A command line utility to help make your development experience on the Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) platform a more straight forward, intuitive, and productive experience. The goal of this cli tool is to help you avoid Eclipse and the Business
A command line utility to help make your development experience on the Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Demandware) platform a more straight forward, intuitive, and productive experience. The goal of this cli tool is to help you avoid Eclipse and the Business Manager and keep you focused in the IDE of your choice (atom, vscode, sublime, etc).
Straight from the command line, you can push code directly to any configured instance, activate any code version, trigger a watch proces to push files in real-time, stream logs (with an excellent number of filtering options), and much more.
Usage: dw <command> <instance> [options] --switches
init Create a dw-cli.json file
versions <instance> List code versions on an instance
activate <instance> [code-version] Activate code version on an instance
push <instance> [code-version] Push code version to an instance
remove <instance> [code-version] Remove code version from an instance
watch <instance> [code-version] Push changes to an instance
job <instance> <job-id> Run a job on an instance
clean <instance> Remove inactive code versions on instance
extract <instance> <file> Extract a file on an instance
log <instance> Stream log files from an instance
keygen <user> <crt> <key> <srl> Generate a staging certificate for a stage
instance user account
--username, -u Username for instance
--password, -p Password for instance
--hostname, -h Hostname for instance
--cartridges, -c Path to cartridges
--api-version Demandware API Version
--client-id Demandware API Client ID
--client-password Demandware API Client Password
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
dw versions dev01 List code versions on dev01
dw activate dev01 Activate branch name as code version on dev01
dw push dev01 version1 Push version1 to dev01
dw remove dev01 Remove branch name as code version from dev01
dw watch dev01 version1 Push changes in cwd to version1 on dev01
dw clean dev01 Remove all inactive code versions on dev01
dw log dev01 Stream log files from the dev01
Activate, push, remove, and watch assume the 'code version' is the git branch of the cwd unless it is declared in the command arguments.
dw push
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw push dev01
[23:21:06] Pushing current-branch-name to dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
✔ Zipping 'cartridges'
✔ Creating remote folder /Cartridges/current-branch-name
✔ Uploading /Cartridges/current-branch-name/archive.zip
✔ Unzipping /Cartridges/current-branch-name/archive.zip
✔ Removing /Cartridges/current-branch-name/archive.zip
[23:21:42] Success 30.142s
dw activate
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw activate dev01 current-branch-name
[23:22:00] Activating current-branch-name on dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
✔ Activating
[23:22:04] Success 0.976s
dw versions
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw versions dev01
[23:22:06] Reading code versions on dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
✔ Reading
✔ current-branch-name
✖ master
✖ develop
[23:22:08] Success 0.754s
dw remove
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw remove dev01 version1
[16:40:51] Removing develop from dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
✔ Removing
[16:40:57] Success 5.762s
dw clean
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw clean dev01
[16:42:05] Cleaning up dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
✔ Reading
✔ Removed version2
✔ Removed version1
✔ Removed version3
[16:42:06] Success 1.025s
dw watch
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw watch dev01
[23:22:25] Pushing current-branch-name changes to dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
cartridges/app_controllers/README.md changed
✔ cartridges/app_controllers/README.md pushed to Cartridges/current-branch-name/app_controllers
cartridges/app_controllers/cartridge/controllers/Home.js changed
✔ cartridges/app_controllers/cartridge/controllers/Home.js pushed to Cartridges/current-branch-name/app_controllers/cartridge/controllers
⠙ Watching 'cartridges' [Ctrl-C to Cancel]
dw log
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw log help
dw log <instance>
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--poll-interval Polling interval for log (seconds) [default: 2]
--num-lines Number of lines to print on each tail [default: 100]
--include Log levels to include [array] [default: []]
--exclude Log levels to exclude [array] [default: []]
--list Output a list of available log levels [default: false]
--filter Filter log messages by regexp [default: null]
--length Length to truncate a log message [default: null]
--no-timestamp Stop converting timestamps to computer locale [default: false]
--search Instead of a tail, this will execute a search [default: false]
on all log files (useful for Production)
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw log dev01
[23:23:28] Streaming log files from dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
customerror [2016-12-30 18:49:49.212 GMT] ERROR PipelineCallServlet|12129246|Sites-Site|Product-HitTile|PipelineCall|Gl5mgZN_FjcBOi1siIw8AAPAMkRF7fycxl5GKt-wIdKVBUMYxGFRD1k-EtRw7gCSoVy0GgkT_Mw4Xju3W6a4Gg== custom.ProductImageSO.ds Image doesn't exist: "default/images/hi-res/2111319/1.jpg". Product ID: "Black BE
error at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.append(ByteChunk.java:366)
error at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalOutputBuffer$OutputStreamOutputBuffer.doWrite(InternalOutputBuffer.java:240)
error at org.apache.coyote.http11.filters.IdentityOutputFilter.doWrite(IdentityOutputFilter.java:84)
error at org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractOutputBuffer.doWrite(AbstractOutputBuffer.java:192)
error at org.apache.coyote.Response.doWrite(Response.java:499)
error at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(OutputBuffer.java:402)
error ... 42 more
wwd [02:15:01.610] DEBUG Completed DR backup.
wwd [02:45:01.604] DEBUG Starting DR backup.
wwd [02:45:01.611] DEBUG Completed DR backup.
syslog [2016-12-31 04:22:03.465 GMT] User system activates code version 'current-branch-name'.
syslog [2016-12-31 04:22:03.920 GMT] Code version 'current-branch-name' activated.
syslog [2016-12-31 04:22:03.920 GMT] User system clears pipeline page cache of root
analyticsengine [2016-12-31 02:02:01.592 GMT] Splitter only runs on production instance
analyticsengine [2016-12-31 02:32:01.595 GMT] Base directory is: /remote/bbhd/bbhd_s08/sharedata/adl
api [2016-12-30 20:07:51.158 GMT] PipelineDictionary usage violation: WARN: deprecated getAlias() PIPELET: com.demandware.pipelet.common.Assign
api [2016-12-30 21:18:40.095 GMT] PipelineDictionary usage violation: WARN: deprecated getAliasKey() PIPELET: com.demandware.component.foundation.pipelet.common.DispatchFormAction
sysevent [2016-12-31 04:22:03.485 GMT] Using '/remote/bbhd/bbhd_s08/sharedata/cartridges/current-branch-name/bm_paypal/cartridge' as main cartridge directory for 'bm_paypal'.
sysevent [2016-12-31 04:22:03.486 GMT] Using '/remote/bbhd/bbhd_s08/sharedata/cartridges/current-branch-name/int_cybersource/cartridge' as main cartridge directory for 'int_cybersource'.
jobs [2016-12-31 04:23:01.597 GMT] Created Job configuration for domain [system]. Job type [1]. Job Configuration [, de4ba8565c1ee2d1998142d8bc]
jobs [2016-12-31 04:23:01.598 GMT] Created Job configuration for Schedule [RealTimeQuotaAlert, 5243faf4c73317f2ac12e375df]
⠙ Streaming [Ctrl-C to Cancel]
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw log dev01 --include error,warn --filter '42|402' --length 100 --poll-interval 1 --num-lines 100
[16:15:34] Streaming log files from dev01-region-brand.demandware.net
error at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:423)
error at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1142)
error at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(OutputBuffer.java:402)
error ... 42 more
error at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.write(OutputBuffer.java:420)
warn [2017-01-13 07:56:01.464 GMT] WARN JobThread|14022147|Export Analytics Configuration|ExportAnalytics
warn [2017-01-13 08:15:01.623 GMT] WARN wwd-pool.2 com.demandware.wwd.dr.DRBackupMgr system JOB 4eb780bd
warn [2017-01-13 08:56:01.490 GMT] WARN JobThread|24209416|Export Analytics Configuration|ExportAnalytics
warn [2017-01-13 09:15:01.475 GMT] WARN wwd-pool.0 com.demandware.wwd.dr.DRBackupMgr system JOB 4eb780bd
warn [2017-01-13 09:45:01.482 GMT] WARN wwd-pool.2 com.demandware.wwd.dr.DRBackupMgr system JOB 4eb780bd
warn [2017-01-13 10:15:01.477 GMT] WARN wwd-pool.0 com.demandware.wwd.dr.DRBackupMgr system JOB 4eb780bd
warn [2017-01-13 10:45:01.494 GMT] WARN wwd-pool.1 com.demandware.wwd.dr.DRBackupMgr system JOB 4eb780bd
warn [2017-01-13 10:45:01.495 GMT] WARN wwd-pool.2 com.demandware.wwd.dr.DRBackupMgr system JOB 4eb780bd
warn [2017-01-13 10:56:01.467 GMT] WARN JobThread|24209416|Export Analytics Configuration|ExportAnalytics
warn [2017-01-13 11:15:01.474 GMT] WARN wwd-pool.2 com.demandware.wwd.dr.DRBackupMgr system JOB 4eb780bd
warn [2017-01-13 11:56:01.467 GMT] WARN JobThread|14022147|Export Analytics Configuration|ExportAnalytics
⠴ Streaming log files from dev01-region-brand.demandware.net [Ctrl-C to Cancel]
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ dw log dev01 --filter 'sailthru|email' --search
⠴ Searching log files from dev01-region-brand.demandware.net for 'sailthru|email' [Ctrl-C to Cancel]
service-Sailthru_User_API [2018-3-25 14:27:35] ERROR PipelineCallServlet|400482723|Sites-Site|EmailSignup-EmailForm|PipelineCall|n_LJ-AsvYiGimwbRqrZXxOwz6bLew3cc1iRjwFwEZsGzYkD4Nrm95RDMkLAwH7fpqY3-sRa8_PWEXYXktoQDtQ== custom.service.sailthru.http.user.HEAD [] service=sailthru.http.user status=ERROR errorCode=400 errorMessage={"error":99,"errormsg":"User not found with email: [email protected]"}
service-Sailthru_User_API [2018-3-25 15:27:44] ERROR PipelineCallServlet|502093428|Sites-Site|EmailSignup-EmailForm|PipelineCall|UGie3fDj5pp77A49r3ZHWk1ebjdAju6Qs0PMag104Pi4sY1-l9QTPZ2JEM8lL2d9XzBT3bvNb4JgTTE_F-mtbQ== custom.service.sailthru.http.user.HEAD [] service=sailthru.http.user status=ERROR errorCode=400 errorMessage={"error":99,"errormsg":"User not found with email: [email protected]"}
service-Sailthru_User_API [2018-3-25 16:02:36] ERROR PipelineCallServlet|502093428|Sites-Site|EmailSignup-EmailForm|PipelineCall|CTB_qwunFBBzELq1rwox4QzSf0v_Q1noPnbAHgZlOTUNd1KZ1lfBUTyKVx_pzjNUYSshsybjr5J2mDplVmp_AQ== custom.service.sailthru.http.user.HEAD [] service=sailthru.http.user status=ERROR errorCode=400 errorMessage={"error":99,"errormsg":"User not found with email: [email protected]"}
service-Sailthru_User_API [2018-3-25 17:01:53] ERROR PipelineCallServlet|676028419|Sites-Site|EmailSignup-EmailForm|PipelineCall|etSBKa0l9L4lqCZoL5aVxWV_GPlm34ISH-534tLgk7o5on_Ov_qraWPMsgAbr9Qdh6_l-bQoLqYWDqHZP8cVOQ== custom.service.sailthru.http.user.HEAD [] service=sailthru.http.user status=ERROR errorCode=400 errorMessage={"error":99,"errormsg":"User not found with email: [email protected]"}
service-Sailthru_User_API [2018-3-25 17:03:34] ERROR PipelineCallServlet|676028419|Sites-Site|EmailSignup-EmailForm|PipelineCall|etSBKa0l9L4lqCZoL5aVxWV_GPlm34ISH-534tLgk7o5on_Ov_qraWPMsgAbr9Qdh6_l-bQoLqYWDqHZP8cVOQ== custom.service.sailthru.http.user.HEAD [] service=sailthru.http.user status=ERROR errorCode=400 errorMessage={"error":99,"errormsg":"User not found with email: [email protected]"}
service-Sailthru_User_API [2018-3-25 17:04:23] ERROR PipelineCallServlet|1923185397|Sites-Site|EmailSignup-EmailForm|PipelineCall|etSBKa0l9L4lqCZoL5aVxWV_GPlm34ISH-534tLgk7o5on_Ov_qraWPMsgAbr9Qdh6_l-bQoLqYWDqHZP8cVOQ== custom.service.sailthru.http.user.HEAD [] service=sailthru.http.user status=ERROR errorCode=400 errorMessage={"error":99,"errormsg":"User not found with email: [email protected]"}
✔ Search of dev01-region-brand.demandware.net for 'sailthru|email' complete
Install via NPM
user@computer:~/Sites/site$ npm install -g dw-cli
The way config works
Place a dw-cli.json file in your project root directory or use dw init
- Regular file config comes first.
- If instance config exists in the file it overrides regular config when using a particular instance in your command.
- Command line arguments override the config file.
Sandbox Dev Example
Working on a single sandbox and your cartidges are in a 'cartridges' folder in the project root?
"username": "default-user",
"password": "default-pass",
"cartridges": "cartridges",
"apiVersion": "v16_6",
"clientId": "client-id-from-account-dashboard",
"clientPassword": "client-password-from-account-dashboard",
"instances": {
"staging": {
"hostname": "stage.hostname.com"
Another Example
Working on several sandboxes and a staging instance with two-factor auth?
"username": "default-user",
"password": "default-pass",
"apiVersion": "v16_6",
"clientId": "client-id-from-account-dashboard",
"clientPassword": "client-password-from-account-dashboard",
"instances": {
"dev02": {
"hostname": "dev02-region-brand.demandware.net",
"password": "different-pass"
"staging": {
"hostname": "stage.hostname.com",
"webdav": "cert.staging.us.brand.demandware.net",
"key": "./user.key",
"cert": "./user.pem",
"ca": "./staging.cert"
All Possible Config Options
"username": "default-user",
"password": "default-pass",
"cartridges": "cartridges-root-folder",
"apiVersion": "v16_6",
"clientId": "client-id-from-account-dashboard",
"clientPassword": "client-password-from-account-dashboard",
"webdav": "cert.staging.region.brand.demandware.net",
"key": "./user.key",
"cert": "./user.pem",
"ca": "./staging.cert",
"instances": {
"staging": {
"hostname": "stage.hostname.com"
Sandbox Instances
For sandbox instances, I try to keep all of mine consistent as far as usernames and passwords go, so that is why we have the global default 'hostname' postfix, 'username', and 'password' config fields. When you type in something like dw push dev01
, the 'hostname' will converted to 'dev01-region-brand.demandware.net'. If you need to override any settings per instance, you can do that in 'instances', as seen above with a scenario where the dev02 sandbox instance has a different password than the rest (yay strict af demandware password policy).
For staging, if you are using a custom hostname, you can fill that into 'hostname'.
Two-factor Auth and WebDAV
If two-factor auth is configured on staging, the special hostname required for webdav can be filled into 'webdav' as well as key, cert, and ca — these are all generated using the staging cert given to you from support. The process of creating the user key and pem from the staging cert is outlined in the support documentation.
Versions, Activate, and Job commands
To get access to 'versions', 'activate', and 'job', you will need to setup your Open Commerce API Settings (Global, not Site) on each instance. A Client ID and Client Password can be created in the Account Center (account.demandware.com).
"methods":["get", "patch", "put"],