Everything you need for magnifying images
A responsive React image zoom component for touch and mouse.
Designed for shopping site product detail.
Features Include:
- In-place and side-by-side image enlargement
- Positive or negative space guide lens options
- Interaction hint
- Configurable enlarged image dimensions
- Optional enlarged image external render
- Hover intent
- Long-press gesture
- Fade transitions
- Basic react-slick carousel support
Author: Waft Technology
Coming soon* but works same like react-image-magnify package
npm install easy-magnify-waft
Usage is pretty simple. Remember: using latest version of this package is always recommended
import ReactImageMagnify from 'easy-magnify-waft';
<ReactImageMagnify {...{
smallImage: {
alt: 'redmi-phone',
isFluidWidth: true,
src: "assets/images/redmi-300.png"
largeImage: {
src: "assets/images/redmi-1200.png",
width: 1200,
height: 1800
enlargedImageStyle: {
objectFit: "contain",
enlargedImagePortalId: "ProductMagnify or preferred portal id",
enlargedImageContainerClassName: "enlargeImage or preferred portal class",
className: "magnifyimg or preferred portal class",
}} />
.enlargeImage img {
max-width: none;
.enlargeImage {
background-color: #ffffff;
border: none !important;
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) 0px 0.0625em 0.0625em,
rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) 0px 0.125em 0.5em,
rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0px 0px 0px 1px inset;
// This is the portal div with portal id
#ProductMagnify {
position: absolute;
left: 1%;
top: 0;
z-index: 9;
transform: scale(0);
opacity: 0;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
// This div is added above the ReactImageMagnify component and is used to show the magnified image when hovered
.ProExternaldiv:hover #ProductMagnify {
left: 50%; /** Adjust left from your main div accordingly **/
transform: scale(1.25); /** Scale magnified image accordingly **/
opacity: 1;
.magnifyimg > img {
/** Magnified Image Classs **/
Required Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | | ---------- | ------ | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | smallImage | Object | N/A | Small image information. See Small Image below. | | largeImage | Object | N/A | Large image information. See Large Image below. |
Optional Styling Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | | ------------------------------- | ------ | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | className | String | N/A | CSS class applied to root container element. | | style | Object | N/A | Style applied to root container element. | | imageClassName | String | N/A | CSS class applied to small image element. | | imageStyle | Object | N/A | Style applied to small image element. | | lensStyle | Object | N/A | Style applied to tinted lens. | | enlargedImageContainerClassName | String | N/A | CSS class applied to enlarged image container element. | | enlargedImageContainerStyle | Object | N/A | Style applied to enlarged image container element. | | enlargedImageClassName | String | N/A | CSS class applied to enlarged image element. | | enlargedImageStyle | Object | N/A | Style applied to enlarged image element. |
Optional Interaction Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | | ------------------ | ------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | | fadeDurationInMs | Number | 300 | Milliseconds duration of magnified image fade in/fade out. | | hoverDelayInMs | Number | 250 | Milliseconds to delay hover trigger. | | hoverOffDelayInMs | Number | 150 | Milliseconds to delay hover-off trigger. | | isActivatedOnTouch | Boolean | false | Activate magnification immediately on touch. May impact scrolling. | | pressDuration | Number | 500 | Milliseconds to delay long-press activation (long touch). | | pressMoveThreshold | Number | 5 | Pixels of movement allowed during long-press activation. |
Optional Behavioral Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Description | | ------------------------------------ | -------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | enlargedImagePosition | String | beside (over for touch) | Enlarged image placement. Can be 'beside' or 'over'. | | enlargedImageContainerDimensions | Object | {width: '100%', height: '100%'} | Specify enlarged image container dimensions as an object with width and height properties. Values may be expressed as a percentage (e.g. '150%') or a number (e.g. 200). Percentage is based on small image dimension. Number is pixels. Not applied when enlargedImagePosition is set to 'over', the default for touch input. | | enlargedImagePortalId | String | N/A | Render enlarged image into an HTML element of your choosing by specifying the target element id. Requires React v16. Ignored for touch input by default - see isEnlargedImagePortalEnabledForTouch. | | isEnlargedImagePortalEnabledForTouch | Boolean | false | Specify portal rendering should be honored for touch input. | | hintComponent | Function | (Provided) | Reference to a component class or functional component. A Default is provided. | | shouldHideHintAfterFirstActivation | Boolean | true | Only show hint until the first interaction begins. | | isHintEnabled | Boolean | false | Enable hint feature. | | hintTextMouse | String | Hover to Zoom | Hint text for mouse. | | hintTextTouch | String | Long-Touch to Zoom | Hint text for touch. | | shouldUsePositiveSpaceLens | Boolean | false | Specify a positive space lens in place of the default negative space lens. | | lensComponent | Function | (Provided) | Specify a custom lens component. |
Small Image
src: String, (required)
srcSet: String,
sizes: String,
width: Number, (required if isFluidWidth is not set)
height: Number, (required if isFluidWidth is not set)
isFluidWidth: Boolean, (default false)
alt: String,
onLoad: Function,
onError: Function
For more information on responsive images, please try these resources:
Responsive Images 101
Responsive Images - The srcset and sizes Attributes
Large Image
src: String, (required)
srcSet: String,
sizes: String,
width: Number, (required)
height: Number, (required)
alt: String, (defaults to empty string)
onLoad: Function,
onError: Function
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