A tiny easing package with no dependencies
Easy Ease
A tiny easing package (~0.2 KB gzipped) with no dependencies. For doing stuff like:
- Scrolling smoothly to the top of the page
- Sliding out a navigation menu
- Sliding open an accordion component
You won't find any options for different types of easing here. What you get is a nice ease-in-out
similar to the default animation for transition
in CSS.
If you'd prefer to choose from the full suite of Robert Penner equations, try tween.js or d3-ease instead.
npm install easy-ease
To scroll the window to the top of the page:
import ease from 'easy-ease';
startValue: window.scrollY,
endValue: 0,
onStep: value => window.scroll(0, value),
Have a play with some other examples on CodePen https://codepen.io/davidgilbertson/pen/GyrZNz
The ease
function takes a single parameter, an object. The properties of that object are:
| Property | Type | Description | Default |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| startValue
| Number | The value at which to start | 0
| endValue
| Number | The value at which to end | 1
| durationMs
| Number | The amount of time (in milliseconds) the transition should take | 200
| onStep
| Function | This will be called on each step of the transition. That's once for each 'animation frame' - roughly every 16 milliseconds. The current value is passed as the only argument. The last time it is called the value is guaranteed to be endValue
. | No default |
| onComplete
| Function | Called when the transition is complete. Will be called after the final call to onStep
. No argument is passed to this function. | noop |