e5 Anywhere Angular Services
e5core-angular-services (1.2.1)
Copyright 2018 e5 Workflow Inc
This library implements a group of Angular Services that can be used to access the e5 Workflow e5 Anywhere REST API web services from an Angular Application and componment.
Quick Start
The following is a simple guide for adding a e5 Anywhere angular services to an existing Angular CLI application. Note that to access the API you will need to authenticate to the REST web service. The authentication method uses which will depend on your environment (see Authentication).
- Install the Library
npm install e5core-angular-services --save
- Register the default API endpoints in the application module e.g. "app.module.ts".
import { E5coreAngularServicesModule } from 'e5core-angular-services' ; ... @NgModule({ imports: [ E5coreAngularServicesModule, ... ]
- Add the Authentication method for your environment.
- Add the e5 Anywhere API endpoint provider to you 'app.module.ts'.
import { environment as Environment } from '../environments/environment' import { E5ConfigurationService } from 'e5core-angular-services'; export class EnvConfigurationService extends E5ConfigurationService { constructor() { super() ; this.settings = Environment.e5Configuration } } ... @NgModule({ providers: [ { provide: E5ConfigurationService, useClass: EnvConfigurationService }, ...
- Add the environment settings to the "environment.ts".
export const environment = { production: false, e5Configuration : { env : { name : "Simple Configuration" }, apiServer: { baseUrl: "http://demo.e5workflow.com:84", scope: "test" } } };
- Inject the service into your component.
import { WorkGetNextService } from 'e5core-angular-services'; export class GetNextComponent implements OnInit { constructor(private service:WorkGetNextService) { }
- Call the service in a click handler (for example)
getNext() { this.service.getNextId().subscribe( res => { this.id = res.id ; } ) }
The e5 Anywhere API REST services can be configured in a number of ways to authenticate a user, and this is depended on what your application and environment are using. For example it could be using Windows Authentication or JWT Tokens.
Adding Windows Authentication
- Create a "winAuthInterceptor.ts" class file.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpRequest, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpEvent } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; @Injectable() export class WinAuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor{ constructor(){} intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> { req = req.clone({ withCredentials: true }); return next.handle(req); } }
- Add the interceptor to you 'app.module.ts'
import { HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http'; import { WinAuthInterceptor } from './WinAuthInterceptor'; @NgModule({ providers: [ { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: WinAuthInterceptor, multi: true }, ... })
Change Log
1.2.2|Work Task APIs : Fixed CSOM Work Task Apis
1.2.1|Added Work Task APIs : PrescribeTask, UnprescribeTask, CompleteTask,GetPrescribableTasks, GetPrescribedTasks
1.2.0|Upgrade to Angular 7.0
1.1.13|Added AddEvent function to WorkItem
1.1.12|Added UiDocument service
1.1.11|Changed "WorkWork*" models to jusr "Work*"
1.1.10|Added getWorkRelatedItems and models to WotkItemService
1.1.9|Moved UiListService to ListSearchService and added a prefix "Taxonomy" to the Taxonomy Services.
1.1.8|Added SLA Monitor, Attachment and updated workitem and search definition services.
1.1.7|Inproved type completion on functions and models, added UI WorkItem and and UI SearchDefinition services.
1.1.4|Changed services method optional function parameters into an options typed object. e.g. you can now use getFindWorkItem(1, {}, { select: 'Id,Reference' })
instead of getFindWorkItem(1, {}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'Id,Reference' )
1.1.6|Fixed a couple of NPM deployment issues.