Real time, user-driven, dynamically generated polling answers.
Real time, user-driven, dynamically generated polling answers.
'The problem'
I often see streamers polling their audience on various questions. Questions like 'What should I [the streamer] do next?', followed by a series of answers, set by the poller [the streamer]. This often begs the question of whether the streamer is looking for a democratic answer or whether the streamer is looking for an answer within a confined set of possible answers. Sometimes, as a streamer, you may want to ask a question with many possible answers, all of which may be valid. You could poll the audience with hundreds of answers, in the hopes that you capture all probable answers, or you could allow the polling answers to be dynamically generated based on smaller sub-polls being conducted real time, to distill the pool of answers closer to what a large majority can all agree are the top 5 answers. This is what Dynopoll tries to solve for.
'The solution'
The audience starts by proposing various answers as potential polling answers, consider something like "Answer: Watch Silicon Valley for the third time". This answer is recorded in a pool of potential answers. Other audience members are alerted to the answer proposed and cast a sub-vote. I call this a sub-vote because audience members will be allowed to cast many sub-votes as the distillation process occurs. As audience members contribute their answers, and their answers are sub-voted on, the answers with the most votes will eventually make it into a top 5. Answers with fewer votes than the top 5 answers will have an expiration set, relative to the total answers given and how far into the voting process we are. Eventually, all answer posting will halt, sub-voting will halt, and the top 5 answers will be put to a final vote, where traditional voting concludes with the highest voted answer being the winner.