard.Component" :muscle:
:heavy_check_mark: Dynamic wrapped component "any component can be used as wrapped component" :muscle:
:heavy_check_mark: Dynamic style of the buttons :muscle:
:heavy_check_mark: Current component indicator :muscle:
:heavy_check_mark: Navigation through the Indicators :muscle:
:heavy_check_mark: Adding swipe gesture to change current component :muscle:
:heavy_check_mark: You can use the hook feature for the fast creation of OnBoard Screen :tada: