EasyBake provides an efficient environment for CoffeeScript library developers: CoffeeScript/Javascript-based configuration files (no coding needed), workflow (build, watch, clean, preview) tests (QUnit, Jasime, NodeUnit, server-side emulation with ModuleBundler), publishing (git, npm, NuGet). Replace your Cakefile with a Bakefile today!
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EasyBake provides YAML-based Cakefile helpers for common CoffeeScript library packaging functionality
Just include it as a development dependency to your package.json:
"devDependencies": {
"coffee-script": ">=1.3.3",
"easy-bake": ">=0.1.0"
Install it:
npm install
Create a YAML file to specify what needs to be built (for example easy-bake-config.yaml):
join: your_library_name.js
minimize: true
- src/knockback_core.coffee
- src/lib/**.*coffee
join: helpers.js
output: build
- lib/your_helpers1
- lib/your_helpers2
Include it in your Cakefile:
And that's it! You will have access to the following cake commands and options in your projects...
Commands Supplied by EasyBake
- 'cake clean' - cleans the project of all compiled files
- 'cake build' - performs a single build
- 'cake watch' - automatically scans for and builds the project when changes are detected
- 'cake test' - cleans, builds, and runs tests. Note: the tests require installing phantomjs: ('brew install phantomjs' or http://phantomjs.org/)
- '-c' or '--clean' - cleans the project before running a new command
- '-w' or '--watch' - watches for changes
- '-s' or '--silent' - does not output messages to the console (unless errors occur)
- '-p' or '--preview' - preview the action
EasyBake is designed to use phantomjs but you will need to install it yourself since there is no npm package for it. Look here for the instructions: http://phantomjs.org/
Also, if you are using TravisCI, you should add something like this to your project.json file:
"scripts": {
"test": "node_modules/.bin/cake -c test"
and a .travis.yaml to your project root file like:
language: node_js node_js:
- 0.7 # development version of 0.8, may be unstable
- "export DISPLAY=:99.0"
- "sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start"
and add test options to the set you want to test:
some_testing_group: output: build directories: - test/some_tests - test/some_more_tests options: test: timeout: 60000 runner: phantomjs-qunit-runner.js
by default, easy-bake looks for .html files in each each directory like, but you can list files individually if you like:
some_testing_group: ... options: test: timeout: 60000 runner: phantomjs-qunit-runner.js files: - **/*.html
**Note:** currently the library only has a test-runner for phantomjs-qunit-runner.js and phantomjs-jasmine-runner.js. Feel free to add more and to submit a pull request.
Building the library
1. install node.js: http://nodejs.org
2. install node packages: (sudo) 'npm install'
1. 'cake clean' - cleans the project of all compiled files
2. 'cake build' - performs a single build
3. 'cake watch' - automatically scans for and builds the project when changes are detected