download youtube playlists
download youtube playlists, videos, and search queries.
const dwytpl = require('dwytpl');
const path = '~\my-playlist-downloads';
const playlistId = 'OLAK5uy_mt1gUnCahoe2g5rYOCCxLU_pMxBxcSbPw';
let playlist = new dwytpl.Playlist(playlistId);
let syncher = new dwytpl.Syncher(playlist.videos, path);
public api
new Playlist(string playlistId)
Stream<Video> videos
Promise<string> title
Promise<number> length
new VideoList()
void add(string videoId)
Stream<Video> videos
new Search()
void query(string query, number maxResults = 15)
void queryRelated(string videoId, number maxResults = 15)
Stream<Video> videos
void download(string downloadDir, ytdlOptions = {filter: 'audioonly'})
void move(strng dir)
void stopDownload()
VideoStatus status
string id
string title
string fileName
string thumbnail
MemoryWriteStream getWriteStream
<Buffer> buffer
string Video.idFromFileName(string fileName)
string Video.titleFromFileName(string fileName)
Video.on('data', () => {})
Video.on('end', () => {})
Stream<string> stream
Promise promise
bool downloaded
bool failed
Array<{string dir, string name}> downloadFiles
<Buffer> buffer
void writeToFile(string path)
Promise promise
new Syncher(Stream<Video> videos, string downloadDir, string[] alternateDirs, bool moveFromAltneativeDirs = false)
void download(number parallelDownloadCount = 10, ytdlOptions = {filter: 'audioonly'})
void stopDownload(bool toBeReused = false)
Tracker tracker
Stream<[string counts, string estimate, {<see below>}]> Tracker.summary
stream values will be of the format
'skipped <skipped count>. downloaded <downloaded count>. failed <failed count>. remaining <remaining count>. total <total count>',
'<percent> (<time estimate> remaining)',
{number total, number predownloaded, number downloaded, number failed}
Stream<string[]> Tracker.progress
stream values will be of the format
'waiting to start' |
'started' |
'<percent> (<time> remaining) [<size>]' |
'done downloading (<time>)' |
'failed to download',
Stream<string[]> Tracker.messages
stream values will be of the same format as Tracker.progress
's stream values
example using Tracker
const path = require('path');
const dwytpl = require('dwytpl');
let downloadDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../downloads');
let playlistId = 'OLAK5uy_mt1gUnCahoe2g5rYOCCxLU_pMxBxcSbPw';
let playlist = new dwytpl.Playlist(playlistId);
let syncher = new dwytpl.Syncher(playlist.videos, downloadDir);
let tracker = syncher.tracker;
tracker.title.each(([title]) =>
console.log('new title:', title));
tracker.summary.each(lines => {
console.log('new summary:');
lines.forEach(line => console.log(line));
tracker.progress.each(lines => {
console.log('new progress:');
lines.forEach(line => console.log(line));
tracker.messages.each(lines => {
console.log('new messages:');
lines.forEach(line => console.log(line));
is an in-place console printer.
new SplitPrinter(number titleLines, number summaryLines, number progressLines, number messageLines)
set titleLines(string[])
set summaryLines(string[])
set progressLines(string[])
set messageLines(string[])
example using SplitPrinter
const path = require('path');
const dwytpl = require('dwytpl');
let tracker = dwytpl(path.resolve(__dirname, '../downloads'), 'OLAK5uy_mt1gUnCahoe2g5rYOCCxLU_pMxBxcSbPw', 10);
let splitPrinter = new dwytpl.SplitPrinter(1, 2, 10, 30);
tracker.title.each(titleLines =>
splitPrinter.titleLines = titleLines);
tracker.summary.each(summaryLines =>
splitPrinter.summaryLines = summaryLines.slice(0, 2));
tracker.progress.each(progressLines =>
splitPrinter.progressLines = progressLines);
tracker.messages.each(messageLines =>
splitPrinter.messageLines = messageLines);
SplitPrinter output
Classical Music Playlist [65]
skipped 0. downloaded 7. failed 0. remaining 58. total 65
10.77% (24.98 minutes remaining)
0000 Symphony_No_4_in_F_minor_Op_36_II_Andant 70.19% (72.04 seconds remaining) [8.01 MB]
0003 Finlandia_Op_26#ttSfHy9BI8w 78.51% (43.08 seconds remaining) [6.75 MB]
0005 The_Lark_Ascending#TA5EfjamTUA 43.67% (3.37 minutes remaining) [12.13 MB]
0006 Brandenburg_Concerto_No3_in_G_Major_BWV_ 32.95% (5.61 minutes remaining) [16.69 MB]
0009 La_Valse#NQGY1VBpSmo 55.16% (137.73 seconds remaining) [10.20 MB]
0010 Piano_Sonata_No_14_in_C_Sharp_Minor_Op_2 94.67% (7.21 seconds remaining) [4.62 MB]
0013 Pavane_pour_une_infante_dfunte#d-rJmeTA9 52.32% (64.12 seconds remaining) [4.99 MB]
0014 Pavane_Op_50#RV_uPAwO5Po 32.69% (68.25 seconds remaining) [4.59 MB]
0015 Preludes_Book_I_VIII_La_fille_aux_cheveu 22.84% (50.05 seconds remaining) [4.04 MB]
0016 Spartacus_Suite_No_1_I_Adagio_of_Spartac 10.65% (95.13 seconds remaining) [8.22 MB]
0002 Lakm_Act_I_The_Flower_Duet#V0pakGAv6Uo done downloading (36.35 seconds)
0007 Pie_Jesu#D17TEgTwc6c done downloading (30.76 seconds)
0001 Stars_and_Stripes_Forever#43i4UvNHgoM done downloading (82.10 seconds)
0004 Peer_Gynt_Suite_No_1_Op_46_I_Morning_Moo done downloading (104.58 seconds)
0011 Serenade_in_G_major_Eine_kleine_Nachtmus done downloading (82.16 seconds)
0012 Elizabethan_Serenade#aUxeE56k7XI done downloading (75.47 seconds)
0008 Gaspard_de_la_nuit_I_Ondine#c0y8JfJsK8o done downloading (162.20 seconds)
API key
By default, this module uses a public API key for its requests. It's very likely this will repeatedly surpass quotas and not work. Instead, it's recommended to specify an API key unique to your project using the setApiKey(string)
const dwytpl = require('dwytpl');
note on Stream's
this module and its api use Stream
s extensively. For detailed information about streams, see the bs-better-stream npm package.