Currencies section for Dynadux stores
Dynadux Section for Currencies.
In Typescript
Let's create a function that creates the app store and uses this package.
import {createCurrenciesSection} from "dynadux-currencies-section";
interface IState {
// ... other sections or state props
currenciesSection: ICreateCurrenciesSectionState;
const createAppStore = (onChange: (state: IState) => void) => {
const store = createStore<IState>({onChange});
return {
// ... other parts of the store
currencies: createCurrenciesSection({
sectionName: 'currenciesSection',
defaultCurrency: 'eur',
updateIfOldenThanMinutes: 30,
getCurrencies, // A currencies rates getter
Lets use the store.
const appStore = createAppStore({onChange: ()=> ... });
// Wait to load the rates
await appStore.currencies.loadRates();
// Switch currency
appStore.currencies.currency = 'usd';
// Convert eur (to current currency usd)
const usdValue = appStore.currencies.convert(12.20, 'eur'); // 11.09
createCurrenciesSection config
interface ICreateCurrenciesSectionConfig {
store: ICreateStoreAPI; // Dynadux store
sectionName: string;
defaultCurrency: string;
getCurrencies: () => Promise<ICurrencyRates>;
updateIfOldenThanMinutes?: number;
interface ICurrencyRates {
[currencyName: string]: number | undefined;
createCurrenciesSection State
The State is at the sectionName
of the config. But in practice, you don't have to access the State since the API has everything that you want.
Maybe, the most notable is the currency
ICreateCurrenciesSectionState {
loadState: 'empty' | 'loading' | 'loaded';
currency: string;
currencies: DynaCurrencies;
error: string;
lastUpdate: Date | null;
Also, the currencies: DynaCurrencies
is the instance of the DynaCurrencies converter, that offers a list of currencies, etc.. Checkout it's repo to see what it offers.
createCurrenciesSection API
currency: string
Get and set the current currency.
hasLoadedRates: boolean
Boolean to know if the rates are loaded
loadRates: (): Promise
Uses the getCurrencies
of the config to get the rates.
convert: (value: number, sourceCurrency: string, round = false): number | null
Rate converter to current currency.
Returns null if the rates are not loaded, or when the currency is wrong.
convertDynaPrice: (price: IDynaPrice): IDynaPrice | null
Convert an IDynaPrice to the current currency.
convertToLabel: (value: number, sourceCurrency: string): IDynaLabelCurrency | null
Convert and create an IDynaLabelCurrency
getCurrencyRates: async (): Promise
It loads or returns the already loaded currencies.