Componente dinámico de Vue que genera una tabla dinámica
Here're some of the project's best features:
Data: Array of objects representing the data to be displayed in the table. Required.
Translations: Object mapping data fields to their translations for display in the table headers. Default is an empty object.
VisibleColumns: Array of strings representing the columns that should be initially visible. Default is an empty array.
Edit: String representing the base URL for the edit action used to construct the URLs for edit buttons.
Show: String that could be used to build URLs for a "show" action although it's not utilized in this component.
organizeData(): Prepares the data to be displayed in the table. Automatically called when the component is created.
changePage(page): Changes the current page of displayed data.
nextPage(): Moves to the next page of data.
prevPage(): Moves to the previous page of data.
downloadCSV(): Downloads the filtered and visible data in CSV format.
downloadExcel(): Downloads the filtered and visible data in Excel format.
toggleColumn(col): Adds or removes a column from the list of visible columns.
sortBy(key): Sorts the data by the specified column. If already sorted by that column, reverses the order.
sortData(data): Auxiliary function for sorting the data.
Step 1: Install the Dependency
npm install dynamic-table-vue3
yarn add dynamic-table-vue3
Step 2: Import and Register the Component Globally
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
// Import the component
import DynamicTableVue3 from 'dynamic-table-vue3';
const app = createApp(App);
// Register the component globally
app.component('DynamicTableVue3' DynamicTableVue3);
Step 3: Use the Component in Your Vue Application
<div id="app">
:visible-columns="['id', 'name', 'email', 'phone', 'locations']"
show="test/" edit="edit/" />
Technologies used in the project:
This project is licensed under the MIT