Kubernetes Automatic API Discovery & URL Path Creation
Dynamic K8pi (K8's API)
Kubernetes API undergoes regular revisions and structural changes, which unfortunately has resulted in may of the NPM libraries unintentionally locking to specific Kubernetes releases.
This library performs several helper / common functions to assist interaction with Kubernetes API
- Full API & API's Endpoint discovery
- Generation of EndPoint url for any requested 'Kind'
- Always tracks latest API Version for each endpoint i.e. v1 over v1beta1
In-Cluster no environmental variables are necessary as Kubernetes pushes in namespace
and API Access Keys into all PODS by default.
When running locally the following ENV's can be relevant
- POD_NAMESPACE: {Default: kube-system}
- CONTEXT: KubeCtl context to use for cluster access
init(returnStructure = false, globalNamespaces = ['kube-system'])
returnStructure: Determines if return object should include API structure globalNamespaces: Array of string values for Namespaces that have been given cluster level access Returns Promise:
- (returnStructure = false) Axios object preconfigured with API access
- (returnStructure = true)
{ apiStructure, # apiStructure object kube # axios API access object }
data: expectation is the actual object that should be passed to Kubernetes API but its not necessary to pass the full object.
- URL base string for REST interactions based on the data object passed in.
- null when trying to access a cluster level endpoint from outside a cluster enabled namespace.
data object
kind: 'Service' # API endpoint for access
metadata: { # Optional (only used in cluster level namespaces)
namespace: 'default'
Get a list of all services in kube-system
const k8pi = require('dynamic-k8pi')
k8pi.init().then(auth => {
formedURL = k8pi.formURL({kind: 'Service'})
auth.get(formedURL).then(res => console.log(res.data))
Delete a specific service topurge
in kube-system
const k8pi = require('dynamic-k8pi')
k8pi.init().then(auth => {
formedURL = k8pi.formURL({kind: 'Service'})
auth.delete(formedURL + '/topurge').then(res => console.log(res.data))
Access Cluster level StorageClass
in custom global namespace storage
process.env.POD_NAMESPACE = 'storage'
const k8pi = require('dynamic-k8pi')
k8pi.init(false, ['storage']).then(auth => {
formedURL = k8pi.formURL({kind: 'StorageClass'})
auth.get(formedURL).then(res => console.log(res.data))
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Node 6.12.x or higher (LTS when development commenced)
npm install --global tap
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
git clone [email protected]:TayloredTechnology/dynamic-k8pi.git
cd dynamic-k8pi
npm install
Running the tests
TAP is used for all tests
# Execute all application tests
npm test
Code Coverage is provided by CodeCov.
And coding style tests
XO is used with Prettier for linting & code style.
npm run lint
Built With
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Keidrych Anton-Oates - Initial work - Taylored Technology
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
- NPM Community for consistenly making packages that accelerate development work
- Test Anything Protocol for consistenly accelerating Feature Driven Design