Transform uses array of regex's to run exec() on each part and pass on capture results to next stream.
Transform uses array of regex's to run exec() on each part and pass on capture results to next stream.
npm install each-part-capture --save
Usage: Simplified
# get builder function
buildCapturer = require 'each-part-capture'
# build capturer transform with array of regular expressions
capturer = buildCapturer [ /(\w+)=(\d+)/ ]
# write a string which will match the regular expression
capturer.write 'num=12345'
# capturer will push an object, `result` to the next stream with
# the `capture` property containing the regex.exec(string) result:
result =
# capture[1] = 'num'
# capture[2] = 12345
# write a string which does *NOT* match any of the regex's
capturer.write 'wont match any pattern'
# *nothing* is pushed to the next stream. non-matching strings are *ignored*
# by default. override this via the `ignore` option at creation time:
nonIgnoringCapturer = buildCapturer [/some regex/], ignore:false
# this capturer will provide unmatchable strings in a `unknown` property on `result`
result =
unknown: 'wont match any pattern'
Usage: Stream Pipeline
# get the each-part module to breakup the parts
buildEacher = require 'each-part'
# make an eacher transform
eacher = buildEacher()
# get this module
buildCapturer = require 'each-part-capture'
# get module to enhance regex's exec() to use names for the capture groups
buildNameCapture = require 'regex-named-groups'
# build a capturer transform with an array of regular expressions which are
# enhanced to use capture group names
capturer = buildCapturer [
# three words separated by spaces
buildNameCapture /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/, ['first', 'second', 'third']
# three numbers separated by spaces
buildNameCapture /^([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)*)\s+([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)*)\s+([+-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)*)$/,
['d1', 'd2', 'd3']
# test strings to write thru transforms:
words = 'one two three'
nums = '-1.23 +81742.2153 7028261.3'
nomatch = 'some non-matching text which gets ignored'
testString = words + '\n' + nomatch + '\n' + nums
# create a target stream, as a sample, to receive the capture results
target = thru.obj (result, _, next) ->
# first result is the words capture:
result.capture.first = 'one'
result.capture.second = 'two'
result.capture.third = 'three'
# NOTE: the 'nomatch' string is ignored because it didn't match any regex
# second result (next time this function is called) is the nums.
result.capture.d1 = -1.23
result.capture.d2 = 81742.2153
result.capture.d3 = 7028261.3
# pipe them together
# write our test string to the pipeline
eacher.end testString