Connect into your DynamoDb with epic weapons.
Easily binding your Node application to AWS DynamoDb.
- Lead Maintainer: Diego Laucsen
- Sponsor: Par Mais
- Node: 6.x
You may ask: 'Why another DynamoDb Connector?'
The proposal of this tool is to be Mongoose like, despite of Dynamo differences.
Reference: Mongodb
Future of this Library
There are many features that is not developed yet and can be developed to increase this library power, like new hooks and operations. The main gloal is that the methods and classes my be like Mongoose methods and classes.
This library will be perfect when you change your importation from your project from Mongoose to Dynamito and it still working.
Hell YeaH!
Ok, different technologies and not everything will be equal, but we will do our best.
This library act on this principles:
- Mongoose like library.
- Well tested.
- Test Db Operations.
- Removoe winston from core library.
Connect to DynamoDb
This guideline will help you to configure your NodeJs application to connect to DynamoDb. It will connect to your local when developing and to Amazon when in production.
Defining a Model
Key Types
On DynamoDb, every table must have a Partition Key (HASH). So, you need to specify on your model this key. Like:
var BasicSchema = {
id: {
type: String,
keyType: Dynamito.Schema.Types.HASH
name: String,
age: Number
On this case, keyType: 'HASH'
is used to specify that key as partition key of your table.
DynamoDb accpets the creation of a Sort Key (RANGE). To configure a schema with it, use:
var BasicSchemaWithRange = {
id: {
type: String,
keyType: Dynamito.Schema.Types.HASH
date: {
type: String,
keyType: Dynamito.Schema.Types.RANGE
On this case, keyType: 'RANGE'
is used to specify that key as sort key of your table.
Valid Types
Valid types are:
- String
- Boolean
- Number
- Date
- Object
- Array, as [] around a type (Eg. [String] is an Array of Strings).
Special Types
- AUTO: Will auto generate IDs on new entities, on String format.
As DynamoDb do not support Native Auto Ids, by using this strategy will take and additional get to chekc if that ID is already used. The colition chance is realy small, but on colision, a new ID will be generated and a a new query will be done to check this new ID. Based on DynamoDb structure, is not recommended to use this strategy, but sometimes, you maybe need an Auto Id.
Fields options
Lowercase fields
To create a field that is always saved in lowercase, do:
var BasicSchema = {
id: {
type: String,
keyType: Dynamito.Schema.Types.HASH
name: {
type: Number,
lowercase: true
On this case, name
data will be saved always as lowercase.
Default value fields
To create default values to fields, do:
var BasicSchema = {
id: {
type: String,
keyType: Dynamito.Schema.Types.HASH
name: {
type: Number,
default: 'Jon Snow'
On this case, name
will, by default, if left empty, be Jon Snow
Accessing a Model
Scan tables for data
Filterin Scan operations
Specifying attributes on Queries
To remove fields from queries, you can use fields()
operation from a Finder, with a minus sign, just like:
On this case, password field will be removed from response on all queries.
To select only specific fields on a query or scan, you can use fields()
operation from a Finder, with a plus sign, just like:
.fields(['+name', '+id'])
Query for data
Queries on DyanamoDB are filters applied only over Partition Ken and Sort Key. This operations use to be faster and more efficient than a Scan operation.
You can either configure your Dynamo Table and create indexes, to let things faster when searching for some extra atributes.
Finder are operations used to search for data directly bu its Hash Key or Sort Key.
.findById('Some ID')
.then(response => {
On case above, we are looking for a single dara with, where its Primary Key is Some ID
. If your model has only a Hash Key, response
will contain a single object. If your model has a Range Key, response
will contain a list of elements.
If you want to search a single data, bu its Hash and Range Key, you can use findById
.findById('Some ID', 'Some Range Id')
.then(response => {
Queries are used to search for data with more complex "Queries"
.find(new Dynamito.Queries.Equal('id', 'Some ID'))
.then(response => {
On example above, we are doing exactly like on 'findById'.
You can add more queries in a single search. Each one of them will be added with AND operator, like this:
.find(new Dynamito.Queries.Equal('id', 'Some ID'))
.find(new Dynamito.Queries.GT('date', new Date(2016,0,15)))
.then(response => {
Supposing that SampleModel has HASH(id) and RANGE(name), this case will response
will return a list of elements that mach: id = "Some ID" AND date > 2016-Jan-15.
Important: This version od Dynamito only support querying by Partition Keys ans Sort Keys. Future version you will be able add filter over a query (To filter not primary keys, from now you have to use Scan to do this).
Virtual Attributes
It is possible to create virtual attributes, that area a composition of other attributes. On this case, this data will not be saved on database with this information, they will only be shown when is instanciated.
Example from Angualr-Fullstack Generator
var PersonSchema = new Dynamito.Schema({
email: {
type: String,
keyType: Dynamito.Schema.Types.HASH
name: String,
last: String
// Virtual Full Name
.get(function() {
return this.name + ' ' + this.last;
ver Person = {
name: 'Jon',
last: 'Snow'
On this case, when person.full
is accessed, Jon Snow
will be returned.
Query Population
- To run a local Dynamo server, install local DynamoDB and run following command.
java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb
- Comment DynamitoMemory configuration and run your testes.
With this, your tests will run using a real DynamoDB simulation.
To access DynamoDB shell use: http://localhost:8000/shell/
The Par Mais Tecnologia encourages participation. If you feel you can help in any way, be it with bug reporting, documentation, examples, extra testing, or new features feel free to create an issue, or better yet, [submit a Pull Request. For more information on contribution please see our Contributing guide.
Copyright (c) 2017 Par 6 Tecnologia LTDA; Licensed under Apache 2.0.