A starter project for command line scaffolding of Hello World tutorial projects.
A starter project for command line scaffolding of Hello World tutorial projects.
Use Dwid to scaffold out projects in a step by step process.
For developers (remove this section before publishing to NPM)
DWID stands for "Do What I Do". The idea for it came about from observing that people who had put in hours of effort trying to learn web technologies through interactive cloud-based tutorials still didn't know how to put projects together and how the technologies work with each other.
The basic process for creating a Dwid app is:
- Developing To run it locally:
- Navigate to the project on the command line.
- Run:
npm install
node index.js dwid
- Put in the assets (files) you want to scaffold out. Do this in the commands/assets directory. These could be HTML/CSS/JS files, images, etc.
- Create topics. Do this in command/topics and export them in the command/topics/index.js file.
- Configure the flow of the scaffolding. Do this in commands/topics/dwid.js.
- Preparing to publish In package.json:
- Change the name of the app to the name of your Dwid, e.g. "dwid-web-design".
- Change the version to a starting version (0.0.1).
- Change the value of the "bin" property to use a custom CLI command for your app. For example, the following will allow the app to be run with a CLI command of "dwid-web-design":
"bin": {
"dwid-web-design": "./bin/dwid"
- Modify any other other applicable properties. In README.md (this file):
- Modify the description under the main heading to suit your app.
- Remove the "For developers" section.
- In the "Installation" section, change the install command from:
npm install -g dwid
To the command you specified in package.json, for example:
npm install -g dwid-web-design
And in the "Usage" section, change:
To your global command, for example:
- Publishing
- Create an NPM account.
- Set your NPM author info:
npm set init.author.name "Your Name"
npm set init.author.email "[email protected]"
npm set init.author.url "http://yourblog.com"
npm adduser
- Publish your Dwid to NPM
npm publish ./
Best practices
- The naming convention for Dwid projects is lowercase and prefixed with "dwid" and suffewith the "my-project-name" being the topic of study: dwid-my-project-name,
- Each project built with Dwid should be a well-rounded and reasonably narrow unit of learning.
- Dwid works best if the scaffolded items are well commented to explain each step.
- Links to related resources are also handy and can be included in the comments.
If you're interested in developing the Dwid project, fork this repository :)
In short:
npm install -g dwid
For beginners:
Dwid is run on the command line and is installed through NPM. You'll need to have Node.js on your computer, which can be downloaded here: Node.js
Then you can open the terminal (on Mac) or command prompt (on Windows) to run the NPM command above.
Create a folder on your machine that you want Dwid to use, you could call it "Dwid". Open your terminal or command prompt on this folder and run the following command:
From here, just follow the commands and Dwid will take you through the tutorial!
Dwid was built on top of the Commander Starter project.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.