This module integrates the following modules:
This module integrates the following modules:
- DataLoader
DynamoDB without the hassle.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Install it via npm.
npm install dynamodb-loader-model
or yarn
yarn add dynamodb-loader-model
You can find an example in the examples folder, or a boilerplate at this repo
It all starts with the configuration object, this declares the keys of the DynamoDB table, the DynamoDB client config and a formatter function for the model you want to insert. Now you can start using the model directly or extend it as with any other class.
import { Model, ModelConfig } from 'dynamodb-loader-model'
interface MyModelInterface {
pk: string
sk: string
foo: string
const modelConfig: ModelConfig<MyModelInterface> = {
tableName: 'table'
hashKey: 'pk',
rangeKey: 'sk',
formatFn: (v) => ({
pk: v.pk,
s: s.pk,
foo: s.foo || 'bar'
class MyModel {
_model: Model
constructor() {
this._model = new Model(modelConfig)
* Here we are overriding the get method to always skip DataLoader,
* in case you want to that.
get (key: string) {
return this._model.get(key, true)
Configuration object
- tableName - string - required: Table name.
- hashKey - string - required: Hash Key of the table.
- rangeKey - string: Range Key of the table.
- formatFn - function: Formatter function for the element.
- client - object: DynamoDB Client config
- accessKeyId - string: AWS Access Key ID
- secretAccessKey - string: AWS Secret Access Key
- region - string: AWS region
- endpoint - string: DynamoDB endpoint
The module exposes the following methods:
put: Creates an item and returns it.
put(data: Partial<T>): Promise<ModelInterface>
remove: Removes an item.
remove(key: string | object): Promise<boolean>
get: Gets an item, if true is passed as the second parameter, DataLoader is skipped and the object is fetched directly from DynamoDB.
get(key: string | object, fresh: boolean): Promise<ModelInterface>
batchGet: Gets many items, calling the fetch method.
batchGet(key: List<string | object>, fresh: boolean): Promise<ModelInterface[]>
update: Updates an item.
update(key: string | object, expression: Partial<AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.UpdateItemInput>, getAfterUpdate = false): Promise<boolean | Partial<ModelInterface>>
putInList: Creates an item in a list If the identifierField is passed, it'll check for duplicates on that field. If not, duplicates are allowed.
putInList<T>(key: string | object, listName: keyof ModelInterface, value: T, identifierField?: keyof T): Promise<T>
updateInList: Updates an item in a list If the identifierField is passed, it'll search in the list by that field. Otherwise it'll treat the subkey as a Number index.
updateInList<T>(key: string | object, listName: keyof ModelInterface, subkey: T[keyof T] | number, value: T, identifierField?: keyof T): Promise<T>
removeFromList: Removes an item from a list If the identifierField is passed, it'll search in the list by that field. Otherwise it'll treat the subkey as a Number index.
removeFromList<T>(key: string | object, listName: keyof ModelInterface, subkey: T[keyof T] | number, identifierField?: keyof T): Promise<T>
Running the tests
In order to run the tests you need to have Serverless Framework installed.
npm install -g serverless
Clone the repository and install dependencies.
git clone https://gitlab.com/gotoar/graphql-acl-service.git
npm install
Run the tests.
npm run test
This will get you a copy of dynamodb-local, run it, run the tests and then kill the dynamodb-local process.
And coding style tests
You can check linting with this command.
npm run lint
- aws-sdk
- dataloader
Please read CONTRIBUTING.MD for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting merge requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Tomas Gorkin - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc