A simple package to easily create and send embeds in Discord bots.
A simple package to easily create and send embeds in Discord bots using discord.js
. This package abstracts away the need to manually construct embed objects, allowing you to focus on what matters.
📦 Installation
npm install easy-discord-embeds
🚀 Usage
Import the Library
For Node.js
const { sendEmbed } = require('easy-discord-embeds');
🧑💻 Example Usage for Slash Commands
Here’s an example of how to use easy-discord-embeds with Slash Commands to send a simple embed in your Discord bot:
const { sendEmbed } = require('easy-discord-embeds');
module.exports = {
data: {
name: 'sendembed',
description: 'Send an embed.',
async execute(interaction) {
sendEmbed(interaction, {
title: 'Simple Embed!',
description: 'This is a simple description.',
color: 0x3498db, // Blue color
🧑💻 Example Usage for Message Commands
Here’s an example of how to use easy-discord-embeds with Message Commands (prefix-based commands) to send an embed:
const { sendEmbed } = require('easy-discord-embeds');
module.exports = {
name: 'sendembed',
description: 'Send an embed.',
async execute(message) {
sendEmbed(message, {
title: 'Hello!',
description: 'This is a message embed.',
color: 0x00ff00, // Green color
🎨 Embed Options
Here’s how you can customize the embeds:
- title: The title of the embed (string)
- description: The content of the embed (string)
- color: The color of the embed (hexadecimal value)
- footer: Optional footer text (object with text and iconURL properties)
- image: Optional image URL to display in the embed (string)
- thumbnail: Optional thumbnail URL (string)
- fields: Optional fields array, where each field has name, value, and optional inline (boolean)
🧑💻 Example with Advanced Options:
sendEmbed(message, {
title: 'Embed with Advanced Options',
description: 'This embed has footer, image, and fields.',
color: 0xff5733, // Red color
footer: {
text: 'Footer Text',
iconURL: 'https://example.com/icon.png',
image: 'https://example.com/image.png',
thumbnail: 'https://example.com/thumbnail.png',
fields: [
name: 'Field 1',
value: 'This is a field with some content.',
inline: true,
📝 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.