Easy-Brush is a JavaScript brush engine designed for drawing on HTML5 canvas elements. It offers smooth Bezier curves for a natural drawing experience.
Easy-Brush is a JavaScript-based brush engine that simplifies drawing on the web.
Easy-Brush can meet nearly all web drawing needs, whether it's for a signature pad or artwork. You can import only the modules you need or simply use the brush directly. Parameters can be controlled in real-time or set as fixed for specific brushes. In short, it allows you to achieve all your web drawing requirements with just a prepared canvas.
- Smooth and uniform Bézier curves
- Lines composed entirely of points
- Excellent performance optimization for the web
This is an online demo project where you can preview the brush effects.
Install dependencies via npm:
npm install easy-brush
Import the dependency in your JavaScript file:
import { Brush } from 'easy-brush';
Below is the basic usage to draw on a canvas using a mouse or trackpad.
// First, get your canvas element
const canvas = document.getElementById('yourCanvasId');
// Initialize brush configuration
const brushConfig = {
color: "#000000", // Brush color
size: 8, // Size
flow: 0.8, // Flow
opacity: 0.5, // Opacity
spacing: 0.15, // Spacing
roundness: 1.00, // Roundness
angle: 0.00, // Angle
// Initialize the brush
const brush = new Brush(canvas);
// Bind the brush configuration to the brush instance (this way, modifying the external brushConfig will automatically update the brush internally)
// Or directly pass the configuration during initialization; this configuration is optional and won't be bound.
// const brush = new Brush(canvas, {
// color: "#000000",
// })
// Variables for drawing control
let isStarted = false;
// Simulated pen pressure module (the faster the mouse moves, the lower the pressure; slower movement increases the pressure)
// const MP = new MousePressure()
// Add event listeners for mouse/touch events on the canvas
canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
isStarted = true;
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
if (!isStarted) return
// Default pressure value; for actual pen pressure, check the event (e) object (usually available only in stylus mode)
const pressure = 0.5
// Or use the simulated pen pressure module
// const pressure = MP.getPressure(e.offsetX, e.offsetY)
brush.putPoint(e.offsetX, e.offsetY, pressure)
canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
isStarted = false;
// End the current stroke
Default brush effect:
You can try modifying the brush configuration to achieve different effects:
brushConfig.color = "#4dfffc"
brushConfig.roundness = 0.3
You can also use an image as the brush shape, replacing the default circular shape:
// If the image is a URL, loading may take some time
const img = "image url" | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement
// Use a PNG image with a transparent background; the non-transparent parts will be used as the brush shape
brush.loadImage(img, (isSuc) => {
console.log(isSuc, "brush image load end");
Modules can enhance brush effects. You can control dynamic parameters of the brush by binding configurations.
const moduleId = brush.useModule(Module) // Bind a module
brush.removeModule(moduleId) // Remove a module
Use Shape Dynamics
Shape dynamics control jitter for size, angle, and roundness. You can control dynamic parameters by binding configurations.
import { DynamicShapeModule } from 'easy-brush';
const dynamicShapeConfig = {
sizeJitter: 0.00, // Brush size jitter
sizeJitterTrigger: "pressure", // Brush size jitter trigger (pressure: pen pressure, none: random)
minDiameter: 0.00, // Minimum brush size
angleJitter: 0.00, // Brush angle jitter
angleJitterTrigger: "none", // Brush angle jitter trigger (pressure: pen pressure, none: random)
roundJitter: 0.00, // Brush roundness jitter
roundJitterTrigger: "none", // Brush roundness jitter trigger (pressure: pen pressure, none: random)
minRoundness: 0.00, // Minimum brush roundness
const dynamicShapeModule = new DynamicShapeModule()
Use Transparency Dynamics
Transparency dynamics control jitter for opacity and flow. You can control dynamic parameters by binding configurations.
import { DynamicTransparencyModule } from 'easy-brush';
const dynamicTransparencyConfig = {
opacityJitter: 0.00, // Brush opacity jitter
opacityJitterTrigger: "none", // Brush opacity jitter trigger (pressure: pen pressure, none: random)
minOpacityJitter: 0.00, // Minimum brush opacity
flowJitter: 0.00, // Brush flow jitter
flowJitterTrigger: "none", // Brush flow jitter trigger (pressure: pen pressure, none: random)
minFlowJitter: 0.00, // Minimum brush flow
const dynamicTransparencyModule = new DynamicTransparencyModule()
Use Spread
The Spread module controls the scattering of the brush. You can control dynamic parameters by binding configurations.
import { SpreadModule } from 'easy-brush';
const spreadConfig: SpreadBasicConfig = {
spreadRange: 0.00, // Brush scatter range
spreadTrigger: "none", // Brush scatter trigger (pressure: pen pressure, none: random)
count: 0, // Number of scatter points
countJitter: 0.00, // Jitter for scatter count
countJitterTrigger: "none", // Scatter count jitter trigger (pressure: pen pressure, none: random)
const spreadModule = new SpreadModule()
Use Pattern (Beta)
The Pattern module controls brush textures. You can control dynamic parameters by binding configurations.
import { PatternModule } from 'easy-brush';
const patternModule = new PatternModule()
patternModule.loadPattern(PatternImg, canvas.width, canvas.height)
This project is licensed under the MIT License.