## this library gives the ability to dynamically build html forms * Structure of blocks input ```angular2html class DsProjectRoomBlock { blockName = ''; // the name of the block - will be presented as header in html blockDesc = ''; // the descript
Dynamic Labeling Room
this library gives the ability to dynamically build html forms
- Structure of blocks input
class DsProjectRoomBlock {
blockName = ''; // the name of the block - will be presented as header in html
blockDesc = ''; // the description of the block - will be presented under header in html
blockWidth = ''; // width of the block in case we want two blocks to be in one row (must have next blocks complete width to 100%)
blockWidthToPixel = ''; // responsive width of the block will stop when window is lower then pixels
numColumns: 2; // number of columns we want the fields to spread on
fields: DsProjectRoomBlockField[] = []; // fields list inside the block
isValid = true; // represent if the block is html valid
class DsProjectRoomBlockField {
label = ''; // will be used for html input name and label text
description = ''; // description that will show as text under the field
value: any = ''; // value of the field
inputType = ''; // html input type (text,number,email,checkbox,textarea,select,select_multiple,radio,text_list(must come with listBlocks)
required?: boolean; // html required
pattern?: string; // html pattern
listBlocks?: DsProjectRooomListBlocks[]; // for text-list type an array of DsProjectRooomListBlocks spread equal on 100%
depend: string; // determine when field depend on another field based on label name
dependOnValue: any; // determine the true value (number, boolean, string, any compare using ===) when a field depend on another field
breakLine: boolean; // boolean to force break line between fields
fullLine: boolean; // boolean to force field to spread on full line
center: boolean; // boolean to force field to be center of column
options: any[]; // represent string select, select_multiple, radio options
rows: number; // will be use only to set rows for textarea
css: any; // represent specific style to a string
export class DsProjectRoomBlockShortField {
l = ''; // will be used for html input name and label text
d = ''; // description that will show as text under the field
v: any = ''; // value of the field
iT = ''; // html input type (text,number,email,checkbox,textarea,select,select_multiple,radio,text_list(must come with listBlocks)
r?: boolean; // html required
p?: string; // html pattern
lB?: DsProjectRooomListBlocks[]; // for text-list type an array of DsProjectRooomListBlocks spread equal on 100%
de: string; // determine when field depend on another field based on label name
dOV: any; // determine the true value (number, boolean, string, any compare using ===) when a field depend on another field
bL: boolean; // boolean to force break line between fields
fL: boolean; // boolean to force field to spread on full line
c: boolean; // boolean to force field to be center of column
o: any[]; // represent string select, select_multiple, radio options
ro: number; // will be use only to set rows for textarea
cs: any; // represent specific style to a string
- Structure of data input
class DsProjectRoomData {
text = ''; // text we want to label
url = ''; // url we want to label
showInIframe = false; // boolean to determine if this url can be opened in an iframe - need to check in advance
isList?: boolean; // adding and option to label a list of records
listHeader?: string; // header for the list
listHeaderFixed?: boolean; // mark list header as fixed
listItemDefaultHeader?: string; // when isList is true this will be the default name presented for item in list
listBlockIndex?: number; // this will be the block index from (dsProjectRoomObj) to present as header when filled
listBlockFieldFirstIndex?: number; // this will be the first field index in listBlockIndex(the selected block index) to present as header when filled
listBlockFieldSecondIndex?: number; // this will be the second field index in listBlockIndex(the selected block index) to present as header when filled
- Structure of listBlocks input
class DsProjectRooomListBlocks {
label = ''; // will be used for html input name and label text
description = ''; // description that will show as text under the field
value: any = ''; // value of the field
inputType = ''; // html input type (text,number,email,checkbox,textarea,select,select_multiple,radio,text_list(must come with listObj)
required?: boolean; // html required
pattern?: string; // html pattern
- Structure of output
class OutputObj {
obj: DsProjectRoomBlock | DsProjectRoomBlock[]; // full output obj to cache if needed
cleanBlocks: any | any[]; // clean output obj with only full fields
valid: boolean; // represent if the list of items or one item is valid in order to alert the user
- Field types examples
{label: 'text', inputType: 'text', description: '*description', value: 'text'},
{label: 'number', inputType: 'number', description: '*description1', value: 2},
{label: 'email', inputType: 'email', description: '*description2', required: true, pattern: '[^@\\s]+@[^@\\s]+\\.[^@\\s]+', value: '[email protected]'},
{label: 'checkbox', inputType: 'checkbox', description: '*description3', value: 1},
{label: 'comments', inputType: 'textarea', value: 'some text', rows: 4},
{label: 'select', inputType: 'select', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], depend: 'other', value: 'two'},
{label: 'select_multiple', inputType: 'select_multiple', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], value: 'three'},
{label: 'radio', inputType: 'radio', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], value: 'two'},
{label: 'to', inputType: 'text_list', listBlocks: [
{label: 'name', required: true, inputType: 'text'},
{label: 'email', required: true, inputType: 'email', pattern: '[^@\\s]+@[^@\\s]+\\.[^@\\s]+'}
value: [
{label: 'name', value: 'name1'},
{label: 'email', value: 'email1'},
{label: 'email', value: 'email1'},
{label: 'name', value: 'name1'},
{label: 'email', value: 'email2'}
// short key field example
{l: 'radio2', iT: 'radio', o: ['one', 'two', 'three'], v: 'three'},
// depend on value examples
{label: 'other', inputType: 'checkbox', value: 0},
{label: 'type', inputType: 'select', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], depend: 'other', value: 'one'},
{label: 'name', inputType: 'text'},
{label: 'comments', inputType: 'textarea', value: 'some text', rows: 4, depend: 'name', dependValue: 'enable'},
// break line example
{label: 'first_name', inputType: 'text', breakLine: true, center: true},
// full line example
{label: 'last_name', inputType: 'text', fullLine: true},
// css example and center
{label: 'prefix', inputType: 'text', center: true, css: {width: '50%'}},
- Blocks width example
blockName: 'name',
blockDesc: '*Please ignore punctuations and cases (lower or upper)- as long as the name is correct. Please pay attention to possible mixups between first, middle and last names',
blockWidth: 50,
blockWidthToPixel: 990,
numColumns: 2,
fields: [
{label: 'prefix', inputType: 'text', required: true},
{label: 'first', inputType: 'text'},
{label: 'middle', inputType: 'text'},
// {label: 'email', inputType: 'email', required: true, pattern: '[^@\\s]+@[^@\\s]+\\.[^@\\s]+'},
blockName: 'Radio',
blockDesc: 'Desc',
blockWidth: 50,
blockWidthToPixel: 990,
numColumns: 1,
fields: [
{label: 'radio1', inputType: 'radio', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], value: 'two'},
{l: 'radio2', iT: 'radio', o: ['one', 'two', 'three'], v: 'two'},
- Blocks responsive example
blockName: 'First',
numColumns: 2,
blockWidth: 50,
blockWidthToPixel: 990,
fields: [
{label: 'text', inputType: 'text', description: '*description', required: true},
{label: 'number', inputType: 'number', description: '*description1', required: true},
{label: 'comments', inputType: 'textarea', rows: 4, required: true, depend: 'checkbox', description: 'description4'},
{label: 'select', inputType: 'select', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], depend: 'other', description: 'description5', required: true},
blockName: 'Second',
numColumns: 2,
blockWidth: 50,
blockWidthToPixel: 990,
fields: [
{label: 'email', inputType: 'email', description: '*description2', required: true, pattern: '[^@\\s]+@[^@\\s]+\\.[^@\\s]+'},
{label: 'checkbox', inputType: 'checkbox', description: '*description3', required: true},
{label: 'select_multiple', inputType: 'select_multiple', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], description: 'description6', required: true},
{label: 'radio', inputType: 'radio', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], description: 'description7', required: true},
Key shortcuts
* Alt M - toggle top right menu from right t left
* Alt E - toggle expand to full screen
* Alt T - toggle template type horizontal and vertical
* Ctrl Z - when enableHistory is true will revert last steps
* Example use
.home {
box-shadow: 0 0 5px #ccc;
height: 500px;
dsProjectRoomData = {
text: '',
url: 'https://polkadotmama.org/board-of-directors/',
// url: 'https://www.apple.com/leadership/',
showInIframe: true,
isList: true,
// only needed when isList is true
listHeader: 'People', // this will be the headline for the list
listHeaderFixed?: boolean; // will set records header to be fixed
listItemDefaultHeader: 'Person', // when isList is true this will be the default name presented for item in list
listObjIndex: 1, // this will be the block index from (dsProjectRoomObj) to present as header when filled
listFirstItemIndex: 1, // this will be the first field index in listObjIndex(the selected block index) to present as header when filled
listSecondItemIndex: 2 // this will be the second field index in listObjIndex(the selected block index) to present as header when filled
dsProjectRoomBlocks: any = [
blockName: '',
numColumns: 2,
fields: [
{label: 'not_a_signature', inputType: 'checkbox', description: '*not a signature description'},
{label: 'non_english_text', inputType: 'checkbox'},
{label: 'other', inputType: 'checkbox'},
{label: 'reason', inputType: 'text', depend: 'other', dependOnValue: 1}
blockName: 'name',
numColumns: 2,
fields: [
{label: 'first_name', inputType: 'text', breakLine: true, center: true},
{label: 'last_name', inputType: 'text', fullLine: true},
{label: 'prefix', inputType: 'text', center: true, description: '*prefix description'},
blockName: 'connections',
numColumns: 2,
fields: [
{label: 'phones', inputType: 'text_list', description: '*phones description'},
{label: 'faxes', inputType: 'text_list'},
{label: 'comments', inputType: 'textarea'},
{label: 'other', inputType: 'checkbox', value: 0},
{label: 'type', inputType: 'select', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], depend: 'other'},
{label: 'type', inputType: 'select_multiple', options: ['one', 'two', 'three'], value: 'one'},
label: 'to',
inputType: 'text_list',
listBlocks: [
{label: 'name', required: true, inputType: 'text'},
{label: 'email', required: true, inputType: 'text'}
value: [
"label": "name",
"value": "a"
"label": "email",
"value": "b"
templateType = 1; // 1 for horizontal view, 2 for vertical view
initDragBasedOnViewTextSize = false // this will check the view text size and auto drag to minimize screen view
enableHistory = false; // history will remember your last 100 steps so you will be able to revert using Ctrl Z
mainCssObj = {};
viewCssObj = {padding: '10px'};
formCssObj = {padding: '0 10px'};
onDsProjectRoomChange(e) {
console.log('e', e)
<div class="home">
change full style
- if you want to control the full design of the component you can add this less structure to your parent style
- this example change inputs background to red.
&::ng-deep {
.dynamic-labeling-room {
.labeling {
.labeling-overflow {}
&-block {
&-row {
&-column {
&-header {}
&-body {
&-item {
&-box {
&-input {
input, textarea, select {
background: red;
&[value]:not([value=""]) ~ .labeling-block-row-column-body-item-box-input-label-hover {}
&-label {
&-hover {}
&-plus {}
&-description {}
&-list-item {
&-minus {}
&-break-line {}
&-full-line {}
&-center {}
&-checkbox .labeling-block-row-column-body-item-box {
&-input {
input {}
&-label {}
&-col {}
.view {
.iframe-wrapper {
iframe {}
.dragging {}
.iframe-loader-wrapper {
.iframe-loader {
div {}
&-with-url {}
.horizontal-drag {
&-top {}
&-bottom {}
.vertical-drag {
&-left {}
&-right {}
.floating-template-button {
.lds-hourglass {
&.animate {}