Open Source Library for make discord bot
DWorker Library - for discord.js
DWorker Is a Open Source library that made for helping to make your discord bot. We have a lot of easier ways to make your bot. Easier, Does More
First step! Install dependecies
- discord.js
- @types/node
npm install dworkerlib discord.js @types/node
Second step! Setup Typescript config
Let's create file called tsconfig.json and copy json below this and then put to your file.
"compilerOptions": {
"declaration": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"target": "es6",
"outDir": "dist",
"module": "commonjs",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"sourceMap": true,
"lib": [
"rootDir": "src"
"include": [
"exclude": [
Third step! Setup structure
Create folders in your project root to be like this.
- yourProject/
- dist/
- node_modules/
- src/
- Commands/
- Listeners/
Fourth step! Setup the DWorker
Go create index.ts in src/ folder and copy code below this and then put to your file.
import { Worker } from 'dworkerlib';
import * as path from 'path';
new Worker({
token: 'your token', // Your bot token
commandsFolder: path.join(__dirname, 'Commands'), // Your Commands folder
listenersFolder: path.join(__dirname, 'Listeners'), // Your Listeners folder
prefix: '+' // Prefix of bot's commands
That's all you need to setup your project.
Next... I'll show you how to create a Command and Listener
Create Command
Create a file in folder src/Commands/ and name whatever you want, but mine is Ping.ts
import { Message } from "discord.js";
import { CommandHandler, SetupCommand } from "dworkerlib/dist/Interfaces/CommandInterface";
export default class implements CommandHandler {
setup() {
const setup: SetupCommand = {
commandName: 'ping',
getClient: false,
executable: 'run'
return setup;
async run(message: Message) {
await message.reply('Pong!');
Create Listener
Do the same as create command but create in folder src/Listeners/
import { Client } from "discord.js";
import { ListenerHandler, ListEvents, SetupListener } from "dworkerlib/dist/Interfaces/ListenerInterface";
export default class implements ListenerHandler {
setup() {
const setup: SetupListener = {
eventName: ListEvents.ready,
executable: 'whenBotReady',
getClient: true
return setup;
whenBotReady(client: Client) {
console.log('[Bot] Is Ready now...');
status: 'idle',
activity: {
type: 'PLAYING',
name: 'Using a DWorker Library'
When you need to run your bot
You just type tsc
and then type node dist/index
Let's enjoy your bot!! ❤