A lightweight TypeScript utility designed to simplify the usage of CSS module classes in your projects.
Working With CSS Modules is Even Easier
A lightweight TypeScript utility designed to simplify the usage of CSS module classes in your projects. It provides a convenient way to transform a space-separated string of class names into a string containing the corresponding CSS module classes.
- Throws an error and logs the error stack to the console if no class names are provided or if
is invoked without class names. Additionally, an error is thrown for invalid CSS class names, such as.123className
- Minor changes and bug fixes.
- The
is deprecated and will be removed in future updates due to conflicts with React Hooks naming conventions. Please switch toutilizeModuleClasses
instead. - Now, You can access global classes alongside module classes outside the CSS module without extra templates. Simply, prepend a '@' before global class, as demonstrated:
$_(".moduleClass .@globalClass)
- Automatic removal of duplicate classes, extra spaces within class names, class name validation.
Why Easy-CSS-Modules?
Assuming you have a CSS module with classes defined like so:
/* styles.module.css */
.heading {
font-size: 24px;
.paragraph {
font-size: 16px;
Typically, we access and utilize module classes in the following manner:
import styles from "./styles.module.css";
<div className={`${styles.heading} ${styles.paragraph}`}>***</div>;
It's acceptable, but templating classNames in this manner can become messy and tedious. However, with easy-css-modules, we can eliminate this hassle.
Key Features
- Simplified usage with CSS modules.
- Automatic removal of duplicate classes.
- Elimination of extra spaces within class names.
- Robust class name validation, triggering an error on encountering an invalid class name.
- Optimized for high performance.
Getting Started
To install, run the following command in your project directory:
npm install easy-css-modules
yarn add easy-css-modules
pnpm install easy-css-modules
- Import the
function from the package:
import styles from "./styles.module.css";
import utilizeModuleClasses from "easy-css-modules";
- Initialize the
hook (not specific to React; it functions with any JavaScript framework) as follows: it returns a function that accepts a space-separated string of class names (e.g., ".heading .paragraph") as an argument. You can assign the hooked function to any variable or assign it to the const$_
variable for stylistic and convenient usage.
const $_ = utilizeModuleClasses(styles);
- Then, utilize the returned function or the
function to dynamically apply these classes.
- Define module classes like this:
$_(".class .anotherClass")
.- To access global classes alongside module classes outside the CSS module, prepend a '@' before global class, as demonstrated:
$_(".moduleClass .@globalClass)
// 1. Import styles from css module and utilizeModuleClasses from easy-css-modules.
import styles from "./styles.module.css";
import { utilizeModuleClasses } from "easy-css-modules";
// 2. Initialize the utilizeModuleClasses hook
const $_ = utilizeModuleClasses(styles);
// 3. Use the classes
<h1 className={$_(".heading .@globalClass")}>***</div>;
- You are free to utilize any class naming convention, extending beyond camelCase, as exemplified by
.- The
preceding the classes isn't obligatory for this utility package to function. You can denote classes with a leading dot, as in$_(".first-class .second")
, or without it, like$_("first-class second")
. However, employing the dot notation makes it easier to discern class references at a glance.
const $_ = utilizeModuleClasses(styleObject);
The CSS module classes object.classNames:
A space-separated string of class names (e.g., ".heading .paragraph"). Returns A function that takes a string of class names and returns a string of corresponding CSS module classes.
Additional Tips
You can add these custom snippets in your vs code snippets settings to make your dev experience much more easy and faster.
Navigate to
File > Preferences > Configure User Snippets
Copy the JSON code provided below and paste it into both
.Save the file and start using the snippets by typing the prefix associated with each snippet.
- And now you can type any html tag to get snippets suggestions with easy-css-module templates.
"easy-css-module-template": {
"prefix": [
"h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
"ul", "ol", "li",
"table", "tr", "td", "th",
"form", "input", "button",
"section", "article", "header", "footer",
"nav", "aside", "main",
"video", "audio",
"body": [
"<${TM_CURRENT_WORD} className={\\$_(\"${1}\")}>${2}</${TM_CURRENT_WORD}>"
"description": "Commented Section divider"
"easy-css-module-template-sct": {
"prefix": [
"input", // Can be self-closing for certain types (e.g., input type="hidden")
// Add more self-closing tags here
"body": [
"<${TM_CURRENT_WORD} className={\\$_(\"${1}\")} />${2}"
"description": "Commented Section divider"
"arrow-component-with-css-module": {
"scope": "javascript, typescript, typescriptreact, javascriptreact",
"prefix": [
"body": [
"import styles from \"${1}\";",
"import { utilizeModuleClasses } from \"easy-css-modules\";",
"const \\$_ = utilizeModuleClasses(styles);",
"const ${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} = () => {",
" return (",
" <>",
" ${3}",
" </>",
" );",
"export default ${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE};"
"description": "Commented Section divider"
The MIT License (MIT) | Copyright (c) 2024 Nazmus Sakib