functional style easing & animations library with type safety
Yet another library for creating simple animations with easing functions. Things that make it stand out from alternatives is a pure functional API & type safety via flow static type checker.
Library is a direct port of a wonderful Easing library for an exciting Elm programing language (that is worth checking out). It is designed around the idea of: Easing functions interpolate a value over time. Where value can be a value of any type, including numbers, points and colors. In fact you can easily introduce your own value to the mix!
You can find graphical examples of easing functions on easings.net.
import {ease, easeInCubic, easeInOutQuad, float} from "easing.flow"
const second = 1000
const sampleAnimation = currentTime =>
ease(easeInCubic, float, 0, 10, second, currentTime)
// Transition from blue to red using custom `Easing` function
const customAnimation = currentTime =
ease(x => Math.pow(x, 2.4), color, blue, red, second, currentTime)
// Animate between 0 and 5 with the easeInOutQuad Easing
const animation1 = currentTime =>
ease(easeInOutQuad, float, 0, 5, second, currentTime)
// Animation with bezier curve
const bezierAnimation = currentTime =>
ease(bezier(0.65, 0.06, 0.99, 0), float, 0, 5, second, currentTime)
// Create your own Interpolation functions
const vec = (from, to, progress) =>
add(from, scale(sub(to, from), progress))
// Use your Easing and Interpolation functions
const vec3movement = currentTime =>
ease(easeInQuad, vec, (vec3 0 0 0),
(vec3 10 10 10), (3 * second), currentTime)
If you happen to type check your JS code with flow you can take further advantage of this library:
import type {Time, Float, Color, Interpolation} from "easing.flow"
import {ease, easeInCubic, easeInOutQuad, float} from "easing.flow"
const second = 1000
type $sampleAnimation = (currentTime:Time) => Float
const sampleAnimation:$sampleAnimation = currentTime =>
ease(easeInCubic, float, 0, 10, second, currentTime)
// Transition from blue to red using custom `Easing` function
type $customAnimation = (currentTime:Time) => Color
const customAnimation:$customAnimation = currentTime =
ease(x => Math.pow(x, 2.4), color, blue, red, second, currentTime)
// Animate between 0 and 5 with the easeInOutQuad Easing
type $animation1 = (currentTime:Time) => Float
const animation1:$animation1 = currentTime =>
ease(easeInOutQuad, float, 0, 5, second, currentTime)
// Animation with bezier curve
type $bezierAnimation = (currentTime:Time) => Float
const bezierAnimation:$bezierAnimation = currentTime =>
ease(bezier(0.65, 0.06, 0.99, 0), float, 0, 5, second, currentTime)
// Create your own Interpolation functions
type $vec = Interpolation<Vec3>
const vec:$vec = (from, to, progress) =>
add(from, scale(sub(to, from), progress))
// Use your Easing and Interpolation functions
type $vec3movement = (currentTime:Time) => Vec3
const vec3movement = currentTime =>
ease(easeInQuad, vec, (vec3 0 0 0),
(vec3 10 10 10), (3 * second), currentTime)