Easy Notification Packgae
This package is doing somthing you are probably too lazy to do. Using this package you will be able to run simple notifications on you page.
npm i easy-notify-vanilla
to use the notification import the one and only function:
import { notify } from 'easy-notify-vanilla';
How to use it
Must have:
the first object is a must have which will provide you with the simplest notification possible
type: the type of the notification - can be: "success" | "error" | "warning" | "info"
message: "this is a message" can be what ever you want
notify({type: "success", message: "Hello World"});
Optional values:
in optional values object you can add diffrent configurations that you may need or not, setting up various styling options.
The Options:
isIcon: = true/false - each type has it's own specific icon;
timeout: number - this is configured in ms => 1s = 1000ms
position: you can change the position of the notification: "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right"
isCloseButton: = true/false - add a close button that can close the notification.
isProgress: true/false - adds a progress bar for the time that the notification is working.
top: false/number - distance from top if false defualt value.
bottom: false/number - distance from bottom if false defualt value.
left: false/number - distance from left if false defualt value.
right: false/number - distance from right if false defualt value.
height: false/number - custom height if false defualt value.
width: false/number - custom width if false defualt value.
notify({type: "success", message: "Hello World"},{isProgress: true, isIcon: true, isCloseButton: true})
notify({type: "info", message: "Hello World"},{position: "bottom-left", isIcon:true, isCloseButton: true})
notify({type: "error", message: "Hello World"},{position: "top-right", isProgress: true, isCloseButton: true})